Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A New Addition

Happy Tuesday, dear friends.  I hope everyone had a great weekend - whether it be with lots of family and friends or plenty of relaxation.

I enjoyed a wonderful week with my #2.  It certainly had its share of sadness but I was so fortunate to have my sweet #2 by my side in bidding my precious Gypsy good bye. The days were naturally quiet but we managed to get some college clothes shopping in and plenty of lunches in at #2's favorite place... Whole Foods.

We dropped our #2 at the airport on Saturday.  She had to be back by Sunday.  We did some food shopping for Easter and then we went to visit a goldendoodle dog breeder.  The Mister's idea.  He said that he wanted to buy me a puppy  for my birthday (which, coincidentally is this week).  I told him no - it was too soon.  But deep down inside, I had a hole in my heart and I missed having a sweet dog in my life.    The Mister and I  have always had a dog - a yorkie for 17 years and a sweet mixture of sweetness named Gypsy for 12 blissful years.  The house was so empty without a the  presence of our sweet girl Gypsy.

You know what's coming next.  You know I couldn't walk away without one of those sweet puppies in my arms.  We both had full intention of buying a female.  The breeder brought us to look at all the available puppies.  She brought out two females to play with on the grass.  They were a bundle of energy.  I kept looking back at the kennel at this little pup that was much too pretty to be a male.  I asked to hold him.  That was it.  He had such a sweet calmness about him.  His face looked just like our Gypsy.  That was it.  The Mister and I were both smitten. The Mister didn't mind the thought of having another male presence around either.

On the car ride to the breeders we discussed names.  We agreed on Gracie if it was a girl.  In our quest for the perfect name, the Mister mentioned "chowder."  I said it wasn't feminine enough.  Now that we were adopting a little boy, we didn't have to worry about that. With our puppy's cream coloring, Chowder was a perfect name.  Then the Mister declared Chowdah it is.  Did I mention that the Mister's Boston accent has reappeared?  So we agreed that since the Mister couldn't pronounce chowder  we would name him "Chowdah" - Boston speak for chowder.

My 2 favorite guys.

We drove home with a quick detour to Petsmart with Chowdah snuggled into my lap.  The poor little guy got car sick 3 times on the journey to his new home.  When we arrived, the Mister gave his #1 son a bath.  I dried him off and held his little shaking body in a  warm blanket in my lap for the rest of the evening.

Our first selfie!!

    At the kennel, Chowdah didn't have a bed.  I think he probably slept on the floor of the kennel or snuggled with his sisters and brothers.  It took him awhile to figure it out.

The first day, the Mister and I spent a lot of time on our knees with cleaning products. It was an adjustment for all of us.

I think our little Chowdah is going to fit into our family just fine.

Hope your day is filled with puppy love!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I got tears in my eyes reading this. What sweetness! And, Chowdah is preciously adorable!

  2. Is there anything cuter than a sleeping puppy? Happy for you and your new addition. It's the perfect time of year for a puppy too - have so much fun :-)

  3. Oh my word he is precious!!! So adorable. Our neighbors have one, and he is so sweet. A bit more reddish and curly like a poodle. He grew fast. I don't think we could ever be without a dog for long. We were so thankful we still had Toby and Kylee when we had to put our sweet Tyler down last spring. We saw the cutest puppy a couple weeks ago at Petsmart for adoption and it took all we both had not to bring it home. Thank goodness the girls were not home at the time. That would have been all she wrote. Love his name...perfect!

  4. Congratulations keeps lots of wee wee pads handy, and Natures Miracle too!

  5. awww...He is SOOO cute. What a wonderful Happy Birthday present. I am glad you took the plunge and got a new baby to take care of. It is so hard to lose a pet-they are like a member of the family, aren't they? xo Diana

  6. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! MOMMY AND DADDY. Don't let that shy demeanor trick you. He stood aside and said..."let those girls go at it, I have the lady sized up already" Look out he will be a terror just like the rest of them. But that is why we love puppies and say "did I really do this AGAIN?" Yes you did and you will be happier for it. xoxo R

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  9. Love your new "addition".....and so cute! I lost my two sweet male cavaliers within 3 months of each other and know that empty feeling both in your heart and home. It took me a month to get my little girl and like you, I can not see my life without a dog. Enjoy and Gypsy would have approved :)

  10. Happiness is truly a warm puppy!

    All the best!


  11. Cuz, Mom and I just love your new baby, so adorable.

  12. I'm reading your posts backwards, as I've been away for a few weeks. I'm so so sorry for your loss. Chowdah! looks absolutely perfect! I'm sure he will help to repair your broken hearts. Hope the puppy training goes smoothly. Congratulations!

  13. Too cute!! I'm so glad you have a new puppy to help mend your heart. (I also adopted a new kitty a few weeks after my favorite girl died in January.)

  14. Oh my goodness...what a sweetie! Congratulations to the proud parents! I love the name! xoxo

  15. he is so precious, I know Gypsy is smiling down from heaven on your new bundle of joy. he is beyond adorable (and I am sure full of energy). So happy for your family.

  16. Thrilled for you! So glad Chowdah is here to soothe your heart. Think perhaps Gypsy had a part in this.

  17. What a wonderful story! My heart was touched. A great luck for this cute puppy and his Mom. It could not be better!
    Happy Birthday!!

  18. Oh, he is absolutely beautiful! Congratulations on the new family member.

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  20. Sorry, there were so many mistakes (no spell check in comments) I had to delete! I'll just go with congratulations...I can spell that.

    Warmly, Kathleen

  21. He has soulful eyes.I know the feeling of an empty house and am still tearful after losing my precious cat Bob only a little over a week ago.But I also miss having a buddy in the house. Enjoy!

  22. OMG......I am crying like a baby right now.....so precious! My own sophiejane, an apricot poodle, who is my best friend, my soulmate and the only one who knows every single secret in my life.....is 14. And she is losing her hearing, her sight and beginning to really show her age. I do not know how I will survive the day she leaves me. So, in reading your post, you have given me hope that all will be ok when that day comes. That I WILL have to have another just because I cannot imagine my life without the joy she has given me. That "chowdah" guy is so adorable and funny...aren't puppies just the best?? I visited boston for first time last yr and was educated all about "wicked"....my first thought when I saw his name was that you should have named him Wicked Chowdah!!!!! I'm from the deep south and ya'lls accents just tickle me! (as mine did to every person in the boston airport)
    Just found your blog and will go now to find posts about your sweet gypsy. And be back to catch up on your empty nest adventures. I'm right there with ya, sistah!!

  23. Oh, it has to be love at first sight with Golden-doodles. We have Murphy who will be 2 in July. Our story is much like yours. Our sweet dog of 17 years had to be put to sleep. I am not good without a dog. Murphy joined the family a week later. There is another doodle in the family too. Congratulations on your new puppy adventures!

  24. Oh My! just saw that you lived in McKinney!! I'm right outside of Shreveport and our lakehouse is in Uncertain TX! right down the road from McKinney. my oldest son and family live in plano!!
    How.....I'm wondering......were you able to leave our sunshine for the snow and chill of east coast??? Went to cape cod last sept for a girlfriend trip and we FROZE!!!! Hard to get us southerners out of the sunshine!!!! heheheheheh......

  25. Oh, I am so happy for you and the mista! The pictures of your little guy getting used to his new bed are priceless. Congrats on the new addition to your wonderful family!

  26. This is just precious and priceless! So sweet- I can just smell the puppy breath and feel how soft and cuddly he is through the pics. Adorable!

  27. What a sweet addition to your family. I love his name and the photos of Chowdah attempting to sleep on his new cushion are so adorable....Happy Birthday week to you as well. :-)

  28. that is the cutest little sadsack ! Love his learning to adjust to the bed. Hope he gets the potty training down quickly.

  29. Congrats on your baby boy! I just adore his name!!!

  30. Your new dawg is adorable! We live with three labs and they are wonderful, but drive us crazy with their individual quirks! You can read about them on THEIR blog at asthedawgsbark.blogspot.com.

  31. Oh I am so sorry about your Gypsy. Oh, can you tell that I am just cruising your blog and enjoying it so much?? We had our name on a goldendoodle adoption list, but then along came Dolly and the rescues, so I canceled feeling that I had my hands full. I have never had the opportunity to go and pick out my own dog...all of mine are rescues, but I am not complaining. I will do the goldendoodle enjoyment through you, so keep the post coming on sweet Chowdah!


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