J. Crew Factory for Fall

Tuckernuck's styles for the new season

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

RIP Sweet Gypsy

On Tuesday, we lost our beloved Gypsy.  Our poor, sweet girl developed cancer and was in such pain we had to put her to sleep.  My #2 and I were with her holding her until the bitter end.  It was one of the hardest days of my life.

We adopted Gypsy from a rescue group on Columbus Day twelve years ago.  As I looked at all the dogs in the cages up for adoption on that warm October day, I spotted a white ragamuffin with big brown eyes.  Unlike the other dogs, she made direct eye contact and held it.  I knew in my heart she was an old soul and she belonged with us.

Her foster mom told me that they found her wandering a gas station in Conroe, Texas.  It appeared she had just delivered a litter.  She also informed me that she had never met a sweeter dog.  All she needed was for someone to love her.

It was so easy to love Gypsy.  She never had a bad day but could always sense when someone else was having one.  

I don't think I will ever stop missing my sweet girl. 

When Tomorrow Starts Without Me

When tomorrow starts without me,
And I'm not there to see;
The sun will rise and find your eyes
All filled with tears for me.
I wish so much you wouldn't cry
The way you did today,
Remembering how I'd lay my head
In your lap that special way.
I know how much you love me,
As much as I love you,
And each time that you think of me,
I know you'll miss me too.

But when tomorrow starts without me.
Please try to understand,
That an angel came and called my name
And petted me with her hand.
She said my place was ready,
In Heaven far above,
And that I'd have to leave behind
All those I dearly love.

But, as I turned to heel away,
A tear fell from my eye,
For all my life I never thought
That I would have to die.
I had so much to live for,
So many sits and downs to do,
It seemed almost impossible,
That I was leaving you.

I thought about our lives together,
I know you must be sad,
I thought of all the love we shared,
And all the fun we had.

Remember how I'd nudge your hand,
And poke you with my nose?
The frisbee I would gladly chase,
The bad guy, I'd "bark and hold".

If I could relive yesterday,
Just even for awhile,
I'd wag my tail and kiss you,
Just so I could see you smile.

But, then I fully realized,
That this could never be;
For emptiness and memories
Will take the place of me.
And when I thought of treats and toys,
I might miss come tomorrow,
I thought of you and when I did,
My dog-heart filled with sorrow.

But then I walked through Heaven's gate,
And felt so much at home;
As God looked down and smiled at me,
From His beautiful golden throne.
He said, "This is eternity,
And now we welcome you,
Today your life on earth is past,
But here it starts anew."

I promise no tomorrow,
But today will always last;
For you see, each day is the same day,
There's no longing for the past.
Now you have been so faithful,
So trusting, loyal and true;
Though there were times you did things,
You knew you shouldn't do.

But good dogs are forgiven,
And now at last you're free;
So won't you sit here by my side,
And wait right here with me?"
So when tomorrow starts without me,
Don't think we're far apart.
For every time you think of me,
I'm right there, in your heart.
~ Author Unknown

Rest in peace, sweet girl. 

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Oh Katie, I can't tell you how sorry I am to hear about your beloved pet. I lost my 12 year old Cavalier last fall, and it was such a hard time, pets are the greatest gift, their love is unconditional and their sweet playful ways just tug at your heart. She had an amazing life, and I hope in time when you think of her it will bring a smile to your face. You and your family are in my thoughts.

  2. Oh no...I am so sorry for your loss...I know how important Gypsy was in your life and this must be very difficult. Many hugs to you and your family! This is a lovely tribute. xoxo

  3. I'm so sorry, Katie. I know how sad you must be feeling. xoxo Laura

  4. I am sitting here in tears. I am so sorry, Katie. I know what you are going through. My husband and I lost our beloved Shih Tsu, Gabby, 6 weeks ago. He was fourteen and his little heart just gave out. I miss him every day.


  5. Katie, I am so sorry - it is the hardest thing. Being there for her at the end will comfort you in the days ahead. Pick up the book Dog Heaven - it's a children's book, but so comforting and the illustrations are beautiful.

  6. Now here I am at work reading this sobbing on my key pad. I have such a soft spot in my soul for dogs. I loved my 2 pugs and miss them terribly. I miss them everyday and after 4 years I can cry when looking at their pictures on my home office desk.
    Your precious dog Gypsy is missed by all us animals lovers and I couldn't read When Tomorrow Starts Without Me
    Thinking of you at this sad time

    1. Thanks so much for your beautiful sentiment. So sorry for your sweet pugs. They are such sweet dogs.

  7. Oh Ii am sooo sorry, as we all know that losing our best friend is one of life's hardest moments and we will never find a truer companion who loves us so unconditionally. Just rest comfortably knowing that you rescued Gypsy and gave her a wonderful life full of love, companionship and family. Such a sweetie pie......she is no doubt resting peacefully now and no longer suffering, as hard as it is to say goodbye. Sending a big hug.

    1. Thanks so much Tina. You always have the right words to say.

  8. Oh Dear Katie, I am so very sorry for your loss! Hold onto the happy memories, they will help you in the difficult days ahead. Your Gypsy story reminds me so much of our story with our beloved Berkley. As I look at Berkley napping, I just weep for your loss. God bless and keep you!

    1. Oh thank you. I assume Berkley is in your picture. What a cutey pie. Thanks so much for taking the time to write such a sweet note.

  9. So sorry to hear the news of sweet Gypsy's passing. We lost our beloved 13 year old Golden in June. It is never easy. They are family, they are the girls extra siblings. I still miss him, and expect to walk downstairs and see him waiting to go out. And, his poor buddy Toby still looks for him despite his pesky sister chasing him around the back yard.
    Thinking of you!! (((HUGS)))

    1. Thank you so much Lauren. I'm the same way - I think she will walk into the room any minute. Then I remember...

  10. That poem was absolutely beautiful. Wiping away the tears...I'm so very sorry. I know how hard it is to say good bye to our loyal little friends. xo

    1. Thanks sweet Bethe... hope to catch up with you this summer.

  11. Oh no. so sorry for your loss. I so enjoyed her posts.

  12. Katie, dear heart. Bless you for being with Gypsy till she left you to cross the "Rainbow Bridge". I know her little paw prints will be forever in your heart. I have a Westie, Scarlett O'Hara and I know the love they so generously give us and the spaces they fill when our children leave the nest. She will always be your fur baby. In time I hope the hurt in your heart will be replaced with all the love and happy memories you have of her. Know your blog friends care about you and send hugs.

    1. What beautiful words! Love Scarlett's name. I am looking at Westies to add to our family. They are so cute.

  13. I am so deeply sorry Katie. What a sweet way to honor Gypsy.

  14. Hello. Found this post today through Rivercrest Cottage. I'm new here but saw Gypsy's face and had to visit. From grade school on, I've been a dog owner. Likewise for my wonderful husband. So we've had several fuzzy babies over the years. The last moments are tough, but we have always been able to hold them, which is comforting for all. We're able to have our vet come out here, so the pups can be at home when the time comes.
    We had two brothers . . . litter mates . . and lost one last July. It will be soon for the other guy now, also, as he's a big fella and almost 12 years old. If you visit my blog, search for Freddy and you'll see that we have much in common, your family and ours. So saddened and sorry for your loss.

    1. Thank you so much for your nice words. I'm on my way to your blog right now!

  15. So sorry to hear about your sweet Gypsy. Dogs truly become part of the family and I know how much you loved her. Beautiful tribute.

    1. Thank you so much Melissa. Wish I could have given the writer of the poem the credit tho...

  16. I am so sorry for your loss! We lost our cat almost two years ago, and man those little furry babies sure can work their way into your heart!
    Hugs~ Nancy

    1. Thank you so much Nancy. They sure know how to get into your heart.

  17. So sorry to hear about the loss of Gypsy. My 2 cats passed last year. They were brothers and 13 years old. They died 5 months apart. After they passed, I couldn't even make coffee without crying, because I was use to them rubbing around my ankles in the morning when I made coffee. We have a 8 year old dog named Toby, a golden retriever mix. He also was found roaming around Conroe, Tx and sent to a shelter. We got him from the Montgomery County shelter when he was 3 months old. Loved the poem. My thoughts and prayers are with you from The Woodlands, TX.

    1. Thanks so much Cindy. Do you know that The Woodlands was my favorite place to live ever? Hope you like it as much as I did. I have great memories of living there.

  18. So sorry for your loss! So beautiful and so well loved. You will have a Gypsy sized hole in your heart forever…

  19. I'm so sorry, Katie. The poem was so touching and brought tears to my eyes. I lost my kitty in January (the best kitty in the world) after 17 1/2 years. She had a stroke in my arms. I think Gypsy won the doggie lottery. You gave her a wonderful life and right now she is enjoying the lack of snow in heaven.

    1. So sweet, Susie. How sad about your kitty. You were lucky to be holding her when she passed.

  20. I totally understand that it was one of the hardest days of your life. You know it's the right thing to do yet you bear a burden of guilt at the same time. It's a heart-wrenching decision. My condolences for your loss.

    1. Thanks so much. You are right when it comes to the guilt.

  21. That makes me so sad. Beautiful heartfelt poem. Beloved Gypsy, your family will always think of you with love and miss you.

    1. Thank you Eliza Beth. I miss you and your blog!! :(

  22. I'm so sorry. There is nothing like the love of a dog. You were lucky to have each other.

  23. NOOOO! I love her , I have to say I am teary eyed now, and she will be playing at the rainbows end with my gorgeous late Hogan. So Sorry big hug!

  24. My dear Katie, I am so sorry about Gypsy. I know this is a tremendous loss for your family. The readers of your blog were so fortunate to have know Gypsy thru your blog. That sweet little face always made me smile. Please know that you are not alone; I'm here if you need me. Will e-mail you as soon as I can. XOXO- Dawn

    1. Thank you so much Dawn. You always say the sweetest words.

  25. OH- I am bawling like a baby here, Katie. It is so so so hard to lose a pet. They are such a bit part of your family. There are certain pets that just fill your soul somehow- a bit different than all the pets that came before them or might come after them. I think that Gypsy fit that bill for you. I still miss our little Misty and it has been FOUR years gone now. God bless you, Katie.

    SweetCheeks tells me that when we get to Heaven we can go visit our pets at "their place" and they will know us. She said they can't come into people Heaven but there is a spot to visit them outside of "there". She should know because she is OUR old soul! xo Diana

    1. Thanks for your sweet words, Diana. I 'm sure SweetCheeks is right on target!

  26. I am so sorry you've lost your Gypsy and I cried when I read your post. It brought back memories of several pets we've had to say good bye to over the years. I just recently read and posted to my FB page a beautifully written "A Dog's Last Will and Testament" (author unknown) You can google that to get to the poem and I hope it will bring you just a little bit of peace...

    1. Thank you so much for your note, Lady J. I will definitely google that poem. I'm sure it will bring me peace.

  27. Dear Katie,
    As I type through tears, we (my husband enjoyed Gypsy's posts) are so sad for you. I hope your good memories of her will help sustain you through this difficult time.

    Warmly, Kathleen

    1. Thank you, Kathleen for your sweet words. So glad your husband enjoyed Gypsy's posts.

  28. Hi Katie, I have followed your blog for a few months and absolutely love it. You brighten my day with every post. I am so sorry for your loss. She was such a sweetie. That came across in her pictures. I know you will miss her. Please know how sad we are for your family's sorrow.
    Linda G.

    1. Thank you, Linda for taking the time to write such a nice note. I appreciate it so much.

  29. Katie, so sorry for your loss. Loved Gypsy's perspective on life with you. Know your grief is shared with all your loyal readers aka friends.

    1. Thank you so much. You are so right my readers aka friends have given me so much comfort.

  30. Dear Katie
    I am so sorry to hear of you losing Gypsy...I only just read today, it is very very sad for you and I am thinking of you over across the pond. There is such a special bond with a pet like your lovely Gypsy, and I know you will miss her.
    I think you were lucky to find each other, she must have had a wonderful life with you.
    Sending you much love, Sally xxx

    1. Thank you, sweet Sally from across the pond. Your heartfelt words are much appreciated.

  31. Dear Katie, I`m so sorry because Gypsy are no longer. She always brought a laugh in my face. You did give her a good home and a good living. And now you have many many good memories.
    Sending you warm greetings,

    1. Thank you so much for taking the time to write such a sweet note. You're right - I have wonderful memories.

  32. Dear Katie,I feel compelled to write to you through my tears.I share your grief.We had to put our treasured cat "Bob" down last Saturday.It has been a sad 3 months for us in that he had a tumor and we knew the outcome probably would not be good.
    Like Bob,finding Gypsy was meant to be.This was true love.

    1. Oh, I am so sorry about Bob. No one understands what heartache it is except a fellow animal lover.

  33. Dear Katie,

    So very sorry to read about Gypsy. I looked forward to reading her entertaining posts and will miss her. What a lucky day for her when she was adopted by your wonderful family. She had 12 amazing years with y'all, and I sure she was forever grateful.

    From one dog lover to another,
    Lisa in Houston

    1. Thank you for your thoughtful words, Lisa. They are truly appreciated.

  34. Katie, I am so sorry to read about Gypsy. Pets bring so much to our lives it's hard to imagine life without them. I have two older dogs and cannot imagine what I will do when their time comes. I suppose there is comfort in knowing Gypsy is no longer suffering. I am so sorry. What a lucky dog she was to have found you. So much love she received.

    1. Thank you so much for your heartfelt words, Tery. They are so appreciated.

  35. Katie, I am so very sorry to hear about Gypsy; I know that you will miss her deeply - and we will miss your funny stories about her! You gave her so many wonderful years; thank you for adopting! So many truly wonderful animals don't make it because people don't adopt. Thinking of you, Beth

    1. Beth, Thank you for your kind words. I can't tell you how much I appreciate them.

  36. I'm so sorry to hear about Gypsy. If she's got any kind of of fun side (and we know she does), she's probably hanging with Bailey.

  37. Katie, you don't know me from Adam, but I so enjoy your blog.
    I am so sorry about your sweet Gypsy. I loved the tours she took us on in your new home. She was very blessed the day you added her to your family. She evidently did not have an easy start in life, but her 12 years with you and your family is what she remembered. They take parts of our hearts when we have to let them go.
    Kathy in Brandon, MS

  38. Katie,I wrote to you a little while ago.I am the one who lost my cat Bob.I happened to see the guest post from Gypsy written in January.well, needless to say,I laughed out loud! She had quite a way with words.This post brought me some needed levity given this week's events in my life.I have perused your blog on several occasions but will be a loyal follower from now on. I live in Massachusetts too! Take Care....Debbie

  39. I was so sad to see your post about Gypsy. I think I'd never realized she was much more than 5 or 6 years old. Doing the right thing it so difficult. I don't know how you typed her tribute poem. Three lines in and my watery eyes can't focus to read. No doubt she knew she was well loved from day one and her last one. What a lucky girl to have had such a nice family and life.
    Jody in NC

  40. To My Mommy, From Gypsy, "Grieve not, nor speak of me with tears....but laugh, and talk of me as if I were beside you. I loved you so...'twas Heaven here with you."

  41. Oh, I'm so very sorry to hear about the loss of your sweet Gypsy.

  42. Katie,

    I'm so sorry to hear that you lost Gypsy. She had such a delightful little personality and her input on your posts added just the right touch! Losing your right hand gal is so hard. I remember when we lost our first bulldog, Max, the silence was deafening!

    Thinking of you~

  43. It is so hard to lose a furry family member. Her pictures look so sweet. You were lucky to have her for 12 years, as lucky as she was to be adopted by such a loving family. I am sorry for your loss.

  44. I'm so sorry for your loss. You brought Gypsy into our homes with her guest posts. It was such fun when you would share her perspective with us. She will be missed and remembered fondly.

  45. I'm a huge dog lover and know that once you have to put a dog to sleep, any time you hear of anyone else going through the same thing, your heart breaks for them all over again. So very, very sorry. What a lucky dog Gypsy was to have captured your heart and shared your home!

  46. Thank you so much for sharing this. We had to have our sweet Louie put to sleep a week ago, and I miss him so much.

  47. I'm so sorry for your loss! Truly - I feel your pain! We have a 17 year old mix-breed at home who we love to pieces. He, too has cancer and we have been praying that he will get through the school year so the kids can spend time with him this summer before we have to say goodbye. There's not much that is more heartbreaking than saying goodbye to a beloved pet. They quickly become family. I hope your hearts will begin to heal as you remember fond memories of your sweet Gypsy. Thinking of you & your family!

  48. oh my......crying my eyes out again....I'm so sorry for your loss....
    just let it out and hold your new Chowdah tight for Gypsy!!


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