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Sunday, April 13, 2014

2 Sweets - A Recipe & A Giveaway

Hello Dear Friends...

My friend, Beansie, sent me this delicious recipe and I want to share it with you.  I don't know about you but dark chocolate and strong coffee are two of my favorite things in the whole world!

Duncan Hines DARK Chocolate Brownies...

...can so too be good for you..!! 

A - Dark chocolate is an antioxidant.
B - Walnuts are an antioxidant.

Follow their directions for a 13" x 9" Pyrex pan (350 for 25 minutes),

1 LARGE egg
1/3 cup of oil
substitute 1/3 cup of cold coffee for the water
(If you don't use decaf, you just may find yourself ironing at 2am.  Trust me.)

1 and 1/2 cups of chopped walnuts (NOT a typo)

Then, boys and girls, a little trompe l'oeil.

With a VERY sharp knife (re: all those walnuts) cut ACROSS cooled brownies every 3/4". 
Cut each strip into four pieces.
Eating a very SMALL chocolate jewel is not nearly as guilt producing.

You can cut the entire pan in half,
freezing one half in a ziplock baggie, but it's pointless. 
You'll just thaw them out the next morning.

Thank you sweet Beansie for this scrumptious recipe.  
I think I gained 5 lbs just reading it!


Speaking of sweet things, Pam from Day by Day Beauty, contacted me about 7 weeks ago and asked me to review their Vitamin C Serum.  I told her that I would certainly try it out for six weeks and if I liked it I would share this beauty secret with you. And if I didn't, I would throw it out the window and never mention a word.  

That's a real perk from blogging.  Companies send you free stuff and  ask you to write about it.  I've gotten some interesting stuff but nothing worth writing about.  

Until this one...

Day By Day Vitamin C Serum contains a healthy dose of Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Hyaluronic Acid.  You can read what the company says about it here.  

I will tell you about my personal experience here.

I used two pumps of the Vitamin C serum twice a day on clean skin religiously for 6 weeks.  I pumped it on the back of my left hand and applied it to my face.  

First of all, you can't believe how much lighter my age spots have faded on my left hand since I started using it.  Now I am applying it to my right hand so they match!

The sunspots on my face from years of irresponsible sunbathing  are considerably lighter.  I also have noticed that the pores on my nose which were the size of pot holes look much smaller.  I also have this weird wrinkle that goes from inside of my eye to my nose.  Sista said it is from laying on that side when I sleep.  When did she go to medical school?  Anyway, it's almost all gone!  Not completely, but almost.

I really love this serum.  I wrote to Pam and told her that I loved it.  And here's the good news...

Pam is offering a free bottle of Day by Day Vitamin C serum to THREE readers.  

All you have to do is:

*Like and Share Day by Day Vitamin C Facebook Page here.

*  Visit the Day by Day Amazon page here.

* Write a comment about the biggest challenge that you face with your skin.

And now more good news...

If you do not win the give away, Pam has a special promotion going on Amazon. 

I already ordered mine!

Hope you have a sweet weekend!

Thanks Barbara - got this off you FB page.

Begins today at noon and ends Tuesday at noon.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. OMG! Lose the '11s' without Botox! Fill in pores that rival moon craters! The possibilities are endless....

  2. Looking forward to trying the product....my side wrinkle is from too much smiling...as the baby of a large family I was always trying to please. Hope to reverse 51 year old side wrinkle.

  3. Jumped through all the hoops, Katie. I don't sign up for many giveaways but this is one I would really LOVE to win! xo Diana

  4. Count me in for the giveaway please!! I have very dry skin and small fine lines have started to creep in so love the idea of this miracle in a bottle:) And coffee in a brownie..hello, right up my alley love both!

  5. My biggest challenge is loss of firmness. I also have challenges with enlarged pores and dark spots.

  6. You name it I got it!!!!! Pores, wrinkles, lines, craters, spots,,,,,think Dalmatian. Any help would be appreciated R

  7. I have some little brown spots on my face that I have been trying everything to get rid of! I would love to try this!

  8. Well, I'm sad you asked but I'll tell you. I'm 47 and its finally caught up with me. I look (or feel as if I do) 57.
    The wrinkles have snuck in, the buttcrack line between my eyes makes me look ticked off and the dryness of my skin feels like crust.

    I need a good boost or a miracle whichever comes first. ;)

  9. Biggest problem is those dark age spots and a few crinkles ; ) Looking forward to trying this!

  10. Hi Katie- I'm baaaack! so now we know the secret to your beautiful skin ;). Need this ASAP.....xoxo Dawn

  11. Katie,
    As a former Texas lady, I was somewhat successful in keeping my face out of the sun (think vampire), but no one told me about 'cotton driving gloves' ,until it was too late. I'd love to try this on the back of my hands.....they are covered!

    Warmly, Kathleen

  12. In high school I worked down the Jersey shore so needless to say I have a FEW sunspots that need fading plus with watery eyes from blocked tear duct I now see a few wrinkles underneath that I would love to diminish! Great giveaway!!

  13. Count me in Katie. Sounds too good to be true. Off to amazon....

  14. The brownies look positively decadent!!! And, I definitely could use some sun spot fader...years of baby oil and iodine did it's damage on me big time! I am on my way to facebook to "like" this product!!! Have a lovely week!! xoxo

  15. I would love for MY spots to be lighter, too! I hope to get to try this.
    Thanks for the opportunity for a freebie- and thanks for your humorous blogging style. You are funny!
    Debi from Amery, WI

  16. Yes! I have age spots, sun spots, and just to even things out, freckles. I need help.

  17. Wow, those brownies look sooooooo good!

  18. I've been using something similar and like it. Would love to try, better yet win this. :-) Thank you for sharing the brownie recipe as well.

  19. After many, many years of oily skin and breakouts, now I'm battling dry skin. I'd sure love to try this product!


  20. Yes,Dark chocolat is an antioxidant,
    yes, Walnuts are an antioxidant!
    And perhaps, the serum makes the small wrinkles something cheerful...!

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