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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

NYC Here We Come

Happy one day before Spring!  You would never guess it from the frigid day that we are having here in Massachusetts!

This post was supposed to publish before the Katie Couric post.  Mea Culpa.  I was just so excited to tell you all about Katie, that I couldn't wait.  The good news about this post is it is not as wordy as the last one, the bad news - no celebrity spotting. 


I got my #1 up nice and early to catch the Amtrak to Penn Station.  This was my first time using Amtrak.  Years ago, when I was just a young, single, supermodel in my mind, I commuted from Connecticut to NYC on a daily basis.  The best part of my job was the train ride.  That says a lot for me setting the world on fire after college.

Back to Amtrak.  #1 and I thoroughly enjoyed the train.  It was very relaxing and the seats were wide and comfy.  It was so relaxing, my #1 slept most of the way. So much for mother/daughter bonding...


We arrived just in time for lunch.  We met Nef #2 in the lobby and went off to abc kitchen for lunch.  My #1 did the research and all signs pointed to great people watching and possible celebrity sightings.  It is a farm to table restaurant that is located in ABC Carpet and Home Store.  The guests are welcomed to do some browsing while waiting for their tables which could take awhile. 

The food was good.  The dessert was especially delicious.  #1 and Nef talked me into ordering a couple of salted caramel ice cream  hot fudge sundaes.  I had to have at least five spoonfuls to make up my mind if I really liked it.
Believe me, I liked it alright.

The atmosphere was eclectic and fun.  
The service was typical New York - indifferent and cold.

These two crazy kids are responsible for the extra 5 lbs. I'm carrying this week.  Thank the Lord for yoga pants.

We decided to wear off some of those scrumptious calories and walked back to the hotel doing some shopping along the way.  My buddy, Dude, texted me before we left and suggested we stop into Zara for some great buys.  We ended up passing two on our route home and I hate to admit it - Dude was right!  They had such cute clothes and very reasonable.  My #1 was in her glory!!  And Nef didn't mind ogling all the pretty girls shopping.

A good day had by all!  

That evening, we met up with Sista and had a cocktail at the hotel.  We then took a cab to the Monkey Bar for dinner, another celeb hotspot.  The restaurant which is located in the Hotel Elysee, echoes old-time glamour and is riddled with history. The Monkey Bar also happens to be the place where Carrie Bradshaw and her friends would frequent at happy hour.

We enjoyed a wonderful dinner in a room that sizzled with ambiance.   

These two hooligans talked me into dessert again!

No celebs to report but we had a famously good time!


Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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  1. What fun! I too could be easily talked into dessert. LOL

  2. You did all the fun things!! Isn't ABC such fun? And Zara always good things going on there....looks like one heck of a fun visit!

  3. Glad that you had such a wonderful day in the city! Eating, shopping and people watching = bliss:)

  4. Tell Sista to move over #3 Sista is joining you next time. #1 took my breath away.....don't tell her I said that! Beautiful children, I mean young adults.

  5. As often as I've been to NYC, I've never been to either of those restaurants, so I'm definitely adding to my list. After sitting on the runway to take a plane from DC to NYC several years ago, we ended up having to take a train. I've taken one ever since. It's comfortable and nice to be able to move around, if you need to. I second Ruth - #1 & Nef are beautiful! If you are looking for Sista #4...where do I sign up?!

  6. So many great restaurants in NYC - I want to go back and discover more!

  7. Looks like a great time! I just discovered Zara about a year ago and really like all their items.

  8. Wow, that really impressed me! I like your ideas. And the cartoon made it even better! Thanks for sharing your concept! Cheers This is simply hilarious! I gotta keep coming back. wholesale Jewelry

  9. Oh how much FUN, Katie!!!!
    I want to recreate your trip. Love the two spots you stopped at and shared with us.
    Zara IS a fun place to shop. I hit their Orange Coast (California) store last October and
    I bought so many fun funky PLAID preppy pieces that I had to buy a second suitcase
    to get it all home!!!

    How nice to spend spring break with your sweet daughter. Always nice when they choose
    to spend time with M&D when they have other choices too!

    Love your blog design, BTW!


  10. Thanks for sharing your fun adventures around NYC. Zara is a happening place. If it's good enough for the future Queen of England to shop there than I guess it's just perfect for a supermodel mom and her #1 too! I'm an excellent #3 Sista in my real family but I volunteer to be your #5 Sista (2 others beat me to it) if you ever decide you need another one. ;-) That Nef and #1 are real lookers! Beautiful kids!

  11. What beautiful children and what a fun time! I want to go!

  12. Love the Monkey Bar and ABC. I am headed into the city for a wedding this weekend and can't wait!


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