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Monday, March 3, 2014

A View of the Oscars according to Dude

Good morning, y'all!  Hope everyone had a great weekend.  I know I did.  Sista and BIL came for a visit and we went to a book signing and met some new friends named Allison, Megan and Amy.  Can't wait to tell you all about it.

Dude, my style diva and celebrity stalker correspondent, texted me during the evening with her impressions of The Oscars. 
I also occasionally take the liberty to add my own comments since it's my darn blog...

the envelope please..

Beautiful color!

This was my absolute favorite.  Camilla is gorgeous!!  
He still looks too skinny to me.  He needs to work on having his waistline match his ego.

Don't like Amy's hair.

Waaay too severe.  Love the dress, though.  The color is great.  She's a win-tah just like me.

How long is this woman's pregnancy???  Seems like she's been preggos for years?  Kerry looks great though. 
Maternity clothes sure have changed since I was expecting.  When I was expecting, I looked like Little Bo Peep injected with helium.

Oh Goldie... what the "H" did you do to your face?

I don't know but I'm cancelling my botox appointment first thing in the morning!

Emma Watson... head to toe perfection!

She looked great!  Youth always helps.  We're old enough to be her mother, Dude.  Now there's a depressing thought for the evening.  Time for another glass of vino.

Lupita has another winner!  She looked great all season!

Definitely the "It Girl" this season!  Could have skipped the hairband though.


Double triple OOOOOOPS!

I like Julianna's dress.  Papa Dude just walked through the room and said "not flattering on her, she needs something darker to anchor her." 
Yikes... who is he to take over my big night of fashion with his own opinion.

You're fired - he's hired!

Like this dress.

May try this new "do" this year.  For some reason I don't think I could pull it off as well as Ann.

Top 5 speech!

Wow!  Haven't seen the movie but this guy is H-O-T!  Excuse me while I put on the ceiling fan and pop another hot flash pill.

Pink is going on my playlist!!!  Awesome!

Fell asleep during the animation/documentary/foreign films/ boring who cares awards.  So sorry I missed it.

Dude's Closing Comments

Tina Fey's Amex ad was awesome!  I guess I have to watch the ads too... is this the Super Bowl or what?!

I've gotta say I'm a little disappointed that I didn't see any Christmas tree skirts/capelets aks "skapes"on the red carpet!  
Don't these people know a trend when they see one?!?

My Closing Comments

Wish they would put all the awards for animation, documentaries, foreign films, make up, costumes, best mustache and the other stuff I don't care about at the end of the show so I could stay awake for the good stuff. 

Hope today is filled with awards and accolades!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Agree with all of it - Julia Roberts always make some "interesting" choices! Cate Blanchett's dress was my favorite - so elegant.

  2. Best ever!! LOL! I was behind Goldie at the D&D 2 years ago and she was wearing a tank top no bra so lets just say... oh my goodness! I think she may have to step away from the fillers and accept her age although I love her personality!
    Where was Dudes comment on John Travolta, was hoping for a one liner about that ..ha ha! always fun to visit you !!

  3. Oooohhhh…I was so excited to meet you and Sista yesterday. Thanks for the shout-out. Reading your blog is such a source of fun for me. Your sense of humor, decorating taste and wonderful family life are inspirational. You are so gracious and nice "in real life" too. The book signing was fabulous as well.

    1. Allison... so fun meeting you. You and Megan will be featured on the book signing post. Just went on your sight - holy moley !!?? 2 sets of twins and a little boy? You look so great! Don't forget about our lunch date. Hopefully it will be warmer soon. We can meet you half way. Have a great week and thank you for making my year!!!

  4. Soooo much fun, girls!! Loved hearing from both of you and loved your commentary! xoxo

  5. Ha fun commentary. For me it was Cate B. and Naomi W. I did not love Amy's dress nor Sandra's , both felt blah and wintery/fallish. Loved Jared L. speech too....not to mention he is not too bad looking either: Loved his tribute to his mom..ahhhh.
    Pink was amazing, wow! Happy for all the deserving winners but have to admit I felt really bad for Leo, he so deserves to win one year, he is such a great actor. But it was TOUGH competition this year.......great show overall.

  6. Love Julianna's dress. I kept thinking it would look a lot better in a different color maybe, something deep and rich like navy, and maybe a different length.

  7. The Goldie Hawn we used to know is tucked behind her ears somewhere! Thank Dude for sharing her perspective.

  8. Thanks to you and Dude for the honest and funny post. I commend you both for not mentioning the sad appearence of Kim Novak. Can you imagine what must have driven her to have that work done, in order to appear in front of youth driven Hollywood? Her income can't be that high....are royalties from her past movies still that good? Shame on the plastic surgeon who did that to her. So Sad. Bette was as good as she could be, but as we all do, she is aging. Goldie is just trying (too hard?). It must be so difficult to live in that world and get old. It's much easier in our world. The one thing I don't understand is Keri Washington's decision to have her teeth done....I don't think she speaks the same anymore. I thought that was her most attractive feature. (Nicole Kidman did the same thing....I loved her teeth and lips. It was what made her so special.) Oh well, glad to get that off my chest!

    Warmly, Kathleen

  9. Pink was incredible and good for Kate and Matthew~ well deserved! Wonderful commentary here:) Yes.. Goldie H. has a little too much filler in her cheeks so it was difficult for her to smile normally. Ellen was hysterical and I liked the Selfie!

  10. I love Dude's commentary - so refreshing and fun! Tina Fey's AMEX commercial was hilarious.


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