Last week, my #1 came home to spend the last Spring Break of her illustrious academic career with her good old Mom and Dad. I have a sneaking feeling that we were not her first choice. I think that it may have possibly had something to do with her finances or lack of. In any case we had a great time. Or at least I did.
#1 told me a few weeks before she came home that she would love to go to NYC for a day. I was delighted and booked a hotel for the night. I knew exactly what #1 was interested in... retail therapy. I was fine with that, but I also had something else in mind. I wanted to go and see the Katie show. I have been a fan of Katie's since her Today show days.
I called Sista and told her that I was going to try to get tickets. She told me that she had business in the city and #2 Nef was on break, as well. We decided to meet. I think she was just afraid that I would get on TV and become an instant star.
So I went on the Katie website and looked at which days that tickets were available for the following week. Naturally, the show featuring Sarah Jessica Parker was sold out. Bummer for me. And to think, the character of Carrie Bradshaw was modeled after me in my single days in my mind. Then, another day was sold out because some girl from Pretty Little Liars was scheduled to be a guest. Bummer for #1. If you don't know what PLL is, you obviously don't have a teenage girl. You're not missing much.
There was one show that had tickets and I jumped on it. It featured Jim Cramer - that loudmouth stock guy and Nigel somebody - the photographer from America's Top Model. Wait 'til Nigel gets a load of Sista and me! Good bye Mister... Helloooo Runway!!!
Our tickets were for the 12:30 show. We were told to show up outside abc studios at noon. We received all sorts of instructions on the tickets concerning our wardrobe and behavior. Were were told to wear bright colors for the cameras. We didn't do too well on this one. It is very difficult to find "bright colored" extremely warm clothing. As far as the behavior goes, it was up to them to talk to Sista themselves!!
Here we are - about 15 minutes early. We waited in line and were given wristbands and asked to return by 12:30.
Good looking crew. We felt right at home.
We decided to grab a quick bite down the street. Nick & Toni's is very small and well known for having great food and celebrity spotting. Right up our alley.
We ate quickly and as we were leaving - who walks in but the one and only Regis Philbin. He said hello to us and moved on to a back table.
He looks good here but not so good when we saw him.
Now you're probably wondering why I didn't ask old Reeeej for a picture. To be honest with you, he looked awful and I was afraid he would say no. He had on an old T-shirt and sweat pants. His hair looked like it could have been the mane of a mad scientist. Obviously, Joy did not see him before he left the apartment that morning.
So we ran back to take our place in the back of the line. Obviously, some people didn't think it was necessary to nourish their tummys and star-gazing curiosities.
Little by little, the 12-year-old pages started to let us inside to a holding room. We were packed in like celebrity-ogling sardines for a good hour! That was the day that NYC had that horrible explosion near the train tracks at 195th St. The room had TVs all over the place and they were playing the news coverage of the devastation. I took that hour to suck up make polite conversation with one of the 12-year-old pages. She turned and whispered to Sista for the four of us to follow her up to the front of the line. Sista and I winked at each other at how obvious it was -- this 12- year-old knew eye candy when she saw it. It had nothing to do with the fact that we were accompanied by the youngest, best looking people in the crowd.

At last, we were finally escorted into the studio. I could not believe how small and intimate it was! It looks so much bigger on TV! Hopefully, the camera won't have the same effect on me. We were escorted to the second row center. Sista and I exchanged the same "they know eye candy when the see it" look.
Sista and I did our best to give the camera man our most passionate "come hither" look. #1 and Nef #2 rolled their eyes.
I think this lady was the producer. She came out and read Katie's first few lines and did the blocking with the cameras. The best part was that one of those lines included the fact that she had a very special surprise for the audience! Sista and I mouthed to each other "We're getting a new car!" #1 and Nef#2 seemed to pep up at our prediction.
We were told by the Director that Katie feeds off the energy of the audience. It was important to show Katie as much enthusiasm as we could. She also said that she would be watching our facial expressions from the control booth and if she saw an extremely animated audience member reacting to Katie or her guest, she would not hesitate to put the person on camera. This director hasn't seen animated 'til she catches Sista and I reacting to Katie.
So finally, the Katie theme song began and she walked out looking even more adorable in person than on TV. Katie began the show with a gentleman from New Yorker magazine recounting the article he wrote about the father of the kid that was responsible for the shooting at Sandy Hook. So sad! Katie talked to us during the break apologizing for the sad topic and promised the rest of the show would be on an up note.
Next on, the stock guy, Jim Cramer came on. He was a lot more interesting that I thought he would be. He suggested to only buy stock that you are familiar with and like. Forget the complicated stuff and anything organic will do well because good health is here to stay. Jim also brought along books for the audience. Sista and I gave a look to each other that said we hoped this book wasn't suppose to take the place of our shiny, new wheels.
Next came Nigel Barker - the photographer from America's Top Model. I've never watched the show so I had never heard of him. He was quite a strapping, handsome young man, though. No gifts for the audience so we were eager to see him go on his way.
And then... finally!!! They rolled out a table for Katie to stand at and present the big surprise for the audience! I just felt in my heart it was car keys. Before I knew it, Katie pulled out a paisley sports sac filled with all sorts of goodies. Nothing shiny or in the shape of a key to be found.
Even though car keys were not included in our goody bag, we got some great stuff. Included in the sports sac were: gluten free, soy free, taste free, health bars; socks; Smashbox full-sized blush, mascara, and highlighter; and wrinkle cream for the eyes and face. Sista and I shrugged at each other when we eyed the last skin products. Who needs wrinkle stuff?
When the show was over, Katie thanked everyone for coming and graciously offered to take questions from the audience. My #1 raised her hand and asked Katie what she did for a work out routine. Katie admitted that she hasn't worked out for awhile but she has done spinning before. Sista and I didn't believe that for one New York minute! She looks fabulous!
Katie told us that the reason her arms look so good is because she used to be a gymnast as a child.
I have been a fan of Katie's for many years. She was the epitome of grace and warmth. Everything I expected her to be.
But Katie was not the only one who made love to the camera that day...
I wish that silly girl in the green would scrunch down more.
Hope your day is filled with lights, camera, and action!
FUN FUN FUN!! I met Nigel Barker when he was a speaker at the Charity event that I was on the Board of, super British and a handsome chap at that! Looks like you had a blast!! K
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun day in NYC. I'm a little sad to hear that Regis is showing his age. I'm thinking that he seems too driven for retirement. If I was him, I would be somewhere warm and sitting on the beach!
ReplyDeleteI love Katie too. So wish I lived close enough to enjoy the presence of stage people. Sounds like you had a great day with your girl! What fun! I'm all about the good looking camera guy. My daughter does the same thing eye-rolling thing when I gawk at the old men! I think most men age well. My husband is sexier now than he was when we married.
ReplyDeletewhat a fun day spent with your family! Katie is adorable, have always loved her too! Sad to hear Regis was not lookin so good, guess we all have those "bad" days every once in a while! I saw the show that day but missed your cameo!
What fun!! I adore Katie. Hard to admit, but Reg is getting old!!
ReplyDeleteHaha so funny....I am shocked Nigel didn't pluck you right out of the audience and insist upon signing you on the spot! Sounds like a really fun day but have to say, I do not buy no working out for Katie....not with those arms:) I really like her too....she seems so wholesome and "real"!
ReplyDeleteWow! So cool- I've always wanted to be in the audience of a show! I went to the block where they tape Oprah and the closest we got was the Harpo sign. We watched all the other people who were at the show walk out with huge bags of stuff.
ReplyDeleteLove that you went to Katie!
Oh how FUN, KATIE! TO see a show at ABC in New York? That is so fun. I remember going there and just enjoying the dream of it all. And Katie does look wonderful! Thank you kindly for coming to visit this afternoon! I hope spring is truly coming to you. It's taking a while to come to Minneapolis! Anita
ReplyDeleteYour trip sounds like great fun...I too am a Katie fan.
ReplyDeleteHow fun! Love your dry wit in your posts, and glad you had such a good time -- even if car keys weren't in the goodie bags!
ReplyDeleteKatie takes on Katie. Glad you had a good experience there. It is a whole different world, isn't it? So..old Regis looked OLD, huh? Amazing what people like with their makeup off! xoDiana
ReplyDeleteGreat post, Melinda! I love your sense of humor!
ReplyDeleteOops. Was trying to log in as "Deborah Mitchell."
ReplyDeleteWhy did I decide to read this as I was running out the door?! My comment surely won't do this post justice! You are hilarious and I felt like I was right there with you...waiting for those car keys. I have to say,...I was a gymnast as a child but wasn't blessed with Katie's bod as an adult, so I'm off to pilates! Thank you for helping me start my day with a smile!
ReplyDeleteWhat fun Katie! I've always wanted to attend one of these shows.. it's fun to see what goes on behind the scenes. I'm bummed to hear that Regis P. was not looking good. I always liked his sense of humor of the Live.. Such a fun day!
ReplyDeleteKatie! This is such a fun post. Your trip to NYC with family sounds perfect. It's fun to hear the behind the scenes at Katie's show. She certainly seems like a 'girl's girl'. Sorry to hear about Regis. Hoping he is still of sound mind-you know? I had dinner with one of my best friends recently and she mentioned how much she loves your blog that she found through mine-isn't that fun??
ReplyDeletexx, Heather
So, so glad you dropped by my blog so I could return the visit and the follow! I'm looking forward to reading more! You write like my bestie talks! :)
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness! What a day you had! I really should go see a show too! Seems like you picked a wonderful day to be with KATIE! Thanks for taking us along!
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun day! I love Katie and even started a spinning class a few weeks ago to get her legs - hasn't happened yet. I love your blog!!
ReplyDeleteI love how you tell your stories, Katie...and what a fun subject today!