J. Crew Factory for Fall

Tuckernuck's styles for the new season

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Keeping Up With The Kennedys

A couple of Saturdays ago, the Mister and I woke up to a beautiful, crisp winter day.  We had a surprisingly small to-do list and no plans for the day.  

I then thought of my buddy, Susie B, and her post on Hyannis and the Kennedys.  Since the Cape was only 40 minutes away, we could take in some sightseeing and have a nice lunch, and if we happened to make a Kennedy sighting, all the better.  The Mister is always game for a road trip so we hopped into our empty nester mobile, turned on some cool tunes, and off we went!

There was some construction so it took us a little while to get there.  But what did we care?!?  We were crazy, carefree, preppy empty nesters!

The world is our oyster!!

We made some friends on the road while we were waiting to cross the bridge.  I asked him if he knows the Kennedys.  He told me he never heard of them. 

When the Mister asked me where I wanted to go on the Cape I told him Kennedy Country. So off to Hyannis we went.

There it is!!  The Compound!!  OK, maybe not the the Kennedy Compound, but close enough...

We enjoyed a fabulous lunch at this place.  It was buzzing with activity... but no Kennedys in the mix.

So off to the beach we went.  I saw some people down near the water.   Couldn't tell whether or not they were part of the Kennedy clan though.  I yelled "Ethel!!" but no one turned around.

The Mister is thinking... "the things I do for this #@%$$ blog!!"

The Massholes have a language of their own.  They also like their chowdah.

We drove around for awhile to see if we could find the real compound.  In our search, we saw some gorgeous homes along the way.

Unfortunately, the club was closed.  I know they would have let me in if I explained that I was in search of the Kennedy's. The Mister, however, said instead of admitting me to the club, they would call and have me committed to the loony bin.  See if I introduce him to my new Kennedy friends when I meet them!

Love this cute little gate.

At last, the Kennedy gallery!  No relation to the Kennedys, though.  We stopped in and browsed all the colorful prints of Robert E. Kennedy.  I fell in love with his work. And not just because of his last name, either. 

In an effort to get me in the car so we could get home so he could lay on the couch, the Mister bought me a print for my office.

Not so fast, Mister!  We have one more stop to make!  And boy, was it worth it.  If you are ever in Hyannis, make sure you stop by this little pebble in the sand.  It has great stuff!!!

So, I may not have had any Kennedy sightings, but I sure had a great time on the search!

Hope your day is warm and sunny!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. So cute...enjoyed going along with you on your little 'investigative tour". Looks like you made the best of it, even if you never got to wine and dine with the Kennedy's and kudos to the mister for being the best sport!! (think my own husband could take a few lessons lol)
    Fun post....

  2. Love that last shot! And the little church against that blue winter sky. Good for you for breaking out of the routine of a weekend and taking a little day trip. I wish I thought to do that more, but then again, farm duties beckon on weekends!

  3. I don't live in Massachusetts anymore, but still love my home state. The last time I saw a real live Kennedy was in 1985...just out of college working for the Bank of New England at the time ...Ted's two sons came in to make a withdrawal ...I was in a management trainee program...I was not so much excited to see them, but I had a chance to view the balance of their bank account. I will keep confidential my knowledge. Love the Cape and the houses...very fun post.

  4. Thanks for the beautiful tour. It sounds like you had a wonderful day. I wonder if any of the Kennedys have discovered Homegoods. Their loss if they haven't.

  5. You are hilarious!! Thank you for the tour I love the snow still on the ground!!Have a great weekend,K

  6. Another wonderful post! Put a smile on my face this cold & dreary afternoon. I love taking impromptu road trips; my DH does not always agree with me. I have always wanted to go to the Cape; & will make it there one of these days. The beach looked glorious! Thank you for sharing. My husband has spied a few Kennedy's in his store; I'll e-mail you the details if you want. ;) xoxo, Dawn

  7. It looked like a fantastic day trip...too bad you didn't find any Kennedy's to be BFF's with - I think you will need to go back in the summer! Your comments made me smile, though! xoxo

  8. Looks like you had a fabulous and fun day! Great pictures! And i loved the last one with your dog - that gorgeous sunset behind him is wonderful!

  9. You will have so much fun this summer! If you ever get up to the North Shore check our Marblehead - you'll love it!

  10. What a great, fun post! I love it. When I lived in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida my next door neighbor worked for the Kennedy's at their Palm Beach home...oh-the stories she told! lol Sorry you missed their "up Nawth" compound but it looks like you had fun anyway! xo Diana

  11. Oh, Katie, thank you for the little trip around Kennedy country! I loved this post..going on a road trip...to a place I've never been or ever will be! This was just so exciting!! Love that painting...beautiful!


  12. I love a spur of the moment day trip and can't think of a more beautiful place. We were there a few years ago and had a siting of the Kennedy compound from a boat tour…gorgeous!! Love the last image with your dog…magazine worthy!!

  13. My hubby and I were in Maine a couple of weeks ago and had a little expedition to Kennebunkport for some Bush sightings! Alas, the flag was not flying at Walker's Point but I did get some great photos! Looks to me like great minds think alike, ha!

  14. So fun to explore along with you and isn't it fun when you finally realize that being an empty nester means you really do have some time to do spontaneous things....we set off for spring training in Arizona last week on the spur of the moment. Not quite as pretty as your trip but fun nonetheless. (and warmer)

  15. Katie dear-I love your little 'getaway' with your hubby. You empty nesters are making the most of it. Your pics are lovely-finally having some of that beautiful sunshine. No Kennedys but I love a home goods trip.
    Fun stuff!
    xx, Heather

  16. I like your painting Katie and such a fun souvenir for this fun outing! Your husband is a good sport with the blogging requirements (mine gets irritated with me every now and then:) Such a fun place to visit and the homes look gorgeous!

  17. In all the years that we have summered on the Cape, we have never had a Kennedy run in. Maybe this summer!

  18. Oh my gosh, your posts make me laugh so hard. Love your new life!

  19. Wow! I would like to be an empty nester like you! I went back to work just this past fall after being an empty nester for 2 years. My husband is not retired yet and I thought working would help our retirement fund. Ya'll look like you're having so much fun!


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