Talbots Sweater Weather

Tuckernuck's Fall Fashions

Monday, March 31, 2014

Dining Al Fresco II

My view this AM.

Good morning, dear friends!! Here I go again - bitchin' complaining about the weather.  It has been cold, raw, and raining for the past 48 hours.  

The Mister and I did manage a trip to the Wrentham Outlets.  Guess who's idea that was.  What a great place!  They have Kate, Tory, and even RH.  Didn't do much damage though, it was too darn cold to try on Spring clothes. That made the Mister happy.

I talked to Sista and my #1 this morning.  Poor Sista called me from her car on her way to Bradley airport to catch a flight to sunny California for business.  She was stuck in traffic due to snow and a traffic accident.  There was no way we thought she would make it, but she did.  Go Sista!  Bring some sunshine back, Sista!

My #1 was on her way to a job interview (HALLELUJAH!!!) this morning, and she reported that it is 80 degrees and sunny in the great state of Texas.  Boy, do I miss that place! 

On with my Pinterest hopping.  I really enjoyed doing these posts.  Hmmm... I wonder why?! 

What I wouldn't do to be sitting at this table at this very minute...


I am in l-o-v-e with this photo.

Have I mentioned to you that I go into carb overload on miserable, cold days?  My wardrobe consists of over sized fleece tops sprinkled with cookie crumbs.  I also have been known to feature oreo creme on my upper lip.  
And I wonder why I haven't made any friends yet. 

Reminds me of Texas!

I could fit a full roll of Paper towels in my mom jean  pockets!

Great idea!  And then if you get mad at your table mate you can pick up a rock and throw it at them.  I think I'll email the Real Housewives producers on this one.

Don't know what I love more... the candles in the basket or the hydrangeas in the watering can.  Oh never mind.  The bottle of wine is my favorite.

If I lived here, I wouldn't want to be woken up either!

Who would think of using pine cones at any other time than the winter?  Love this.

Cute little preppy table.

Traditional Home

Tory Burch.com
Wish I could jump into this picture right now!!

Happy Monday!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. These pics make me happy on a day that started out with more white stuff, enough to cover everything in sight..argh!

    Love al fresco dining, its the ultimate and I can hardly wait!

  2. What beautiful tablescapes.....Spring will be here soon enough. I just the weather doesn't go from 50 to 89 in one week; I enjoy the transitional stage. Woke up to a covering of very wet snow!! Wasn't even in the forecast......very weird. The outlets sound like fun. It's great you have a Restoration Hardware; I think that's rare. Very sunny here now! Happy Monday! xoxo- Dawn

  3. I still can't get over ETHEL!!!!!!! on the beach and you start out with more hysterical lines. The photos are beautiful...yada, yada, yada, but as soon as I saw the rocks I thought of The HOUSEWIVES OF BEVERLY HILLS....oh my Katie YOU MAKE MY LIFE SO MUCH BETTER.....R

  4. KATIE CLOONEY, how are ya babe...teeheee

    Oh how I need to dine al fresco, right now. You and I both and I KNOW that Tina up above, all of us have experienced one of the worse winters EVAH! Wow, do we need some more sun! Each table welcomes laughter, lunch, drinks on the house, and wonderful memories. I hope you plan on making your summer a sparkling one poolside or oceanside!

    Thank you so much for visiting and I hope you daughter enjoys my poem. Writing is such a lifetime gift. Anita

  5. sorry it was rainy in your neck of the woods today, we actually had an amazing day here in Chicago, will send some nice weather you way. Just love the dog pictures at the end of each post, where do you find them, soooooooo cute. t

  6. Such gorgeous al fresco photos....we had snow this morning which makes me even more anxious for netter weather! Have a fantastic week!! xoxo

    PS...hope #1 gets the job!!

  7. Love your photos! And hang in there, spring is on its way! (I won't tell you how it was sunny and 75° at my house today - shhh!).

  8. After a very difficult morning at work and my allergies at its worst ...coming home for a late lunch and trying to distract myself from reality....you actually made me laugh. And that's quite an accomplishment today of all days. So Thank you Katie!!! Your flair of taking me away as well as cracking me up is truly appreciated. :-)

    1. Sue... hopefully you will see this. Your comment made MY day! Thank you so much for reading my silly little blog and making me smile. KC


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