Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

My Summer To Do and Suggestion List.

Now that prime TV season is winding down, I just wanted to give you a few suggestions if you find that you can't find anything to watch this summer.  
If you didn't have a chance to catch any of these shows this season, I highly recommend them. 

for great rerun TV watching



On my list to watch:


for great summer reading

I've read all of her books... but this one was by far, my favorite.

I loved this one so much - I read it twice.

Loved the story as well as the writing style.

Great thriller with a surprising ending. 

Great lessons on life from a dog and a race car driver.  Who would've thunk it?  This story will stay in my heart forever.

Great book.  Author has a gorgeous sista.

My summer beach reading
 in my Mom-kini....

My #1's favorite book eva.  Every time I talk to her she asks me if I've read it yet!

Her books, which all take place in Nantucket,  are always a great summer read.

I've read every one of her books.  Most are hits but she's had a few misses, too.  The one thing I love about Jodi Picoult's books is that I always learn something about a new subject that I had very little knowledge.

Only kidding.  
I put this one on just so you would think I am smart.

Enjoy your day!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Hi Katie! Your blog is so fresh and fun. Loved the story of your travel and driving your daughter home. Great humor lady! I am intrigued by your reading suggestions here and will have to check a few of these out. With an online boutique/my Stylemindchic blog and working as a school psychologist I must confess it's been awhile since I read a book (last vacation to be exact). I'll keep this list handy.
    Thanks for your kind comments on Stylemindchic. Such a treat to meet you and now I'm a follower of yours.
    Happy long weekend!
    Cheers, Heather

  2. Wow chock full of great info. I am not a big TV watcher but on occasion caught Nashville which I thought was quite good. I do plan to catch up on book reading this summner too so really appreciate the suggestions. Bookmarking this, read The Middle Place and Rules of Civility and loved both. I am going to order two of your favorites and get busy with my reading! Have a great day....

  3. I recently finished The Storyteller after being unsure if I really wanted to read it. The holocaust scenes are quite graphic and while it has the usual moral struggle found in her books, this one is not as relatable. Still, it was a good read :-)

  4. I am so hoping now that the TV shows are winding down for summer that I will actually get some of the books in my mile high stack read!

  5. I can't wait for Elin's new book to come out! I am counting down the days:)


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