J. Crew Factory for Fall

Tuckernuck's styles for the new season

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Farmers Market

On Saturday, my #2 and I went downtown to the farmers market.  My #2 would rather walk around a farmers market than a mall any day.  She talks about fruits and veggies like her sister babbles on about Tory Burch and Jack Rogers.  
It was a gorgeous morning and people were already there when we arrived promptly at 8 a.m.

These two little cutie pies greeted us when we walked in.

I don't know whether it is just this market or every market but the vendors are always so happy.  

If she is this happy selling this barbecue sauce - I've got to stock up.

I think I would be really happy too, if I sold this delicious toffee.  
This handsome gent was doling out samples left and right.  Let's just say we became really good buddies.  I almost considered leaving the Mister for this hunk of burnin' sugar.  Don't worry, Mister - I said almost.

We bought oodles of squash and a bouquet of flowers from these lovely ladies.

I whispered in this cute little girl's ear that she better eat all the carbs she can now because in about ten years the delicious aroma of a carb will pile 10 lbs. on her.  Her skinny mom gave me a dirty look.

My #2 (left) gathering her arsenal of the most succulent veggies in the land.

This is my old friend, Janet, and her handsome son.  Janet is one of the toughest ladies I know.  She has been fighting breast cancer for 8 years now with great courage, retaining her beautiful smile.

Yum.  They not only had the standard size pie but also smaller ones - the perfect size to devour on the car ride home.  

A busy lady painting a sign

For this darling chapel.

I asked if they had a karaoke machine - but they never answered me.  Oh well, I'm saving my voice for nef's graduation party this weekend.

I met these darling ladies who sell their own line of beautiful all natural stone jewelry.  

Where's the toffee and pie stand again???

Our loot!!!
  The Mister was very pleased with all our scrumptious bargains.  
I never mentioned the Toffee guy....or that cute little pecan pie that I devoured on the way home.

Hope your day is full of healthy food and smiling people!!!!!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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  1. Love. And, you just reminded me that our local Farmer's Market is now open. UGH, missed today's batch. Putting on the calendar for next week. Oh, and your #1 and #2 would be perfect matches for our girls!!

  2. Love going to the Farmer's Market, but we don't have much produce ripe yet - soon :-)

  3. KATIE!!!! I am back thanks to a working computer! Love all your pictures. You got some wonderful shots here. There is nothing like a farmer's market, is there? Hope you have a wonderful week- xo Diana

  4. All healthy choices, great! Well....er, maybe all healthy choices except for Mr Toffee Man ;0) Nice post and loved the pics.
    Jane B

  5. LOVE a good farmers market and this one looks like a total winner....and with such smily faces to boot:) Love seeing all the fresh produce, that inspires me so much!! Cannot wait till ours open, looks like a fun day!

  6. Such a funny comment to that little girl and I like the mom's reaction;) The vendors are always in a great mood .. especially these folks! Looks like you brought home some yummy produce Katie and glad you had fun with the girls! Hope your week is going well:)

  7. This all looks amazing! I daresay even the veggies. I have got to get up to McKinney!

  8. So cute! Great photos and I am positively drooling over- um, the flowers, the bread, the veggies, the pie, the toffee- oh my- I would so love to be there! Your friend looks so healthful and 8 years to be fighting bc is truly beyond words!

  9. What a lovely farmer's market! Ours is in a gas station parking lot, and while the produce and flowers are WONDERFUL, the ambiance is not quite the same! I'm sure we have some other lovely ones somewhere in our area but I don't have much time to venture out of my "bubble" on the weekends!

  10. I heard McKenny had a great farmer's market. Your pictures make me want to buy toffee...er...veggies!

  11. You have an amazing farmers market ~ so envious of the fresh fruits and veggies! Looking forward to ours opening here in a few weeks.


  12. Wow, looks great! I hope to have one of my two daughters grow up to love farmers markets, too. What a nice passion to share, right? Thanks for sharing, liz

  13. I wish I could go to that farmer's market! Love the post! Summer fruits and veggies are the BEST.


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