Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Thursday, May 30, 2013

Honey and Lemon

This video is on the long side but worth every minute.  It is a video diary of a great dane and cat who learn to tolerate each other and eventually become great buddies.

Warning:  before you start the video have a tissue box within reach. 

Hope your day is full of peace and harmony!

Coming home: The true story of a road trip as told by the daughter (#2)

Today, I am thrilled to have my #2 write a guest post.  Hope you enjoy it as much as I did experiencing it.


So, it’s over. My freshman year of college is officially over. So long are the days of being defined by being a “first-year,” farewell dining hall, and sorority recruitment: been there, done that. Okay, so sprinkle in one or two parties, only two tickets (one was completely absurd – seriously, dad), getting towed, a costume box stuffed to the brim with questionable items, and a libation here and there – that was my freshman year. And I haven’t even failed out yet.

Don't worry, I kept it classy. 

As my freshman year drew to a close, a looming threat began creeping up on me; the threat of being crushed by the sheer quantity of knick-knacks that had “somehow” accumulated in my room. It took me three days straight, but I am proud to say that I almost singly-handedly filled up a 10x10 storage unit – get excited for move-in, mom and dad!

On Sunday I left school with my boyfriend to go and pick up my mom for lunch from the airport. She was thrilled because we went to Whole Foods – only the nicest restaurant I know. She was pouting because she wanted to bring us out to a "nice" lunch where they actually had a waitstaff and she could get to know Paul better. I haven’t been to a restaurant in at least a month, so I insisted on the nicest.

After a quick lunch we hit the road. What was neat was that the GPS route that I used only added 1 hour and 40 minutes to our trip that day. We rolled into Chattanooga, TN at roughly 12:30 a.m. Fortunately, we had a vivacious valet that wanted to strike up a conversation – I think our sparkling personalities may have injured his spirit, though.

How my GPS decided to navigate my trip. This would've been faster.

So help me God. If I hear "recalculating" one more time…

The hotel – The Read Hotel – is absolutely stunning. Very haunted hotel-esqe, fashioned in such a way as to reflect an earlier era. After both hotel keys failed us, I ran downstairs and got a new one only for the two of us to stumble into the room and collapse onto our respective beds. Apparently Big Momma decided that would be a good time to experiment with Breaking Amish on TLC.

After our alarm clock neglected to sound, I woke up and we immediately left. But not before being greeted by the same loquacious valet. At 6 a.m. And one more thing, at this point I had gone 24+ hours without changing out of my T-shirt and nike shorts.

We hit the road with a supposed 12-hour drive in front of us. After “efficiently” moving right along – Big Momma kept asking me my speed and grabbing the passenger handle – we hit morning + construction traffic. It only added two hours to our day… There was a growing fear in my mom’s eyes as we aggressively exited and reentered the highway about 20 times.  I just know in my heart we saved time.  OK, maybe about 20 mins.
As I kept telling my mom, it's not road rage, it's road frustration

It was finally time to switch in the drivers seat, and by this time I had definitely made a good case for my cursing worse than a prison inmate. We pulled into another, uh, "spotless" gas station and Big Mama took the wheel. A total of 12-seconds after exiting the station she was pulled over for speeding. Apparently a cop, traveling the opposite direction on a two-way road, clocked her at 49 in a 35. So basically just stretching the 10% rule, right?

We saw it all; the Exxon’s, Valero’s, Shell’s, Route 66’s, Pit Stop and more. Unfortunately they began to be harder and harder to tell apart. Then, at one unnamed (literally) gas station, I noticed the tire was looking a little deflated. That’s when I broke the news to Big Mama, to her dismay. We googled the nearest auto repair shop and found one just a few miles ahead.

The store’s name is King’s Auto Repair, they’re a family owned and operated company with the boss comfortable enough with his customers to discuss their vehicles as he walks into the bathroom and stands there with the door open. The walls were covered in football memorabilia and hunting mementos. They were beyond nice and discovered my need for an oil change. After quickly fixing our problem that had been causing the maintenance light to glow for the past few hours, we had a moment of relief that we could finally press on.

The next few hours flew, well not exactly flew but rather crawled by and we finally arrived home. My evening concluded with eating an inordinate amount of food, leaving the car completely filled, and passing out.

Let’s just say that Big Momma and I are on a whole new level of close. I think that our 48-hours together almost makes up for the year that I spent away. I’m kidding.

Momma, I love you and thank you for driving with me. You took over for me when I was about to fall asleep at the wheel, let me rap to Lil Wayne, listened to my stories, endured my hysteric, expletive-filled traffic rants, and sat in a car with me for 24 hours. I love you and can’t think of a better person to spend my summer with.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Farmers Market

On Saturday, my #2 and I went downtown to the farmers market.  My #2 would rather walk around a farmers market than a mall any day.  She talks about fruits and veggies like her sister babbles on about Tory Burch and Jack Rogers.  
It was a gorgeous morning and people were already there when we arrived promptly at 8 a.m.

These two little cutie pies greeted us when we walked in.

I don't know whether it is just this market or every market but the vendors are always so happy.  

If she is this happy selling this barbecue sauce - I've got to stock up.

I think I would be really happy too, if I sold this delicious toffee.  
This handsome gent was doling out samples left and right.  Let's just say we became really good buddies.  I almost considered leaving the Mister for this hunk of burnin' sugar.  Don't worry, Mister - I said almost.

We bought oodles of squash and a bouquet of flowers from these lovely ladies.

I whispered in this cute little girl's ear that she better eat all the carbs she can now because in about ten years the delicious aroma of a carb will pile 10 lbs. on her.  Her skinny mom gave me a dirty look.

My #2 (left) gathering her arsenal of the most succulent veggies in the land.

This is my old friend, Janet, and her handsome son.  Janet is one of the toughest ladies I know.  She has been fighting breast cancer for 8 years now with great courage, retaining her beautiful smile.

Yum.  They not only had the standard size pie but also smaller ones - the perfect size to devour on the car ride home.  

A busy lady painting a sign

For this darling chapel.

I asked if they had a karaoke machine - but they never answered me.  Oh well, I'm saving my voice for nef's graduation party this weekend.

I met these darling ladies who sell their own line of beautiful all natural stone jewelry.  

Where's the toffee and pie stand again???

Our loot!!!
  The Mister was very pleased with all our scrumptious bargains.  
I never mentioned the Toffee guy....or that cute little pecan pie that I devoured on the way home.

Hope your day is full of healthy food and smiling people!!!!!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Bargain Shopping Part 2

At this point, Mother's Day weekend was just getting better and better. After our morning of shopping at the warehouse sale, the Mister offered to take me out for a "nice" lunch.  Translation:  he wanted a nice, relaxing lunch that would hopefully last long enough  for us to no longer have enough time to continue our shopping adventures.

The Mister doesn't realize that after 23 years of wedded bliss (?) I know him better than he knows himself.  I recognize a decoy mission when I see one. 
So we had a quick lunch and we were off to our  my new favorite outlet.

If you ever fly into Dallas-Love Field, this little gem of a store is literally just across the street.  I highly recommend arranging all of your flight plans around this place!

Map of Paris. Much prettier without the glare of the lights.

Lucky dog!

Although I fell in love with the bed, it was too small for my Gypsy-doodle. 

Gorgeous wrapping paper.  My favorite was the one adorned with elephants.

And speaking of elephants...

What house wouldn't be complete without this darling treasure?

They even carry fabrics!

These were so pretty.

Even sweeter in real life! 

Bet my #1 would love this one... shot glass tic-tac-toe board.

Darling place setting.

Plenty of household must-haves!!

Fabulous accessories.

Tablecloths galore!

Love these pink chairs!!

A good time had by all me!  I'm counting the minutes until next Mothers Day when I am the boss again!!  

Hope y'all are catching all the great sales this weekend!

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