Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Bargain Shopping

Mothers Day weekend I was in charge of planning all the weekend activities for the Mister and me.      
When the Mister asked me about our agenda for Saturday, I told him with glee in my eyes, "bargain shopping."  The Mister was so delighted - he was speechless. 
I did a post awhile back on a beautiful store called Gray Living.  Well, I found out that they were having a warehouse sale. 
Mothers Day and a warehouse sale?!?
Best weekend of the year!! 
Hope you enjoy the photos and shopping with me more than the Mister did!

People were buying these like crazy!!

Loved this chandelier.  Wanted to buy it for our patio but then we would have to get rid of the ceiling fan.  There was NO way we could do that with the miserable Texas heat!

Sorry, some supermodel trophy wife was standing in front of the mirror.

Not sure what I could do with these.  Knowing my creative, talented blogger friends out there, they would think of something great to do! 

Lots and lots of chairs.

These chairs were the most uncomfortable chairs!

Not really sure what I would do with these.  If I put them in our bedroom, they would scare the living daylights out of me every time I got up to go to the bathroom.

These chairs were veerry low to the ground.  Fine for me - my feet could finally touch the ground!  Not so comfy for the Mister who is not height-challenged.


A nice lady I met at the sale told me that she was going to turn one of these into a headboard.

When we walked out of the warehouse, the Mister had a big smile on his face.  He asked if it was time for lunch and of course, I said yes.  "What next?" he inquired.  "Wisteria Outlet!" I answered.  His smile slowly disappeared.  I even thought I caught him doing an eye roll behind his shades. 
Stay tuned for Part 2 of bargain shopping at the Wisteria Outlet.  We had a great time.  Or at least I did.
I love Mothers Day Weekend!

Hope your day is filled with successful shopping!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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  1. Love it! Hubby only calls it bargain shopping if I come home empty handed! LOL

  2. Gray and Wisteria outlets. I'm jealous. Those things you mentioned that you didn't know what to do with. It looks like they were stacked so I am guessing maybe coffee table height. I would put a big wood top or glass top on them and voila.

  3. How fun..don't you love a great sale!! At least he went along with you.....being the trooper that he is:) Look forward to part II.

  4. Did you end up buying anything? Looks like fun just looking!

  5. I love bargain shopping too! We don't have any warehouse sales in Richmond that I know of, but we have some incredible consignments shops that look like furniture showrooms. I usually make the rounds on Saturday morning to see what treasures came in during the week.

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