Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Sunday, August 26, 2012

#1 Flees the Nest - Take 2

We went to visit our #1 this weekend and took her out to lunch so she could advise her sis the easiest way to obtain a fake ID say goodbye to her little sis and wish her luck in college.  Her charming  house is coming together nicely and she is very proud of it. 

The kitchen is all white with an adorable black and white backsplash.  I bought her dessert and dinner plates at my favorite store, Homegoods to match. Everything but the price screamed MacKenzie Childs!

#1 was very proud of herself for snatching up this table and chairs on Craig's list for $100.00 of her own money! One small step towards Independence Day!!!  Book the cruise Mister!!!

What, no dirty dishes in the sink?  Dishwasher empty?  This can't be my kid's house! By the way, #2 and I made her valances in our sewing class.

Nothing like a little 2 Buck Chuck to "class up" my girl's nest.
And even a beautiful Semillon which was our holiday gift to friends and neighbors ten years ago was found fermenting next to the 2 Buck Chuck.
Our girl stashing all the goodies we brought her.  Her favorite meal?
Quakes & Cool Whip!
Bon Appetit Numero Uno!
The cute little living room with the nice big TV.
Looks like a Real Housewives marathon is on.  I know my girl is going to get a lot of studying done this weekend!
Cozy little corner for our #1 girl to get some studying done or a great place for her to contemplate her future.
The Mister "eagerly" awaiting his Honey-Do list. Now the Mister gets two lists every week!  

So we left our #1 girl with her tummy full, eagerly looking forward to buckle down and finish studying the rest of the Real Housewives marathon.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Oh Kelly...Kelly...Kelly

Oh Kelly!
Say it ain't so!!

You did not actually choose

Football Guy
(He's so funny and you two had soo much chemistry!)

- and -
 Cute l'il Doogie
 You two were not only hilarious together but made great eye candy!
I can understand why you didn't choose:
Kind of funny but awkward and should stick to concert halls.


 Ego  (and muscles) too big to fit in the TV studio.

Dumb as a box of rocks.

Wish these two were available...
Cutie Pie Andy
- or -

The Silver Fox

but rumor has it...
you chose
Mr. "All I talk about is Sports" Guy?
Really ???

Make my day Kelly


Thursday, August 23, 2012

Sista's Superb Succulents

My Sista lives in a beautiful historical home that was built in the 1800's in Connecticut.  She shares her home with her wonderful hubby, two handsome sons, three dogs, one cat, 6 koi and an occasional bobcat that stops by to keep everyone in check.  Their property includes 10 acres of beautiful land which is referred to by the family as "the field". This is where family and friends congregate on big, comfortable chairs under a pergola threaded with blooming vines. The standard fixture next to Sista's chair is an ice bucket cradling a bottle of iced cold Chardonnay and her i-phone within reach.
This is Wylie...the newest rescue dog at Sista's family homestead.  
Wylie and Max surveying the field in their (golf cart) chariot.   In my next life I'm coming back as my Sista's family pet.
 "George Clooney" - yes, he came with that name.  Who wouldn't adopt him with a name and face like that?

Sista's family Homestead...
 Looks like Wylie's after a squirrel.
Sista and Co. made this sign post with arrows pointed towards friends and 
family -- Texas, Taipei, Turnhout, NYC, Fairfield, CT and County Cork.  Love it!
 I usually "touch base" with Sista everyday just around cocktail hour. Funny how that happens.  We  deciphered the hour by eastern standard time since it was an hour ahead of Texas.  We each grab a glass of chardonnay and discuss the day's events - whether it be family, our 94-year-old playboy father, Real Housewives, Kelly Ripa's co-host prospects, or that stupid annoying Twilight couple.
"Sista Central"

So anyway, just got off the phone with Sista and she was bragging telling me that she has the most gorgeous, succulent arrangement on one of her outside tables. Naturally, I egged her on as any older more mature Sista would do and I told her to send me pics and I would post them on my blog.  

So... eye drum roll please....


2 words:  I'm jealous.
3 words:  don't tell her.   


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

My Favorite and Not-So-Favorite Summer Books

As far as I'm concerned, this book definitely lived up to the hype.  I thought it was very well written.  The ending was very unsettling though.  I saw Flynn interviewed on one of the talk shows and she stated it was a book depicting the "dark" side of marriage.  Boy, I'm glad I'm not married to her Mister!

Again, very well written and a surprise ending.  Never saw it coming.  It would make a great movie and I would cast Jeff Daniels in the lead role.  (Hey Hollywood... call me if you need any more casting suggestions).

I love Andy Cohen and his book did not disappoint.  When I read it, I could hear his voice - no ghost writing in this book.  My favorite part was reading his letters home from camp.  Anyone who loves Bravo as much as I do should pick it up for a light, fun read. 

Being the self-proclaimed Kennedyphile that I am, I bought this book as soon as it hit Amazon.  It did not disappoint - it was  a pure joy to read.  Mr. Hill did a great job helping the reader visualize the very glamorous times as well as the personalities of the people in the Kennedy administration.  He wrote about Mrs. Kennedy with such warmth and I was left wondering if he was secretly in love with her. After I finished the book, I felt like I knew Mrs. Kennedy.  ( Wish I looked like her and had her wardrobe)!

I tried like crazy to find a word to describe Rielle Hunter.  Let's just say she is part narcissist/part whack-a-doodle.  I'm ashamed to say I did finish the book and felt relatively disgusted when it was done.  As far as I am concerned, she and John Edwards deserve each other! 


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

#1 Flees the Nest

Our #1 couldn't wait to begin her junior (we're hoping - we haven't counted the credits lately) year in college.  She was so excited to see all of her friends and to enjoy her "freedom" again, but most importantly, she couldn't wait to move into her first  house.  Our girl and two of her sorority sistas are renting the cutest little house in Fort Worth.

Needless to say, #1 spent most of her free time this summer surfing the Internet for great, inexpensive ways to decorate her casa.  Suddenly, my girl started taking an interest in all my decorative accents in our house that she normally wouldn't notice or even mention.  "Hey Mom, are you using that blue pot over  there?" she would ask.  I would then look over and respond, "You mean the new one on the kitchen table with the hydrangeas in it?"  I used to get uptight about when she would "borrow" my make up or an occasional pair of earrings, but now I have to worry about my tupperware and pottery?  

So without further adieu... I present the boudoir of my very proud #1.

She decided on shades of grey - which hopefully will not be the theme of this room.  One of the advantages of  having a bird flee the nest is you can purge the stuff you have been wanting to get rid of for years.  This furniture was in our guest room and was originally shades of mahogany.  The Mister and #1 and #2  (actually, mostly the Mister) stained the furniture and distressed it.  It looks a lot better in person. And the best part....I get to buy new furniture in the guestroom! 

 #1 has always harbored an affinity for reflective objects or in other words...she likes to look at herself in the mirror a lot.

 The room is a mixture of Pottery Barn, Homegoods, and the Mister's elbow grease.

Light bulb moment!  #1 didn't realize that new lamps don't come with light bulbs!
#2 and I took a sewing class with Miss Glenda and made this pillow.  #1 was pretty darn impressed!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Movie Review by the Mister & Me

Mister:  Hey, what do you say we go to a movie?

Me:  Great idea, Mister!  There's a new movie that's out that I'm dying to see..

Mister: Me too!

Mister: So... should I order the tickets?

Me:  To the Meryl Streep movie?

Mister:  You're kidding, right?  That'll be the day that I would choose Meryl Streep over Jason Bourne ...

Me:  Another Bourne movie?  We just went to one!!!

Mister:  Yeah, about 4 years ago...

Me:  Seems like yesterday.

Mister:  I took the day off, so I should pick the movie.

Me:  I took the day off too....

Mister:  Every day is your day off, you don't have a job.

***Awkward Silence ***

Me: Do you think it is easy keeping up this supermodel trophy wife personna?  Do you think it's easy  being your arm candy?  May I remind  you again, Mister, that Oprah says that stay-at-home Moms have the hardest and most important jobs in the world? 

Mister:  Great - how about you call your buddy Oprah and see if she wants to see the Meryl movie.


Movie Review
the Mister & Me

Me: C-

My review: 

For the first hour, I didn't have a clue what was going on.  There was a lot of shooting, blood, pill popping, hiding under desks, sweat and snow.  For the next hour there was more sweat and blood and a motorcycle chase that lasted forever.  This movie should win an Oscar for being the loudest movie made in the past four years (the last being the previous Bourne movie).  Also, I think Matt Damon is cuter than the new guy. 
The End

the Mister: A+++++++

the Mister's Review:

It was grrreeeat!! Can't wait until the next one!
The End


Friday, August 17, 2012

My Favorite Things - Take 2

It's no secret to anyone that knows me that I love chardonnay (almost as much as Ramona loves her Pinot).  This is a great-tasting, reasonably-priced bottle of wine and a staple at all of my happy hours.  

Forget Shades of Grey -- these little bites of ecstasy put a smile on my face like nothing else and for 240 calories for 15 pieces these are a dream come true.  My favorite are the ones that are chocolate filled but I wouldn't turn my nose up at the vanilla bites if that's all we had in the house.

Ask my friends - I am never without one of these Wishbone Salad Spritzers in my purse.  They add just enough flavor to a salad with one (1) calorie per spray.  Best invention since Yummie Tummie (holla!). 

If you don't have a Trader Joe's near you, you have my condolences.  My #2 is a real foodie and when she found out a Trader Joe's was coming an hour away she had to investigate.  It also happens to be just minutes away from #1's casa de don't-ask-any-questions.  Anyway, my #2 weaved her way through Trader Joe's like it was a candy store.  She stocked up our cart with some new - never had - but don't-know-how-I-lived-without items. This yogurt dip is definitely one of the must-haves at Trader Joes; great taste and low cal - doesn't get any better! 

So y'all have a great weekend.  See you Monday! 

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Lovin' Lilly

Most people know that Lilly makes beautiful dresses.  But I like to  shop there for my go-to hostess and birthday gifts for two reasons; you can purchase an adorable item for under $25.00 and the second and best reason is that they wrap it in a beautiful Lilly bag with hot pink tissue paper. 

It's all in the presentation...

Fireside Matches and tumblers

I spoiled myself with one of these 16-month agendas -- but oooh I am so worth it! 

The top shelf features adorable paper cubes and pens.  The second one displays cute cell phone cases - and some have a pocket in the back for a college girl's license and fake ID - ask my #1 girl...

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