Talbots Spring Essentials

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Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Pillow Talk


In case you are wondering, we are still on baby watch.  Every morning, we get up at 5AM, and the first thing we do is check our Mama-to-be's location.  We talk to her every evening, and she is feeling great.  She told me that she loves being pregnant, but she can't wait to meet Lucy.

It has been warm enough to spend some time out on the patio.  Nobody is happier than Miss Millie.

If you have been following me for a while, you know that I do a pillow post at least once a year.  In my humble opinion, pillows are the least expensive way to change the look of a room or outdoor space.  


As a side note, most of the pillows shown are sold as covers.


I bought these last year and they look good as new today.

Lots of colors

These mix-and-match groupings are great!

This goes into my why didn't I think of this?  file.
An inflatable ottoman increases patio seating as well as a place to put your feet up.

Skinny Delaney's granddog, Charlie, catching up on his reading.

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. You have shared so many pretty pillows with us! Thanks!! I love the picture of Charlie wearing reading glasses!

  2. Hi - great selection, thanks! However, the Amazon link for the pair of beautiful blue and green embroidered looking ones goes to the orange and red Amazon ones pictured above them. do you have another link?

    1. My apologies. The link is fixed. Have a wonderful week!

  3. We are ALL on baby watch!!! I cannot even imagine how excited you all are to meet sweet Lucy. She is going to be the best dressed baby girl!
    I love these pillows and totally agree, they are the easiest way to change up the look of a room!

  4. I hope you will post on Insta if baby Lucy comes in-between blog posts. She is going to be a beautiful baby with such adorable parents (and grandparents) and you’re lucky that you’ll be able to see her often. Hoping #1 has an easy and comfortable birth. PS. Love Millie’s outdoor dog bed - so chic.

  5. Katie, I know you are excited that you will be a gandmother, it is truly the best! Beautiful pillows!

  6. Where is the dog bed from? I love it.


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