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Friday, February 23, 2024

The Friday Files


I hope that you had a good week.  All is well here.  We are still on baby watch.  While our Mama-to-be is getting restless, our little Lucy seems to be getting more comfy in her little nest.

Speaking of nests, I took some pics of the nursery last weekend.  Coco from Beck Interiors helped our Mama-to-be design this darling room.

I don't think that Lucy will ever have an I have nothing to wear kind of day, unlike her grandmother.

Labor is the only blind date where you know you will meet the love of your life.

Take a tour of this gorgeous Palm Beach estate designed by Redd Kaihoi here.

Click here to take a tour of this charming French Country home.

Nobody appreciates a good restaurant burger move than the Mister.  This juicy item (pun intended) explains why some burgers are so much better than those made at home. 

I used to be a nervous flyer.  I still am when there is turbulence.  But I no longer scratch at the ceiling in hopes of triggering the oxygen mask or holding on to my flotation device for dear life.  Here are some ways to settle a nervous flyer's nerves.

You may want to avoid showing this to the nervous flyer.  This answers the question of whether travelers are more discriminating about their seat selection since that Boeing blowout debacle.

If you love dogs and have some time to volunteer, here is the perfect opportunity. 

Are you watching The New Look?
Here is an interesting story about Catherine Dior and the actress who plays her.

What's the best vitamin to keep muscles strong?
The answer is here.

If you enjoy charming hotels, rescue dogs, and guys named George, you are going to love this tour.

Stop over to callmekristenmarie on Instagram if you are looking for some laughs.  She is spot-on with imitating a boomer mom.  
I think she planted a camera in our house.

Now it's your turn.  Do you have any questions for the Mister or me?  E-mail me or leave your questions in the comments, and I will answer them.
I may not tell you the truth, but I will answer them.

A big sale is happening at my #1 favorite pjs brand.

20% Off sale price.
Lots of colors.

25% Off Entire Purchase

Lots of colors & comes in petite too!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Oh my gosh, that little baby's closet! I wouldn't mind a closet that well stocked. I love that Boomer Mom and have sent some videos to my own daughter who confirms this is all true (although I am not technically a boomer, I'm in the earlier years of Gen X). And I wear my reading glasses down my nose like that. Best wishes to the new mamma and papa and the new grandparents when it all happens! -Jenn

  2. Lucille's nursery ... oh my goodness! It's a work of art and will likely sweep the Architectural Digest design awards. I have so many questions for you and the Mister. I'll narrow down and get back to you. Happy Friday! xo

  3. Katie I am so excited for you and of course your daughter. That nursery is adorable and the closet full of outfits! Love it.
    Off to check out your links! Happy Weekend!

  4. OMG I live in the town next to Montclair, but grew up there. It has become a bastion of Liberalism and not friendly to anyone that doesn't share their views. You can have it and Bobbi Brown, who wears no make-up herself, yet sells a line, not a great self promoter. I do love your blog and am sorry to be so negative but I am sad that what was such a beautiful town has fallen into the hands of such awful elitist, pompous people. No conservatives, tolerated there where many citizens are vocally abusive and hostile if you should share that information in any way.

    1. Please, Katie’s blog is such a happy, friendly place. Let’s leave politics out of it and keep it a common ground .

    2. Yikes, I agree; let’s keep it positive! There’s so much negativity these days!

    3. I agree that there is so much negativity in this world and when a town’s political flavor makes it an unpleasant place to visit they should be called out for it. Many people avoid it because it’s no longer a place where all feel welcome if you are on the wrong side. Inclusion is a word bandied around but not embraced or shown. I wish we could return to when it didn’t matter what our political beliefs were but in some places that’s the focus and the residents let you know it .

    4. But not on a blog like this. It has absolutely nothing to do with the description Katie gives of her mission; family, books, shopping, decorating. This isn’t the appropriate forum.

  5. Katie, that nursery is darling… the scallops, the bunny bookends, and the piece de resistance, the little purse!! 💖

  6. What is the best way to find time to be with your adult children that does not include eating ? ! While we have a grand time doing it, I am similar to you in that it seems we mostly gather to EAT together. I have 3 sons, so it is even harder because shopping is not a priority. I am trying to lose weight and this is how it really became clear to me that this is, well, this is what we do to be together. Maybe "it is what it is", but I am ready for some good ideas. ALSO, PRETTY PRETTY PLEASE SHARE THE DEETS ON THE GORGEOUS ARTWORK ABOVE THE CRIB. LOVE THOSE 3 TOGETHER !

  7. FYI. When there is turbulence the pilot and co are alert and at their best. It’s when it’s smooth sailing you should worry. Oh no, now I just flipped the problem.

  8. I am that boomer mom - she gets it right and I just die laughing! The nursery is just beautiful. Things have sure come a long way from the bright colors and teddy bears of the late 90's and early 2000's. Hope you have a good weekend!

  9. Katie, as usual a beautiful post! Amusing that the majority of comments are about Lucy’s nursery! The wall color wouldn’t be BM Beach Glass would it? Lastly, after the Princess is born (sorry for your dethronement) how about pictures of her on a weekly basis wearing some of her wardrobe? Would love a fashion show.

  10. oh oh oh...Miss Lucy's room and closet attire....so sweet, special and radiating love. Happy times ahead. xox Your Sudbury Sweetheart xoxo

  11. Hello Katie, my question is, when will you and the Mister release an entertainment/cook book? The Mister’s amazing food and your beautiful table seatings would make a best seller.

  12. Lucy’s nursery is beautiful. Now all it needs is Lucy. I am so excited for you and the Mister. Over the moon. You both are going to be over the moon.


  13. What a sweet nursery and wardrobe for baby Lucille. Can't wait to "meet" her!

  14. Lucy's room is so cute, and her wardrobe is amazing! I am excited for you Katie!

  15. Hey there!

    Just finished reading your latest Friday Files post, and I couldn't help but smile from ear to ear! Your knack for finding humor in everyday life is truly a gift, and it never fails to brighten my day. From the hilarious mishaps to the heartwarming moments with your family, your storytelling always hits the mark.

    I especially loved hearing about your adventures with your furry friend and the antics they get up to. It's clear that they bring so much joy and laughter into your life, just as your stories do for your readers.

    Oh, and by the way, your mention of the women's black leather moto jacket caught my eye! Sounds like a chic addition to any wardrobe. Keep up the fantastic work, and I can't wait to see what next week's Friday Files have in store! Cheers to more laughter and good vibes ahead!

  16. Thank you for your sweet note. It made my day!


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