Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, February 2, 2024

We Love Lucy!


I hope that you had a productive week.  North Texas was blessed with some gorgeous weather.  I've gotten back into my daily walk routine, which is my mood elevator.  At least, that's what the Mister tells me.

Last Saturday, our Mother and Father-to-be were showered with love from family and friends.  The shower took place at one of our favorite restaurants, Bistro 31.  The food and service were exemplary, as always.

Kiley, our #1's dear friend did a stupendous job with the flowers.  Her family owns The T Shop in Lakewood.  An added bonus:  Kiley manages, as well as designs, at her Dad's gorgeous jewelry shop, Matthew Trent.

So now the secret is out.  Our granddaughter will be named Lucille Margaret. The first name because both the Mom and Dad love the nickname Lucy and Margaret for our #2.  I don't know who was more touched by that name - my #2 or her parents.

Lucy's namesake and her beau, Joe.

Adorable Michael, AJ's twin, has spoiled his Sis-in-Law rotten over the years.

It looks like Lucy will be the beneficiary of Uncle Michael's generosity as well.

 Sweet baby photos of the M & D-to-be were scattered throughout the room.

Nobody loved wearing a tiara as much as my #1.

Family and friends came from all over to shower the love. Mrs. Adorable is on the far left, while Aunt Mermie, who traveled from Canada, is on the far right.  The proud Uncle-to-be and Aunts in the middle.

Remember when #1 and AJ lived in NYC?  They moved into the same building as their dear friends who had also moved from Texas.
I used to refer to them as the Ricardos and the Mertzes.  

I know #1 and AJ miss their buds, who have since moved to Charleston, SC.

Between you and me, I think that they are secretly the new cast members in Southern Charm. Hopefully, they are replacing JT.

TCU and UT were well represented at the celebration.  

Our dear friends, Miss Deb and Sir Rex, gave us some tips on being grandparents. 

I had not seen the lovely young lady on the left since our #1's graduation from middle school!  She is carrying baby #3!

The happy couple with Tina and Tori, who is also expecting.
A big hello to Tina, who reads my blog!

Party favors are always a good idea!
The Mister said that these cookies were the best he had ever tasted!
And he is a cookie connoisseur!

The Mister and I couldn't be happier to be sharing grandparent duties with Mr. and Mrs. Adorable.

Now comes the hard part... the waiting!
I will share my new moniker after little Lucy's arrival.

Ann Taylor has a 30% Off promo on new arrivals.



If Ann Taylor could guarantee that my short, chubby legs would look this good in these jeans, I would buy out the store.


Love this sweater with the collar!



Lots of colors and prints

We have these all over the house, and our girls always tell us how good our house smells.
Goodbye dog smell... hello Pura.
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Which Pura scents do you use? I’d love to mask the smell of the short, clawed housemate I currently have with my #1. And can you share the name of the cookie vendor ? Perhaps I can have some cookies sent to my TX families. m in hi

    1. Hi m!! these are four of our favorites: Sun,Yuzu Citron, Frazier Fur, and Volcano.

  2. So excited for Lucy’s arrival! She will be the luckiest girl in the world with you for her gma!💓

  3. Elizabeth from Lake Geneva, WIFebruary 2, 2024 at 10:15 AM

    What an exciting time in your lives! Thank you for sharing these happy times with us!

  4. What a lovely party! Our new granddaughter is arriving in April and her name will be Lucy, too!

  5. Everything about this is wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing such a special, happy family time with us. Your #1 using her sister’s name brought tears to my eyes. So very special. I’m wishing you all the very best as you wait for Lucy’s arrival!

  6. Such a beautiful and happy party!! Thanks for sharing it, and those jeans!! Happy Friday, !

  7. Congratulations as you enjoy your new granddaughter! You’ll be amazing grandparents!💗

  8. Love the name 😉 and cute pictures. Mom is glowing and I think everyone is adorable 🥰

  9. The baby shower looks like such a lovely celebration. What a beautiful name and so many happy, smiling faces.

  10. So very happy for your family! What a lovely shower and group of close friends and family! Love her name!

  11. What a beautiful shower! Lucille Margaret is already well loved and BOTH of your girls are glowing!

  12. What a beautiful family lucky Lucy will be joining. ❣️

  13. Beautiful pictures! Thank you for sharing!

  14. I love everything about this post! What a beautiful baby shower from the flowers, the dresses the attendees were wearing, and the cookies.
    Lucy is going to be so loved! So special that so many family members were able to attend the shower.
    Impressed that J’s brother picked out such a special gift for his niece.
    No doubt this was a wonderful weekend for you and your family.
    Do you know where the cookies were from? I’m hosting a bridal shower for my niece in a few months.
    Melissa B who now lives in Frisco

  15. Your girls and their adorables all have the most beautiful smiles! Lucy is a very sweet name!

  16. oh this is such a beautiful post...such a happy event, happy guests and happy times to come. Miss Lucy will be showered with much love. xox Your Sudbury Sweetheart.

    1. Happy Birthday, Sudbury Sweetheart! May all your wishes come true!!

  17. Lovely post. You have such a beautiful family, and I agree with everyone ….the cookies are fabulous….Janey

    1. Thank you, Janey... I hope all is well with you and your family!

  18. I adore baby and bridal showers - such hope and joy for the future can be found in pretty cookies and ribbons and bows! And Lucy will have a lovely name and family!

  19. I really enjoy your personal content like your oldest daughter's baby shower! Everything looked perfect. My guess is that your new moniker will be Mimi.

  20. So excited for you! I read your blog regularly but I've only commented one other time (I believe it was when you shared the announcement that you'd be entering the Grand life). Our own Little - Lucy Ann - made us grandparents in 2022 and we're now looking forward to #2. There is nothing like it and I can tell from your blog that Lucy Margaret will be surrounded by love in every way! Enjoy all that is to come! 💕

    1. One question, Laura... is Lucy Ann getting a brother or sister? Congrats!!

    2. It's going to be a surprise, just like Lucy! We'll all have to wait until this new Little makes his/her arrival! Can't wait!

  21. Oh, my goodness, this gave me all "the feels." What a lovely Dad and Mom to be and what a lovely celebration. AND, the name, yes, I love it. I'm waiting with "baited breath" to hear what you and the Mister will be called by Lucy.

  22. What a lovely event. The Mister is adorable in his pink! Can't wait to see photo's of Lucy, Millie and Clemmie. The Mom to Be is just glowing! Cheers to all!

  23. What a wonderful celebration!! You ladies are just glowing!! So excited for your lil Lucy to arrive!! 💗

  24. Any chance you can share where your beautiful mom-to-be daughter #1 purchased her dress or what brand it is? She looks absolutely gorgeous in it. Thanks - so enjoy your blog!

  25. So so glam! The flowers, cookies and mother to be were so glamorous! I love family names and Lucille Margaret melts my heart! Please let us, your readers, know the minute Sweet Lucy makes an appearance!🎀 KTG

  26. Dearest Preppy Empty Nester ... here I am, finally, getting caught up. Oh my, it's a baby boom over there in Texas ... your #1 is absolutely glowing and I know you're all counting down the day's until Lucy bursts onto the scene. What a lovely, lovely shower ... those flowers! And the cookies! If the Mister says they're the best, I believe it. Making note for my next event. You, the Mister and the Adorables are already the best grandparents. I'll be on pins and needles waiting for news! xo

  27. Just catching up...Beemie here...the cookies were amazing and everyone looked ADORABLE! Congrats!


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