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Friday, March 1, 2024

Lights, Camera, Lucy!


Lucy has arrived! The new Mama's water broke at 1:30AM on Wednesday morning, and we all sang Hallelujah! 

After an uneventful labor (thank God), Lucille Margaret made her entrance at 12:30PM on Wednesday.

The new Mom and Dad were positively beaming with love and pride!

Our #2 couldn't take her eyes off her sweet little namesake.

No more so than both sets of grandparents!

Miss Lucy weighed in at 7 pounds, 10 ounces, and 20 inches long. 

Many prayers of gratitude were uttered on that cold February day.  Btw, Lucy missed being a Leap Year baby by the skin of her teeth gums.

We all got to hold our newest little blessing, but I think Mrs. Adorable and I got to take the most turns.  

We murmured phrases to baby Lucy about all the new adventures we looked forward to with her.  Words like lunches, shopping, and sleepovers could be heard throughout the room.

When I asked #1 how the actual birth was, she replied, humbling but worth every minute!

Many of you have inquired as to what little Lucy will call me.  Actually, I decided on my grandmother name back in 2016, before our #1 and Adorable Jonathon were engaged.

Kristy Woodson Harvey is the Queen of Southern Literature.  I have been a big fan of hers and had the pleasure of meeting Kristy and her darling Mom at a lunch hosted by the Hostess with the Mostess, Tina of The Enchanted Home.

Kristy has the gift of creating indelible, multidimensional characters that seem to jump off the pages.  When I finish one of Kristy's books, I am always sad to bid goodbye to the characters.

After reading Lies and Other Acts of Love, I knew that I wanted my grandmother name to be Lovey after the grandmother who was the family matriarch.  She was strong, loving, and the family's North Star. I'm not sure that I can match Lovey's attributes, but I'm sure going to try.

When our #1 and AJ told us that they were expecting, I dropped Kristy a note and thanked her for creating Lovey.

And if anyone is interested in the Mister's new name, he thought out of the box and chose Grumpy Grandpa.

Tell me you're a new grandparent without telling me you're a new grandparent.


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Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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  1. Congratulations to all on the wonderful arrival of Miss Lucy! What great news! We expect lots of updates on this heart-breaker!

  2. Congratulations Lovey! I love that title! I would use it too, but I have already declared that I will be Grammy when our first grandchild arrives in late May. And I was already gifted a sun hat with Grammy embroidered onto it. So it's set in stone! But Lovey is darling. Enjoy all of the cuddle times. I am looking forward to joining the club!

    1. Thank you, so much and congrats on the grandchild coming soon!

  3. Congratulations to all! Lovey and Papa, you are entering an exciting time. Enjoy every minute. Lucy is one lucky girl!💕💓

    1. Thank you. She hit the lottery when it comes to loving parents. Have a great weekend.

  4. Congrats, Lovey! I do hope that your new Lucy time will not interrupt your pickleball…hehe! SO happy for you and your family! Lucy is beautiful!!💕

    1. Thanks so much. I plan on being Lucy's personal pickleball coach. I should be about 85 by then. Have a great weekend!

  5. Congratulations! Nothing like it! Enjoy

  6. Welcome to the world, Lucy!! Hope to meet you shopping at NorthPark!

  7. Congratulations-Oh the places you will go with Lucy! She is one blessed lady to arrive to your family.
    I decided on Grammy Babs.

    1. I think Grammy Babs is a darling name. Have a great weekend!

  8. She is adorable! Your daughter looks wonderful and happy. You are so lucky they live in the same area. With an ocean between me and mine, it is taking some planning to make it happen. Hoping it will not be too much longer. 🤞Ellen Shook

    1. Hi Ellen... I have been following your beautiful grandbaby through you. I hope that you meet very soon. xx

  9. Congratulations to you and your whole family! Lucy is a beauty!

  10. Lovey, congratulations on the birth of your beautiful granddaughter, Lucy. I love the traditional name. You are over the moon. The feelings you experience when you see her and hold her will last a lifetime. As for a Mom that just gave birth, your daughter looks great. Congratulations to all of you. Lucy, welcome to a world of love.💕

    Xx Maxine

    1. Hellooo dear Maxine... I admit I took a video about 15 minutes long recording all of Lucy's tiny facial expressions while she sleeps. I've watched it over 20 times since breakfast. Thank you Maxine and have a great weekend.

  11. Congratulations!!!! What wonderful news!!! I'm so happy that Lucy has arrived and that she and her mama are doing well. Sending much love to you all from Maggie (@mksilton--I can only post anonymously for some reason)

  12. Welcome to the Grandmother Club Katie! Sweet little Lucy is perfect!The photos are adorable but the one with her lying on the pink floral blanket! Oh my! I’m so glad your #1 allowed you to share the pix with us! She looks amazing!
    Here is one little suggestion- keep a journal of what you gift little Lucy on special occasions so when your next little blessing comes along, you can remember what you gave Lucy. We have seven sweet blessings and I try to keep things even! Enjoy your precious little Lucy!

    1. Thank you so much for that piece of advice. I have the perfect journal for it. Congrats on your seven blessings!

  13. Congratulations! Lucy is beautiful! What a blessing. So happy for you all!!

  14. Oh my goodness...what a beautiful baby! You are in for a lifetime of joy with little Lucy! Our little bundle is now a freshman in college. It'll be here in a blink of an eye! 💕Dell (Mimi)

    1. Hi Dell! So good to hear from you! Thank you so much!

  15. Congratulations to everyone!! The new mama looks great! Lucy is adorable!

  16. Replies
    1. Thank you so much, Julie. Congrats on your bundle of joy, as well!

  17. Congratulations Lovely. Lucy is beautiful.

  18. Such a beauty! Congratulations! Love her face, her name & all the happy family.
    Would love to know where to get the exact monogram gown.
    Never seen that monogram style before. Thank you for sharing the joy!

    1. Gina... are you in the Dallas Area?

    2. Thank you, Lovey. Looking forward to more fashion influence from Lucy!

  19. Welcome sweet Lucy! And congratulations to Lovey, Grandpa and the Adorables. I'm excited for you and all the lunching, shopping and sleeping over on the horizon. Maybe one of those cute bunk rooms is in order at Lovey's house?! xoxo

  20. What a little beauty! Congratulations to all! Lots of happy adventures ahead for all of you!

  21. She's absolutely perfect!!! And that hair! What a lucky little girl Miss Lucy is to be loved by all of you!

  22. Congratulations to all! Beautiful!

  23. Congratulations! As Melanie Hamilton Wilkes said, "the happiest days are when babies come."

  24. Congratulations and welcome to the best...club...ever. My first grandchild is now 14 years old and oh the memories and the pics that started way back then. My name to all 3 grands is GaGa---as in Lady ;-) My husband wanted to be called Granddude but the granddaughter, who was great at only using the last syllable of words, decided to call him Dude and that name has stuck. You are in for a whole new and different and wonderful life. Enjoy every minute of it! FYI - I started writing "Dear Annabelle" notes to my granddaughter 14 years ago, including many of our conversations and chats each time we were together...I have since transferred those notes to 2 journals and will give them to her when she turns 21. Just an idea for ya!

    1. First of all, I love your name, Ga Ga! What a beautiful way to let your granddaughter know how much you love her. And so lovely to give the journals to her on her 21st. I will definitely write some Dear Lucy notes. Thanks for the suggestion!

  25. CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL! Enjoy and have fun!!!

  26. Congratulations on becoming Lovey. The very best job any woman can have. Best wishes for little Lucy always! ❤️❤️❤️

  27. Congratulations, Lovey! She is beautiful!!

  28. What a perfect baby girl doll. Congratulations to the new Adorables! And, Lovey and Grandpa. Our only grandson had his 29th birthday on Feb. 28 and he too missed being a Leap Year baby by the skin of his gums. Also on Wednesday, we learned we will have our 4th GREAT Grand in Sept. All in all, Wed., Feb. 28 was a very eventful day for us both.

    1. Libby! Congrats! I'll have what you're having any day of the week!

  29. Lucy is a darling child. Congrats to all!

  30. Lucy is adorable, and I can't believe how beautiful and glowing the mom looks! It is also so refreshing to see her cute little hat instead of these monstrous bows that you see on these newborns and children totally obscuring their features! And those bows are the first thing you see- not the precious baby. The little cap is a wonderful choice. Enjoy your little one!

  31. Congrats to all of you and yours, Lovey! There is no joy like grandchildren! Love, GiGi. (Charlene)

  32. Let the fun begin! So happy for you all, Lucy is a little beauty! 🎀🧸💕

  33. Congratulations to you all.

  34. Oh wow Lucy is just beautiful and she was just born. You all look so good. It’s hard to believe Mama gave birth and all she went through and looks so good.
    You will be the best grandparents. Lucy is so blessed to come into this world with a family like all of you are.
    Loved her personalized outfit. That looks so baby girl, just beautiful.
    Enjoy every minute, Lucy will grow up so fast as you well know.
    Thank you for sharing your joy.

  35. Mazel tov, your daughter is glowing and btw your skin looks beautiful. What a fabulous day!

  36. Congratulations to your family - Lucy is beautiful! We are Lolli & Pop to our 10-month old granddaughter. So much fun ahead!

  37. Congratulations to the new parents, grandparents, Auntie and Uncle! She is beautiful. So happy for a safe delivery. My pass through room to my office is full of toys, what's that tell you??!

    1. That tells me that you've got some pretty lucky grandchildren, Rita.

  38. Congratulations on the birth of Lucy. Being a grandmother is the absolute best. Enjoy every moment. I love your name “Lovey”.

  39. Hey Lovey….both mom and sweet babe look beautiful. #1 is glowing and so gorgeous. Lucy is so adorable…
    So I have two possible suitors for her to pick from. We are all waiting for the two to make their appearance sometime around the first 2 weeks in April. Hopefully they are as kind to their Momma as Lucy was! My name, you ask…well I’m not allowed to be “ Nana” because my mom is still alive and I was informed that there is only ONE NANA!?!? And “Grandma” is out because her mom is going to be Grandma…so I have decided on….***Honey***….. my husband’s siblings called their Mom (my amazing mother-in-law) “Honey” when they were little because his Dad called her that…of course by middle school…that changed to “Mom”. So since I adored her, I want to be Honey. Can’t wait to share pics and enjoy these littles together!!! Enjoy and any “Lovey” (grandma tips) please pass on girlfriend.
    Michelle Foley…aka Honey

    1. Hi Michelle! I love that Honey story and I know you will be a wonderful Honey. Congrats!

  40. Little Lucy is adorable and #1 looks fantastic for a new Mom! So much love for the first grandchild on both sides.
    One of my Grandfathers would call me Lovey (actually all of his granddaughters) and I think I might use it someday.
    So happy for all of you!
    Melissa in Frisco

    1. Thanks so much, Melissa. I hope that you are enjoying Frisco.

  41. OMG! how adorable!!! And, you will be an awesome Lovely. I look forward to more pics as Lucy grows. Such a special, special time in our lives for sure!

    1. Thank you so much Lea! I love seeing the pics of your grands!

  42. Beemie here…I had tears in my eyes reading your post & viewing the photos of all the proud people who will surround the newest “Adorable” . I love Lucy, whether Ball, in the sky with diamonds, or Van Pelt (Charlie Brown). Lovey & Grandpa enjoy the glow!

  43. Congratulations! I'm so happy for your whole family. What a blessing! Lucy is just precious, and I know you are all over the moon. Soak up all the memories being made.

  44. Congratulations to the whole family. Lovey and Lucy - I can just see the blogposts about your escapades together! Enjoy her.💚

  45. My tea cooled dramatically as I scrolled to the bottom to leave a comment ... you've quite the fanbase, Lovey. And you couldn't have chosen a better name.

    On the baby front: How absolutely splendid, Sis! Welcome to the world, Lucy! You're blessed with an amazing, wonderful family. Oh, the places you'll go!!!

    1. Thank you dear Kelly. So looking forward to your new book!

  46. Congratulations to the parents and grandparents as you all welcome the new bundle of joy! I look forward to lots more photos, if permitted. My first grandchild is due in early June, and I have not decided on a name yet.

  47. Congratulations! Being a grandparent is the best honor of all. My oldest daughter has an almost 3 year old little girl and little boy who is 1. Our hands are full, but love every minute of it.

  48. Congratulations on the beautiful new addition to your family!!

  49. Lovey! It fits you so well Try not to spoil her 🙄. Miss you guys…..

  50. Congratulations Lovey. I loved the name from the book and movie, The Beach House. My nickname as a child was "Lucy", and many family members still call me "Lucy." It brings back fond memories of my Dad when someone says the name Lucy.
    Your Lucy is a blessed child to be surrounded by such loving people. May God bless her and her family. xo

  51. Congratulations Lovey! A whole new adventure begins for your family! Lucy is absolutely adorable!

  52. Welcome Lucy to a wonderful family. Lovey will see that you are spoiled and you beautiful Lucy should. Looking forward to the future of Lucy's life.
    Nancy Brantley

  53. How incredibly exciting!!! I know your family is generally very private - it is so special that they let you share these pictures with us :)
    I can’t imagine the joy you all are experiencing. Congrats Lovey ❤️

  54. I also chose my name from a book I read. It’s Grandy.

  55. Congratulations, Katie! Your sweet Lucy is perfect in every way and she is blessed to be joining your beautiful family!

    I love your Grand name - Lovey has a lovely ring to it! I was "Gramma" until our own little Lucy decided recently that I'm "Bacco" - we have no idea where that came from (it's what she calls both of her grandmas now at two years old) and everyone giggled at first when we finally figured out what she was saying and who she was saying it about! Now, we've simply embraced this new name and it's hard for me to imagine Lucy calling me anything else!

    Savor all the moments to come! My husband and I also have two daughters - Lucy's mommy and our younger daughter who is in love with her niece and godchild! There's nothing like watching our own children grow into loving parents! Here's to the Grand life!

    1. Thank you Laura for your sweet words. I have heard from so many fellow grandparents that just because I chose the name Lovey, Lucy may have her own interpretation. I'm good with that. Here's to the grand life!!!

  56. Congratulations!! So happy for the whole beautiful, loving family!! 💕

  57. Congratulations! What a beautiful baby! I bet you're over the moon! It's hard to explain the feeling of being a grandparent to someone who isn't one. I believe the Lord created that feeling exclusively for us grandparents. We have two granddaughters - the oldest is 14 and the youngest is one. They call me Nana. :)

    1. I love the thought that the Lord made this incredible feeling for grandparents!

  58. Congratulations! Being a grandparent is the best! I'm GeeGee to Sage and Francis.

  59. As a grandma of 3, I remember so well the joy of each birth, the first one is beyond wonderful. Congratulations to your family! Lucy is beautiful and your daughter looks so pretty.
    You'll be a great Lovey to Lucy.
    Karen B.

  60. Oh, I loved Lovey! And so perfect for you! She’s a beautiful baby girl!
    Our daughter just had their third under 3! Such a blessing and grand-parenting is the best. It is taking away from my PB game but it’s all good! We are Mame & Papa

  61. I hope you get Lovey. I decided I was going to be Oma after my German heritage and my husband, like yours, wanted Grandpa, Well, we are Nana and Papa. Our first born grandchild, who is now 22 years old, decided that's who we were and that was that. I have heard other grandparents say the same - it's the first grandchild who decides, you really have no choice, LOL!

  62. CONGRATULATIONS LOVEY!!! Sweet Lucy and Mom are visions of loveliness and joy! Looking forward to many (by many I mean oodles and oodles of them) more posts of
    our sweet Lucy! 🎀 Thrilled beyond words for you as you enter your new world of
    All Things Lucy! Thank you for sharing pictures of these precious moments. I love Lucy!

  63. I"m late but just reading this. Congratulations Lovely and Grandpa. We entered this club fifteen years back and he's getting a drivers license this summer! Enjoy it, passes fast. From a Bama!

  64. Congratulations Lovey and grandpa!
    May Lucy be a blessing your lives.
    And please keep us updated about this adorable girl!

  65. Congratulations to all! I always have plenty of words, but still struggle sometimes to express all that grandparenting means. It's the absolute best! We also have a new granddaughter who arrived Feb 8th. She is our fifth and it never gets old. Enjoy every minute with your new little one!

  66. Congratulations! There is nothing like a granddaughter. Love her name and yours! I was going to be Nana…very New England…but somehow , Ava started to call me Neena…and that stuck with her…and her baby sister..so prepare for anything. So happy for you!

  67. Congratulations on your little bundle of joy! She is beautiful and know she is going to be one of the best dressed babies around! I read the book too and loved the name "Lovey" and the character, but, that is not the name I was given by my oldest grandchild. I am now "Gee" despite the fact I was supposed to be "Gammy." No matter what your "name" is, being a grandparent is the best. Enjoy every minute of it!

  68. I love the baby’s name. My mother and grandmother were both Lucile’s. My great niece is Lucile Alice (Lucy) after her two grandmothers. My mother’s nickname was Tiel.


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