Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, March 8, 2024

The Friday Files

I hope you had a good week. We stopped in a couple of times to get a little Lucy lovin'. We dropped off some of the Mister's cooking one day and picked up lunch on another.  It's amazing how much an infant changes with each day. You can tell I haven't been around babies for a while.

I love to watch all the facial expressions Lucy makes while drowsing.

The Mister takes too long when it's his turn!

We also stopped by for some Lemmie lovin'.
Lemmie is coming to stay with us for a few days at the end of March.  She went to a 4-week training camp in January so  I am expecting big things.

The Mister and Millie have had a Tuesday date for the past six weeks.  We are so glad that Millie passed with flying colors.  She is looking forward to receiving her graduate degree in Manners 2 and pursuing a career in Canine Etiquette.

Take a trip down memory lane and see this mountain home that was decorated by several talented designers.

Take a tour of this updated 19th Century Sea Captain's cottage in one of my favorite towns, Mystic, Connecticut.

Take a tour of this light and bright Florida home.

Do you read my friend Juliet's blog, Make Mine A Spritzer? She has great taste in style—both in fashion and interior design. Stop by to read her post on her fabulous Ritz-Carlton cruise here.

I am a big fan of Carol Burnett, and not just because we share the same birthday.  Here is a great interview with my idol.

Do you care to hear what the experts think is the future of travel?

This just arrived in the mail.  How darling is the Sparkle bag?  It is so pretty and very well-made. 
Check out Sparkle's website - they have a great assortment of cute clutches.  It would make a wonderful Mother's Day or graduate gift.  You can follow them at @sparklebags3.0 on Insta and check out their latest styles. 

A couple moves to Italy.  Then, his ex-wife moves down the street.  Can this relationship be saved?

If you love bookstores, you are going to love this.

How do you feel about the time change this weekend? I am beginning to think that I am the only one that doesn't approve. It may have something to do with the fact that when I go to bed kids are still outside playing.

Anyway, here are some thoughts from researchers.

One of my favorite shows, Somebody Feed Phil, is back on Netflix! If you enjoy traveling and eating food sprinkled with humor, you will love this show.  Here's the trailer.

And if you enjoy Somebody Feed Phil I'm pretty sure that you'll love this.

 Many have asked about Lucy's gown.  It was purchased at Paty, and the monogramming was done by A to Z monogramming.

 When you have a granddaughter who has more clothes than the Kardashians, it is difficult to think of something special for Lucy for Easter.  I scrolled and scrolled and landed on the Beaufort Bonnet website.

The bonnets are precious, and they have darling children's clothes, as well.

I also bought the stand so that Lucy can display it on her dresser.

30% Off entire site

Lots of cute colors!

20% Off Printfresh site with code.

Half price!

Half price!

Entire Pericone MD site is on sale.

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I was so happy to read your last post and this one - Lucy is just perfect and precious! Life will only get better being a grandmother! Lovey is the sweetest name to be called and I can only imagine it first being said as "Wuvy"! Enjoy every moment as it passes by so quickly! We are taking the family (4 grandsons) to Disney at the end of the month - something we have planned since the first one was born!

  2. Carol Burnett - such a legend. Who could forget her Gone WIth The Wind skit draped in the curtains complete with rod? Or as Mrs Wiggins? Or Dr. Tim injecting himself with the Novocaine? When I need a laugh I watch those YouTube clips (or the interview with Ryan Gosling, Harrison Ford and the delightful Alison Hammond - another classic). Have a great weekend, Sis.

  3. Being Lucy's grandmother suits you! What a shame the Mister keeps horning in on your action. I bet Lucy's parents appreciate those Mister made meals tho. And that bonnet ... and stand. Oh my gosh. The K's have nothing on the Clooney's. My only complaint about Friday Files is I can't get else anything done once I start down the fabulous house rabbit holes. Well, I'm going to have to pull myself out because I have a to do list and my Mister is giving me side eye. Thanks so much for the amazing shout out. You're the best in addition to being my fav blogger. I hope to see you and the Mr. sailing off into the Caribbean or Mediterranean very soon. If you can drag yourselves away from that previous little one! xo

  4. So happy for you and yours...nothing like a new baby to put a new spark in the family. She is adorable and I do think she favors YOU!!!!!

  5. Awe - little Lucy! Congratulations! So happy for you and your whole family! Beautiful homes this week too! Enjoy your weekend!

  6. I, too, absolutely hate daylight savings time. We are a house divided - my husband loves it. The bonnet is adorable. I loved keeping my Amy out of the sun in pretty bonnets when she was small. Enjoy Lucy!

  7. Congratulations on your new granddaughter! Nothing is more fun? Living in Shreveport, I love that you got her that darling bonnet. She will need that in the hot Texas summer. I had bonnets like that for my two girls when they were small (now 46 & 42)! I love reading your posts!

  8. Awww, keep the Lucy photo content coming! I love the bonnet!

  9. Lucy is just darling! I love anything with a monogram and her gown is precious, it must be so much fun dressing her. Congrats to Millie, job well done!

  10. Little Lucy is luscious! Thank you for sharing the photos.

  11. So precious! Isn't it wonderful that you live so close and can pop in often!
    ❤️ Jenna

  12. Loved seeing the money shot with you ( and the Mister) and little Lucy!

  13. Congratulations to MIllie! Lucy is adorable and I love your teal Irish knit cardigan. Cheers to all! Annie G.


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