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Lands' End Favorites

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Tuesday, January 2, 2024

The Holidays In the Rearview


Happy New Year!  It is great to be back.  I hope you all had a wonderful holiday. Any time where we end a holiday all in one piece, with no broken parts, no divorce papers filed, and all family members still speaking, is a great holiday in my eyes.

This year, we celebrated Christmas Eve early in the day because a certain designated driver, who also happens to be our mother-to-be doesn't like driving in the dark.  She gets that from me.

One more note... the Mother-to-be contracted a sudden case of camera shyness, so, therefore, there are no pics of her.

We were delighted to have our #2 stay with us for a couple of nights, and then she went off to NYC to meet her beau.  

Millie was so excited to have two sleepovers with #2's pup, Lemmie.

Adorable Jonathon was delighted with his gift designed by the Mister. He filled the Home Depot bucket with a new drill and lots of other cool stuff, to quote the Mister.

Our tradition is to have hors d'oeuvres on Christmas Eve. 

And this is the classic look he gives me when he sees a "clothes" box coming his way. And then he asks the same question: did you get me any toys?

Then it's my turn.  I ask him this same question every year: am I getting any jewelry?

I am happy to report that we were both pleased with each other's answers.

Lemmie spent a lot of her time on the patio table looking in.

I'm no canine psychiatrist, but my guess is that she may have a touch of Peeping Tom syndrome.

This is a rundown of what kept us entertained.

We absolutely loved this movie.

This movie was pretty good.  Adam Driver gave a great performance. If you see it in the theater, bring earplugs.  It is a very loud movie!

The Mister loved it!

We all enjoyed this one.

It's not the holidays without the Call the Midwife Christmas Special.

Always great entertainment.

It is not exactly a holiday show, but it is a fascinating series.

This pretty much captures the essence of the rest of our time off.

Millie gives a side eye to Lemmie while protecting her new teddy. 

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Happy New Year! In the photo of it's your turn, what size is your scarf? I love that there is enough fabric for it to hang lower than a smaller scarf.

  2. Happy New Year! I'm glad you're still married, speaking to your family, and got the gifts you wanted! :) Thanks for sharing it with us - I feel relaxed just seeing you in the comfy chair with a list of movies! Here's to 2024!

  3. happy new year! I missed you!

  4. Always a fun recap from Katie! I wish I knew what is in the 6 small bowls next to the Fritos? Your snacks are 10 out of 10!!

    1. That was a sausage dip. I will post the recipe on FF.

  5. My goodness, those appetizers look fabulous and what a great idea! I'm in recovery mode here. Our 3 cowboys just about did us in. :o)) Great recap, very enjoyable! Happy 2024

  6. Happy New Year! I missed you! So happy you had a good Christmas. It’s always great reading and seeing all of your updates and posts!

  7. Happy New Year !!!
    Did those blue fabric shades come with the lamps or did you have them made? They are fabulous! Love your blog.
    Janie Horn

    1. Hi Janie! A couple of them came from Ballard and a couple came from a lampshade shop in Dallas.

  8. Also, love that rabbit vase!!!!

    1. Hi JH... that came from Homegoods and is about 20 yrs old. Have a great week.

  9. Hi Katie - We saw Boys in the Boat as well as Ferrari and thoroughly enjoyed both!

  10. Looks like a good time was had by all and I have hors d'oeuvre envy. Happy New Year, Preppy Empty Nester! xo

  11. Happy New Year, Katie! Your family looks so lovely for opening presents. We are mix of nightgowns, athleisure & bedhead! Your home is so beautiful. I would love to move right in! Wishing you the best for 2024!

    1. Thank you.. you should have seen us a few hours later. Happy New Year!

  12. Can you tell me how you care for your orchid in the first picture?? I can’t get mine to bloom but the leaves are as healthy as yours seem to be.
    Looks like a fabulous holiday!!! Thanks for the movie recs.

    1. I put 3 ice cubes on the soil once a week. Happy New Year!

  13. Your holidays looked family perfect! I loved Maestro, and hope to catch Boys in the Boat. Always love your recommendations and more. Wishing your family a healthy new year and safe delivery of the grandbaby! Ours makes everything so much more fun and I know yours will too!

  14. Love your blog. The food looks so yummy. We watched All the light we cannot see on Netflix. It was so good.

  15. It sounds like a great holiday to mKe.
    I'm happy you enjoyed the family time.
    Karen B.

  16. Wishing you A Great New Year!
    Nancy Brantley

  17. LOVE that last picture of Millie! Our furbaby, a German Shepherd, has absolutely NO interest in toys.

    1. Millie is still going strong playing with the bear and he is holding his own!

  18. Looks like a wonderful Christmas Eve with family. I know how much you enjoy having your girls home. Happy New Year…

  19. Welcome back Katie & Co! Great seeing you and your family. Your home is lovely as ever but #2 and you stole the show, nobody wears scarves and pearls better than you. Toys, bling and a granddaughter on the way ~ so happy for you ~ Happy New Year KTG

  20. Your holiday looks terrific, Katie. (And we loved Boys in the Boat, too!) Happy New Year, my friend!

  21. You two sound like us!Toys and Jewels!Happy everything to You two!

  22. We couldn't get through 'Maestro.' Watched 30 minutes & turned it off. And yet everyone here loved it. Hmmm.

  23. Happy New Year! We saw the Boys in the Boat and loved it. Santa brought me some great books. Can we please see the jewels? xoxox Annie G.

  24. Your house is decorated beautifully and it looked like a it was a Merry Christmas for all.
    Melissa B


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