Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Gift Guide for Great Girlfriends


I hope you had a good week and have managed to stay healthy. A lot of colds/flu are going around.

I had a wonderful day on Friday.  I spent it with my friends, Miss Deb and Kristin.  We attended a Holiday House tour in Dallas.  I took a bazillion photos, which I will share with you next week.

Here are a couple of pics to hold you over til next week.
What can I say? 
I'm a giver.

Speaking of giving, here are some ideas for cute gifts for your pals.  In other words, it's stuff that Katie wants.
I was going to post this on Friday but realized that some gifts require monogramming, so I put it on early to ensure you had enough time.
I told you I was a giver.

For the entertaining friend.

My BFF, Hoda, wears a bracelet like this every day.

Love this little nightlight.

For the dog lover.

For the friend who is always looking for her glasses at the bottom of her purse.
Hmmm... Sounds familiar.

Fill this with a casserole and give her the whole enchilada.

This one is microwavable.

For the traveler.

On sale!
For the friend who is a walking good time.

My #2 wore this fragrance a couple of months ago, and I loved it.  I then bought it and got compliments on it.  It lasts forever, too.  Check it out if you're in Sephora.

If your friend likes her brain-freeze cold like me, I'm sure she would appreciate this chiller.

For the friend who has great aspirations for the new year.

For the stylish friend who spends too much time on the computer.

For the friend who wears chapped lips like a badge of honor.

Conceal & Correct by Mac

For the buddy (like me) who always looks tired.

My favorite brand of hand cream is on sale.

This will not only shrink your buddy's pores, but it will alleviate sinus headaches.  I know this from experience.  

For a friend who is always cold.

Mrs. Adorable gave me one of these at Thanksgiving; it smells yummy!

For the frequent traveler.

Great price for what you get.

My #1 asked for one of these last Christmas, and it was a hit!
You might not want to give this to a tone-deaf buddy.

Tell her that you're expecting a thank you note.

Lots of colors.

North Face

I have two of these hats with speakers and love them.
The quality of the speakers is excellent!

* cute pooch not included


What baker wouldn't love a personalized cookie?

Great reviews on this bath pillow.

Why go to a spa when you can feel like you're at a spa at home.

Great reviews and reasonable price.

I treat myself to one of these planners every year.

A little something to keep your friend safe.
I'm picking up a couple of these for my girls.

This isn't really a friend gift, but it's a cute way to give $$ to a grandchild.

Need some hostess gift inspo?
You can find it here and here.
Need some gift ideas for the cook in your life?
Click here.
How about the Millennial in your life?

Don't forget your true best friend.
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Oh, I love these! Great gift suggestions!

  2. These are your best yet. I am going to order a couple. Thanks Katie! Janey

  3. Always fun and I am going back to check out a few things! Have a blessed week ahead!

  4. Love the gas money ornament! I think I got the last one for now. Maybe they will restock if anyone else is looking.

  5. I love these! I'd like to be on the receiving end of any of them!

  6. Great gift ideas Katie! I'm adding several to my wish list!

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