Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Christmas House Tour/Thanksgiving Recap


How was your Thanksgiving?  Did you overspend on Black Friday?  Our Thanksgiving was fabulous, and I definitely over ate.  At least, that's what my jeans are telling me.  

I am proud to say I did not overspend on gifts on Black Friday.  Whether I overdid it on purchases for myself is another story.  I come from a long-standing family tradition of one for them -  two for me

Today's post centers around Thanksgiving Day and a mini-Christmas tour.  

And the best part of all... 

I won't try to sell you one thing. 


Friday, November 25, 2022

Hot Gifts for the Cool Chef


Happy Black Friday!  How was your Thanksgiving?  Ours was wonderful, and I will give you the full lowdown next week.  I need to get my photos organized and also get a recipe for the best side dish the Mister has ever made.  

Friday, November 18, 2022

Master Bedroom Reveal

 Hello, dear friends.  How's life treating you?  All is well around here.

I promised you a peek into our master bedroom. I included links with each photo.  Also, the paint color is Aleutian Blue by Sherwin Williams. We used it in Massachusetts as well.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

More Hostess Gifts


Welcome back to my blog.  Did you have a good weekend?  We've had some cold, rainy weather, so we hunkered down and took care of some work around the house.  

This is our first Christmas in our house.  Last year, we were in San Miguel and the only decorating that was done was outside.  We are trying to determine whether to get a big tree or a small one for a tabletop.  If you are wondering why, see above photo.

Friday, November 11, 2022

The Friday Files

TGIF!  We woke up to some brisk winds, chilly temps, and rain.  It's my perfect kind of day when I don't have to be anywhere. 

Yesterday, I joined two of my buddies, Miss Deb and Miss Cindy, for the Neath the Wreath Holiday Market.  We got there when the doors opened before the rush.

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Hostess Gifts/Take 1


Thank you for stopping by!  I hope that you had a good weekend.  Our girls and Adorable Jonathon came for lunch on Sunday.  It was a beautiful day, so we enjoyed the Mister's delectable feast al fresco.   I can't tell you how much I love having us all in the same area.

I have some food pics, but unfortunately, my guest photos were off-limits.  

Friday, November 4, 2022

Reading, Writing, & Listening


TGIF!  Did you have a good week?  Mine was very good.  Chowdah was with us, which always makes Millie happy.  She even took him to camp with her and got to play with the big dogs kids.

Millie has to touch Chow at all times. 

My two assistants dealing with the exciting chaos of Blog Central.

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Prime Time


Welcome back to my blog.  Did you have a good weekend?  Saturday was rainy, so we stayed home, and I caught up on laundry and Real Housewives.  Sunday, our #2 took us to lunch at one of her favorite places, Bellagreen.  The food is so delish.  We then topped the afternoon off at my beloved Homegoods.  I didn't come home with any goodies because most of the inventory was Christmas-related, and it was too early for me to think about decorating.

Our warm welcome home greeting.

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