Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

My Favorite Reader... Annie

I hope that you enjoyed your weekend.  Our weekend was very relaxing.  We filled up our Costco love tank, took care of a few errands, and went out for a nice lunch. 


No filter!

You will never see these two words under a photo of me.

You can all relax and stop worrying.  The Mister's back has recovered.  He is back to his old job - secret service detail on my daily walks.  Here are a couple of pics that I snapped for your viewing pleasure.  

We are enjoying this series so much.
Here is the trailer.

Today, I am starting a new series.  I am asking some of my friends that are avid readers to answer some hard-hitting, below-the-belt questions pertaining to books.

I am beginning with my dear friend, Annie.  When I moved to Massachusetts, I didn't know anyone.  It was a hard transition for me.  And then, one day, I got an email from Annie.  She said that her sister read my blog, and she suggested that we meet because she felt that we would hit it off.  A week later, Annie and I met for lunch.  We spent more time laughing than eating.  We then set up a date for dinner with our Misters, and they hit it off like a house on fire! 

I shared a lot of memorable lunches, dinners, book club meetings, author signings, garden walks,  and my daughter's wedding with Annie, and I miss her very much.  I am hoping that she and her hubby will come and visit us soon in our new home. 

 1. Tell us about yourself, i.e., your home state, family, career, etc.

I live in Massachusetts with my spouse and one 4-legged hooligan named Sassafras.  Sassy describes her perfectly.  I am currently in public health, looking forward to my next career move, becoming a professional beach bum.


2.  When did your love affair with reading begin?

I can’t ever remember not reading; family lore says it started at age four.

3.  What are your favorite genres?

I will read anything; however, science fiction would not be my first choice.  I love mysteries, biographies, fiction, and non-fiction. I will give any and all books a chance. 

I am a member of a book club at a charming local bookstore named Buttonwood Books.  The greatest joy of being part of this group for me is the monthly book selections.  They are often books I don’t gravitate towards, but with few exceptions wind up loving the read.

4.  Paper book, ebook, and/or audiobook?

I am a staunch paper book reader.  However, since my needlepointing is taking a back seat to reading, I need to give audiobooks a try.  

Full disclosure,  I have been making that statement about audiobooks for a decade.  I would give up Chardonnay before I would choose an ebook.  Even if George Clooney was the narrator.


5.  What are the best books that you have read in 2022?

I loved The Cartographers by Peng Shepherd, The Hotel Nantucket by Elin Hilderbrand was my favorite beach read of the summer, and I loved The Latecomer by Jean Hanff Korlitz (sorry Katie :>)


6.  What book(s) come to mind that you consider overrated?

I did not enjoy The Paper Palace so many unlikable characters. I have a difficult time reading a book if I don’t like the main protagonist(s). I also could not get past Chapter 1 in Where the Crawdads Sing.  I recognize I am an outlier in this opinion.  It has been banished to the avoidance pile with no bookmark.


7.  If you don't enjoy a book, do you finish it or not?

I love this question.  There are so many authors interviewed in the New York Times Book Review that say there is not enough time to read all the great books; they don’t finish books they don’t enjoy.  

I have tried to embrace this philosophy; however, I fail every time. There are books that I had to read several chapters before I really began to enjoy them.  I put certain books down for a bit and then go back to them, hoping I will have a different perspective.  This is likely the reason I can’t find my favorite bookmarks; they are residing in some book in a pile with which I avoid making eye contact.

8.  Favorite place and time of day to read?

I do the largest volume of reading during the spring and summer as I love to read at the beach/outside. When I am absolutely forced inside, I have a favorite reading chair in the den.  I always read to go to sleep.

9.  Your table is set for six.  What five authors (living or not) would you invite for lunch?

     Edith Wharton for the gossip, Oscar Wilde for the wit, F. Scott Fitzgerald (he can supply the beverages), Lucy Maud Montgomery, and if cookbooks count, Ina Garten.    

    Bloggers are writers,  I would include my favorite blogger.

10.  What book(s) resonates with you the most?

      I love any book about large families, such as The Most Fun We Ever Had.  I loved all of the Anne of Green Gables books; the Blythes had lots of children. Stories about generations at the seashore always resonate as well as books about sisters.  I have great sisters.


11. What is the funniest book that you have ever read?  The saddest? The most depressing?

      Foul Matter by Martha Grimes is hysterical.  It is about authors and book publishing.  For recent sad books, Dear Edward. I loved reading it and cried quite a bit.  

Any books that include children being harmed, neglected, or abused are depressing for me.  Even if I love a book, I just scan those pages.


12.  What are you presently reading, and what's next on your list?  Is there a book you are looking forward to that will be published later this year?

  I am currently reading The Shell Seekers by Rosamunde Pilcher, I needed a book with the main protagonist that I love.  This is a reread from decades ago.  Our October book club selection is Our Missing Hearts by Celeste Ng.  I am embarrassed to say that I have not yet read Wolf Hall, but it is also on deck for October.

Thank you, dear Annie!  And many thanks for including me in your dinner party.  Can I sit between the guy who is bringing the booze and the lady with the latest scoop? 

Feel free to answer the questions in the comment section.

Linking up with:




Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I love this new series, I am always looking for new book recommendations.


  2. Very cool! I have made several good friends through my blog and insta one of which lives a little over an hour from me so we get together once a month.

  3. Love, thank you for sharing Annie!

  4. How lucky you were to connect with Annie those years ago! I would love to find a book club like hers. Shell Seekers and Wolf Hall are on my list to read, and Dear Edward was such a memorable read.

  5. Great idea , this series. I loved The Shell Seekers and read very few pages at a time as it was ending. One bc I fearded I would miss something and two to prolong saying goodbye.

    1. I thought I was the only one who put the brakes on at the end of a book that I loved!

  6. Great post and series! It's easy to see why you and Annie are friends. Wolf Hall is one of my favorite books. I'm sad that Hilary Mantel died recently.

  7. Love this post! I know that Annie and the Buttonwood Book Club miss you!

    1. English Mary!!! I miss you and the rest of the Buttonwood BC so much! Have a wonderful week!

  8. Annie was actually reading Time Magazine at age 3. She was always curious, well read and had a vocabulary beyond her years. Annie has always been a spirited conversationalist as well. I should know because I am her sister☺. For the record, my favorite books of late are The Extraordinary Life of Sam Hell and The World Played Chess by Robert Dugoni. I even contacted the author because I enjoyed the stories and writing so much. We miss you in Massachusetts. Hi to the Mister.

    1. Helloooooo Cookie!!! I have you to thank for introducing me to you fab sista, Annie! The Extraordinary... if one of my top 5 favorite books of all time. Great minds think alike. Hope you have a great week and thanks for reading my blog!

  9. My comment disappeared! Love Annie! (Almost as much as you). Sign me neighborless!

    1. Dear "Neighborless"... you didn't use any naughty words I hope! :)

  10. I would love to be in a book club with Annie!

    1. The greatest thing about being in BC with Annie is she MAKES you stop for a glass of vino before.

  11. What a great post about your new pal! Anyone that uses the word ‘hooligan’ in a sentence will be a friend of mine!

  12. Oh so fun! I loved reading these answers... and finding a few new books to add to my ever growing list.

  13. That was a fun read. The Empress trailer - looks like a good series!

  14. I am backing Annie up on Where the Crawdads sing. I also had to put down The Overstory after a heroic effort. I love learning of new reads this way. Thank you!

    1. I'm a member of the DNF Crawdads club too. Have a wonderful week!


  16. This is for Anne. I gave the book Where the Crawdads Sing to a friend and at first she did not like it but kept reading and finished it and thanked me for giving it to her and she said it was a very good read. Please read it.

    1. I tried; no go. Thanks so much for commenting. I know I am definitely in the minority.

  17. Katie, Tell Annie I did NOT like Where the Crawdads Sing, either. Yuck, yuck, yuck. I did not finish it at all. So there!!! Have either of you read books by Bill Bryson? I saw one on someone's blog, tried it out and love his wit, humor, and observations of life. I started with the one (I'll get this wrong, as I don't have the book in front of me) the title is something about I Am a Visitor Here Also, about returning to live in the USA after a few years in Britain. If either of you have read his books, what did you think? The Extraordinary Life of Sam Hell is absolutely fabulous! Give it a try if you haven't read it. One of the best books I've ever read. As always, love your blog Katie! Nancee

    1. Nancee... so great to hear from you. I will give Bill Bryson a whirl. I agree about Sam Hell. Thanks for your continued support, Nancee. Enjoy your week.

  18. Oh Katie, this is going to be an amazing series. So many wonderful answers and new to me books. I have made a list. I too Loved the Shell Seekers, actually I love all of Rosamund Pilchers' books. I also like to listen to them on audible in the car, the soothing British accent keeps me company while I drive.
    Thank you for sharing your wonderful friend. Have a great night.
    x Elizabeth@pineconesandacorns

  19. This series is a hit!! Many thanks to Annie for the book recommendations. The photo of you two...Annie in the cheery red poppy dress at the Author Literary Luncheon...is where we met! We'll finish The Empress tonight. Love the photo bombing pup in the last pic! So glad the Preppy Empty Nester is back! xo Dell

    1. I remember that wonderful day, Dell. And then our little outing weeks after. Anyone reading this comment, Dell is the aunt of one of my favorite authors, THE MARIE BENEDICT!!! Have a great week, Dell.

    2. Who is this? Annie? Mary? “Hi” to you, too!

  20. What a great new series! Already adding these books to my read list. Thank you!

  21. I too just reread all of Rosamunde Pilcher! Currently I’m reading books by her son Robin Pilcher

  22. Thank you Annie. I could not Where the Crawdad Sings either. Something about the dialect. And I absolutely loved The Shell Seekers and have read most of Pilcher’s books.

  23. This is a fun new feature.
    Annie - stick with Wolf Hall. It took about 80 pages for me to get into it. Unfortunately, I read Wolf Hall & Bring Up the Bodies a few years ago. I picked up the Mirror & the Light & can't remember the characters! I have to go back to Bring Up the Bodies to refresh myself.

  24. I keep on forgetting to tell you how much I enjoy your blog. I'm constantly checking out which books you love and show you enjoy. Plus your humor is always fun. Just wanted to let you know. I'm always reading but sadly sometimes I forget to comment. I really enjoyed this post about your favorite readers. Always love a great book. I'm sorry I do disagree with you about The Palace Papers, loved the writing the dishing. I also loved Where the Crawdads Sing. But that's ok to disagree. Anyway. This is just a pat on the back from a subscriber and reader.


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