Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Friday, March 18, 2022

The Friday Files


Hello, dear friends!  Did you have a nice St. Paddy's Day?  Ours was on the quiet side, which was fine with me.  The old grey mare, she ain't what she used to be!  I do, however, have a spring in my strep because Spring is just around the corner.  Our landscaper is coming to plant our flowers today!  I am so excited! 

  So is Millie.  
She can't wait to dig them all up.

Click here if you would like to see the rest of this gorgeous home in Ft. Worth.

The rest of this whimsical home can be found here.

I love the sign, btw.

This charming Maine summer home can be found here.

If you are looking for a historic waterfront home, have I got a deal for you! 

Repeat after me...

Pahk your cah in Hahvahd Yahd.

I use ground turkey in my WW chili.

Here are 35 more reasons to buy ground turkey.

Have you ever thought of auditioning for a commercial?

Here's the scoop on what it's like to film an ad.

Are you a fan of The Gilded Age?  

Here is an interesting article about the historic set design.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, if you are a fan of The Flight Attendant, you can see the trailer for the second season right here.

Are you thinking of starting a garden?

This guy may be just the guy to answer your questions.

Here's a cute story about a darling family.

The Mister sent me this article about 16 new items that will be making the scene in Trader Joe's near you.

What's in your fridge?

I know a couple of adult children who will not be happy with this news.

Are you thinking of traveling this Summer?

Here is a list of Europe's lesser-known magical cities.

Do you have trouble falling asleep?
The Military is here to help.

I don't know about you, but I am a huge fan of Diane Keaton's.
Here are her answers to some fun questions.

I love hearing from my wonderful readers.  
Michelle from Hinsdale, IL, wrote me a note with a great tip for orchids. 

My go-to orchids are from Costco.  Of course, only the white ones!  I ditch their ceramic pots and plop them in one of the hundred blue and white planters.  To bump up the look, I remove the clips and wrap them with moss and tie them with a wire covered in brown straw.  Michael's has both. 

My biggest tip will shine up those water-spotted dull leaves…
Mayo!  Yes, Hellman's…
Dab a little on a soft cloth and wipe those leaves down, and …instantly shiny!!!
Your welcome!

That's my tip for cheap orchids that look like they came from a high-end florist on Madison Ave!!!!

Thanks so much, Michelle; I put Hellman's on my grocery list.

If you have a tip for me, I would love to hear it and share it with my friends.

Until next time...

50% off entire site!

25% off

50% off today (Friday)

30% off entire site.

30% off entire site!



Baby Jaxx

Michelle's darling pups!

Linking up with:

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. What great tips about the orchid care. Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. We love Maine - and that colorful summer home is perfect (except for the kitchen table with the bothersome trestle base that I always seem to seated at in people's homes). Have an enjoyable weekend!

  3. Victoria McKinney-VareschiMarch 18, 2022 at 12:05 PM

    Your friend's tip about the mayonnaise and the orchid made me chuckle. I had seen another tip about polishing furniture with mayonnaise, and I tried it on an antique trunk I use as a coffee table. It worked beautifully, removing water marks, etc...until I looked around behind me and my Australian heeler was licking it off as fast as I was applying it!!! ROFL!

  4. Always a fun visit, Katie! I love Tom's shoes. Thanks for the sale link! Wishing you and yours a great weekend! xo

  5. Happy Friday Katie, fun stuff as always!

  6. Oh I love that Maine summer home... I've been joking with my husband for years that we need a vacation home in Maine.

  7. I always love your Friday Files. It is like looking at a good magazine. I really like that New England home. I am always drawn to that style minus the cold weather:) I had to chuckle at the idea Netflix is cracking down on those passwords. I have some kiddos who will not like that either. I am still trying very hard to get the hubs to give up the cable. It is so expensive and nothing we watch is on there. We are constantly watching from all the streaming services. Good grief...why won't those men listen to us?

  8. Hi Katie,
    LOVE your blog!! Pro tip: you can easily cure hiccups with a bite of peanut butter. Works every time, every person. Any brand, any amount, chunky or smooth.

  9. My daughter was a child actress and I could tell you some stories about shooting commercials. Has the statute of limitations worn off after 30 years?? Love all of the pretty spring clothes. xo Laura


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