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Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Gifts for People With Issues

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you are enjoying your week.  Yesterday, I spent a good part of the day with a very nice computer geek who came to my home to rescue and recover my photos that were lost in the "cloud."  Am I the only one who is totally perplexed by this "cloud" thing? 

Adrian kept trying to patiently explain to me the inner workings of a computer and continually used the analogy of a sports car.  I finally had to explain to him as sweetly as I possibly could that I don't care about cars or computers.  I just want stuff to work.

And then I wake up to this news.
Not that I hold a grudge or anything, but Ann Curry and I are not surprised.


Last week, my friend Shelley over at Calypso in the Country wrote a fabulous post on Gift Ideas for the Hypochondriac.  This sparked a brainstorm.  People with other issues deserve Christmas presents too.

When I told the girls about this post, my #2 suggested using the title Backhanded Gifts - kind of like compliments.  I decided to go with the original title because I am a control freak.  

I'm glad I don't have any issues.


For the person who is walking around with a cracked phone screen (ahem, #1), why not stick a protective cover in their stocking?

The Fire Stick is perfect for someone who needs to be entertained and the Alexa Voice Remote adds the perfect touch for the person in the family that likes to boss everyone around.

For the annoying guy in the office who always looks like a wrinkled mess, a magnetic iron cover.  Maybe he'll get the hint and invest in an iron.

If he didn't catch the hint, how about a portable clothes steamer.  Tell him that all the cool, neat-looking guys keep them in their desks.

For the devoted unorganized runner, who can't keep track of their water bottle, iPhone and earplugs this nifty little gadget covers all the bases. 

Is your sister-in-law a crab when she doesn't get enough sleep?  
Give her the Dodow and cross your fingers that it works.

And if that doesn't do the trick, give her a neck pillow so that she can catch up on her naps during holiday gatherings.

Any germaphobes in the family?
They will jump for joy when they unwrap this toilet sterilizer. 

For the person who hates scooping hard ice cream (me), a warm scooper. 


This set is for the guy or gal that thinks that they need more spice in their life. 

For that special Mom who needs to tame her hair as well as her harried nerves, this brush would be a must-have accessory in her designer purse.

Here's a set of lenses for that person who spends more time with their iPhone than they do with their family.


This small flattering light would be a big hit with the selfie-obsessed friend or family member.

This nutcracker would be ideal for the girlfriend who considers shopping her cardio for the day.

Any relatives that are professional stalkers?
This light-up beanie would definitely be a treasured accessory.  Runners and dog walkers would like it too.

For the anxious Mom who just hired her sixth nanny, a clock radio with a hidden camera will calm her nerves if she doesn't own one of those nifty hair brushes.

For the guy who is constantly reliving his high school days, a rearview mirror with a camera.  
Or for the guy or gal who backs into things a lot.  

For the tightly-wound Class Mom searching for the perfect theme sweater for the third-grade party. 

Just tell the kids to keep their hands off your ornaments. 

The Mister Any guy would be thrilled when he sees his new macho Christmas get up.

I've already bought my seasonal sweater.
Sexy model not included on this one.

Until next time...

Glamour Mutt

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Easy Peasy Christmas Centerpieces - Take 2


Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you enjoyed your Thanksgiving.  I am going on a huuuge diet.  Am I the only one who has mumbled those words this weekend?  I have stretched out my stomach so much that I have reverted back to my infant stage.  If I don't satisfy the need for a feeding every two hours, I get cranky and cry.

We had a wonderful weekend with the girls.  We did our share of shopping and saw a cute movie which I will talk more about in my December Books, TV, and Movies post that is in the wings. In other words... it needs to be written.

Here is the second installment of easy Christmas centerpieces that even I can do.  Alright, maybe I'm a little optimistic.  

As with all my Pinterest pieces, I did not lift one manicured finger in creating any of these beautiful, clever works of art.



midwest living

midwest living

midwest living

Midwest Living




Midwest Living

Midwest Living







Until next time...

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

A Non-Traditional Hodgepodge

Hello, dear friends.  The day is finally here.  Both girls are arriving for Thanksgiving, God willing.  I haven't told the pups yet, I don't want to come home to a house torn apart due to their excitement. 

Our #1 will be the first to arrive.  The Mister is scheduled to pick her up at the airport, and I will meet them for lunch in Beantown.   Our #2 arrives later, and the Mister again picked the short straw and is assigned to airport duty.  
I'm sure the airport won't be in the least bit busy today.

You know the drill... if it's Wednesday, it's time for Hodgepodge.

1.  Tradition... how tightly do you cling to tradition when it comes to holiday gatherings and celebrations?  For instance, do you always do the cooking, never eat at home, always go to grandma's, never miss the parade, always watch football, never change the menu, always eat at 2PM, etc.?  Have you ever celebrated Christmas or Thanksgiving away from hearth, home, and family?  How did that feel?

We have lived far away from relatives for almost all of our family life.  Over the years, we have established our non-traditional traditions.

The girls usually catch up on their beauty sleep on Thanksgiving morning. 

We then sit down for a big breakfast that includes 
 my world famous, homemade coffee cake.
The recipe has been passed down for generations.
We then go to a movie which had been voted on and debated weeks before.

That evening, we indulge in 'tails and d'oeuvres, overstimulate the hyperactive hooligans, and supervise the Mister's cooking which is whatever meal that won the vote the week before.  

Btw... we never have turkey because none of us like it.

2.  Help... is it easy for you to ask for help or are you a do-it-yourselfer?  How is that a good/bad thing?

It is extremely easy for me to ask for help, even when my requests are welcomed with a disappointed frown and a subtle roll of the eyes.  
It's lucky that I'm not sensitive.

It's a good thing for me to ask and not so good for the guy who has to help me.  He spent a total of nine hours setting up my new computer last weekend.

I told him that it's good for him -
it builds character.

Enter:  another eye roll.

3.  Abundance... what is there an abundance of in your kitchen?

We have an abundance of quirky kitchen utensils and complicated gadgets.  
I have no idea what most of them do.

4.  Name the smallest thing you're thankful for?  the biggest?

Besides my family and friends and our good health that we have been blessed with this year,

the smallest thing that I'm thankful for is:


When I looked at our house for the first time, I could practically see my breath, the house was so cold.  I then spotted the radiators.  The agent explained that the owner was very frugal and that was the reason for the arctic chill.  I told the Mister that I didn't believe her and that I thought that the house had a major (big bucks) problem with the heating system.  

The inspection proved me wrong.  
All was well with the heating in the house.

So, on this cold, rainy morning I am sitting in my home which is as warm as toast and very grateful for our radiators.

And the biggest thing that I am thankful for is:

that I'm not married to him.

5.  Key... what do you think is the key to living a more grateful life?

6.  State your own random thought here.

Have you heard about the new craze tiny food?  I watched this segment last Sunday on my favorite TV show, and I was enthralled.

While I watched, a fabulous idea popped into this old noggin of mine.  What about the tiny food diet?  I could eat this entire cake and not gain a pound.

Will you come to my book signings when I become a world-famous diet cookbook author?

I hope that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.  When I count my blessings this year, my blogging friends are in my top five right before Bravo TV, Photoshop, and Whole Foods Caramel & Sea Salt Gelato.  

Until next time...

Chowdah and Chili got a surprise in the mail yesterday.  Beemie, who writes the blog, A Milkman's Daughter, sent them several darling bandanas.  Beemie has an Etsy shop called Beemie Bags which not only carries the doggie accessories but also adorable clothes for American Girl dolls.

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