Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Friday, February 17, 2017

The Friday Files

Hello, dear friends.  At last... it's Friday.  It was a long week around here.  I missed my Book Club on Wednesday night due to bad weather. The highlight was meeting my friend, Anne, for lunch on Thursday.

Here are a few things that are on my radar this week.

Have you ever seen the 1975 documentary, Gray Gardens?  It chronicles the lives of a very eccentric Mother and Daughter who also happen to be cousins of Jackie Kennedy.  Anne sent me this link to the house that they lived in and what it looks like today.  It was an absolute mess when they were there, and now it is positively breathtaking.  You can find the tour of the house here.  By the way, it's for sale, and it could be yours for a cool 20 Mil.


Planning on celebrating Valentine's Day this weekend?  
Here's a list of every state's most romantic restaurants.


Speaking of romantic places, this gorgeous bed and breakfast is owned by a very handsome movie star.  Hmm... I wonder if he works at the front desk.  
Your tour is here.


Looking for some bright, pretty table settings to brighten your day?  
You can find them right here


Isn't this positively magnificent?  Ann Carrington made it from silverware.  You can find her website here.


If you plan on having an affair, don't use Uber.
Here's why.


Speaking of affairs, the Mister sent me this article and accused me of cheating.

And he's right.


Can you remember your childhood phone number?  I don't want to brag or anything, but I can not only recite my home phone number but also my Grandma's and four of my friends.

However, I couldn't tell you the Mister's or my girls' phone numbers today.

Do you remember your childhood home phone number?


Can anyone guess who this very handsome guy is?  


I just started reading this thriller, and I'm glued.  It comes out on March 1st, but I got it for free and early because of Kindle First which is a benefit of the Amazon Prime program


My friend, Barbara, put this little video on Facebook.  
I love how the Dads take their dancing so seriously.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. What a cute video. Have a great weekend!

  2. Your list of romantic restaurants - the one from Michigan is in my town :-)

  3. I can tell you my childhood phone number and most of my relatives, but no to almost anyone today. I get my kids phone numbers mixed up and have to actually go to their name in the contact list to get it right.

  4. LOVED Grey Gardens. My youngest son went around imitating "Little Edie" for weeks with the turban and the accent down perfectly....with the "outfit for the day". I loved both the documentary and the movie.
    I know our old number, too, which started with FLeetwood....lol
    I saw that video earlier--too cute!
    Have a FUNny Friday! xo Diana

  5. Yes, I do remember my home number too! Loved that video of the dads and daughters. Hope you have a great weekend!

  6. Well, as always, your Friday files are making me smile! Richard Gere? Really?!

  7. That video is ADORABLE; takes some strong and loving fathers to do this... LOL. Made me smile.

  8. I remember my childhood phone number as well as my grandmother's. The Bedford Post is lovely & is located down the road from where DD has her summer riding camp. I have gone there for lunch while waiting for her to finish up. The gardens are lovely & the inn has such a quiet elegance. Mr. Gere could be found hanging out at the bar but I question now if he is still involved ran the inn with his ex-wife and they are now divorced. It is an engaging spot regardless. Be well. Hugs, Dawn

    1. That's right! I totally forgot that they got divorced! Hope you and DD and DH are enjoying your weekend, dear Dawn.

  9. Hi Katie
    Im sorry for your bad weather it has been a long week over here too and I feel bad I haven't got as many things done as I should ( emails) I love your Friday files, and book tips.
    I can certainly remember my childhood telephone numbers, my adored Granny and Nana's and all the number plates of my cars :)) I probably don't know any current ones though.
    I hope your weekend is fun, with some sunshine even if its snowy
    Much love to you my dear friend
    Sally xx

    1. Great to hear from you, dear Sally. I hope that you have a wonderful weekend, dear friend.

  10. I've seen Gray Gardens, would love to have a home in the Hamptons, but no, don't have the cash. '-) Maybe we could all pool our resources and use it as a vacation home.
    I don't remember my childhood phone #, though I do remember lots of friends's home #s. Have no idea what their cell is. So dependent on my cell phone address book.
    Are you really a cheat-watcher? Shame on you !!!
    Happy Weekend!

  11. I want to thank you for this post. Now I definitely want to see Gray Gardens. I clicked on the link you provided for the house. I have bedding and curtain envy right now. Yes I do remember my childhood phone number, as well as my crazy grandmother's who lived close by, also my childhood friend Jeannie's number. And without a lie, I don't even know my own cellphone number. I have to look it up on the phone. I am pathetic. -Jenn

  12. I think that photo is of someone who has given me a few minutes of pleasure many nights for many years. The eyes and smile give him away,

  13. That B&B looks fabulous! And yes, I've seen Gray Gardens and it was just fascinating! Thanks for reminding me of it. I need to take a break from watching The Crown for the umpteenth time. I'd hang around longer but need to get my bid in on Gray Gardens. Hope you're having a great weekend! xo

  14. I remember my phone number as well as my Gram's. I am so old (not really) that our number used to start with WH4 and my grandmother's was EV2 before it got changed to 944 and 382!

  15. YOU will LOVE THIS.
    My DEAR friends HUSBAND.......well they were watching GRAY GARDENS The MOVIE on TV when GARY turned to LINDA and said," THAT COULD BE ELIZABETH IN A FEW YEARS!"
    YES, I CAN............415-388-6684.

  16. This was a wonderful post. Especially loved the video of the guys in tutus. Brought tears to my eyes that these guys gave their all for their girls.


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