Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

A Heartfelt Hodgepodge

Hello, dear friends.  As I am writing this on Tuesday morning, I am watching the Patriots Parade and their fans braving the cold and the sleet.  They all have the biggest smiles on their faces while they wave with all their might to their football heroes driven leisurely down Boylston Street in duck boats.  There's no question about it- Boston has got a lot of heart.

Today is Wednesday, and that means it's time to answer Joyce's Hodgepodge questions.

1.  What's the last thing you did that someone else thought was super?

My girls thought that it was super that their ol' Mom was at the USPO yesterday mailing them Valentine's gifts.

2.  The last thing you had that tasted superb?

My Super Bowl dessert ala the Mister.

3.  Supersensitive, superstitious, superwoman, superambitious, supercilious, supervisor, superficial... pick a super word from the list and tell us how it relates to your life in some way recently or currently.

It's a shame no one else agrees with me.

4.  Do you love easily?  If you're comfortable doing so, explain why you think that is.

I not only love easily, but I put up with a lot while I'm in a relationship.

5.  Valentine's Day lands on a Tuesday this year.  Will you mark the day in some way?  If you're celebrating with a dinner out somewhere will it be on Tuesday or will you celebrate over the weekend?

We have two things to celebrate.  
Valentine's Day and the anniversary of the day of our engagement on the 16th.  
I learned a long time ago that I don't get two presents.
We plan on celebrating this weekend.
If you hear fireworks, that's us. 

6.  What's something you are loving right now?

I am loving this book.  
I don't want it to end.

7.  Write a three word (or less) phrase you'd like to see on a Valentine candy heart.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

Greg holds a very special place in my heart.  He drove Chili from her foster home in Houston to Connecticut so that we could meet her and bring her home.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I'm going to add that book to my reading list. I've passed over it in Amazon recommendations several times, but now you have convinced me :-)

  2. Yes you do love easily! Me too... :)

  3. 2 things: That picture!! Oh, our doggies - it's a good thing we love them so much! and... that Super Bowl dessert is beautiful and way to fancy for a football game! ha Where was the cheese whiz and chips??

  4. I love the Valentine Candy...you take the remote. No big plans here for Valentine's Day. I am getting candy for the grands and I made up a little goodie bag for my besties but that is it. The hubs and I are trying to lose some weight and all the adds for Valentine's candy are so tempting. I put that book on my TBR list. Thanks for sharing.

  5. I'm not familiar with that book, but I'll have to check it out. I've been looking for a good book to read. Sorry, Katie, but that photo with your pups makes me laugh. Of course, I'm sure you didn't really see the humor in it when it happened.

  6. The Two-Family House was one of my favorite reads last year. Had tears in my eyes watching the video. Sherri

    1. Sherri.. I never expected to like it so much. I downloaded it because it was one of Amazon's Daily Deals. Now I don't want it to end! Have a wonderful week.

  7. I am quite sure your family DOES think you are Superwoman. If you love dogs, you will put up with lots of messes. I think people who don't have them miss out on so much though. They keep me young.

  8. So I'm wondering if Chowdah feels the same way about Greg. LOL And those two rascals! My sister once had two German Shepherd pups who totally ripped a sofa to shreds while she and her mister were gone one day. And when you think about it, it must have been so much fun for them - like a huge chew toy! Anyway, I always love your Hodgepodge, your dogs, your humor. Your mister makes such pretty food. Unfortunately, I'm all about simplicity and redundancy when it comes to cooking. And now I'm going to go check on that book!

  9. Greg is a hero and his band of angels is amazing. Thanks for sharing. If we are able to get another dog, I know where I will go.

  10. I loved that book too. The puppy mess-yikes! Good thing they are so cute : )

  11. Oh, goodness! Those sweet pups. :) I have yet to have a sweet pet who gets into things. But I know plenty of folks who do. What drives me to anger are those who get rid of dogs who do get into things. I want to be Gregg. I brought dogs home when I was a kid, too. I never got to keep them, though. Because they already belonged to someone. :) Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  12. I love the picture on your love comment. That would take a lot of love. lol

  13. I think you are superwoman after reading your post. Enjoyed it very much! :)

  14. Having 4 dogs myself, I certainly understand that kind of love even when they are getting into mischief ;-) Great post as always! Have a wonderful day!


  15. Love that you sent your girls Valentine's gifts -- how sweet! I think you are Superwoman -- how do you get everything done, clean up after the pups and write such a fab and fun blog??? I need your secret! Am having my hair colored on Valentine's Day -- just worked that way and LOVE that treat! Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  16. Happy Engagement Anniversary and yea, Pats! I love your Hodge Podges! So much fun! (And your dogs!)

  17. Omg!! That video!!! Where can I sign up to feed puppies when they make a stop???? Cannot imagine a better Friday nite!
    Angels indeed!

  18. Hello dear Katie
    I absolutely loved that your team won the Superbowl!! Congratulations to the Patriots, it was fantastic. Im a night person and usually watch until the half time show as I love live music, but I couldn't sleep and it was so exciting all the way to the end ( Im hoping you think Im a trooper :) )
    Do hope you receive a lovely gift on Valentine's Day, and Im so touched you sent something to your girls.
    I think that the best thing I could see on a Valentine heart right now is ' ticket to Bahamas' or some such sunny, warm and far away place. It's super-cold here
    Love to you my dear xxx

  19. I love your dogs! Happy Valengagement!

  20. Oh dear Katie...you are such a lucky glamour girl! Having your own personal and handsome chef! Now, I am going to check out that book...looks very interesting! Have you seen Lion yet? Good movie! Have a great evening love!

  21. Oh those puppies! I bet they told you that the pillow just exploded on its own. Ha!

  22. My girls still love their Valentine goodies from mom (need to get on that). God gave our pets sweet big eyes for a reason...hard to stay mad at them for long.

  23. Oh, my, Chowdah and Chili, no matter what, you gotta love them! As always, your answers bring a smile to my face and a chuckle. Blessings!

  24. My daughter experienced much love and satisfaction while fostering rescue dogs prior to their adoption into forever homes. So many strays down south -and so many loving homes up north.

  25. Oh my goodness...what in the world did they get up too? I am sure that you forgave them =, but I do hope that was not a favorite pillow.

    Such a kind hearted man to drive pups all over the place to be resettled.

    I hope that you are having a great day, stay warm, and enjoy some hot chocolate!

  26. What a heartfelt hodgepodge. Greg's story made me cry, and I love the dessert your Mister made you - exponentially sweet! We were engaged on a Valentine's Day, so we will celebrate too. It may be the last in a long time to come, as we are about to embark on TWO very large projects here in the house. ;-)


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