J. Crew Factory for Fall

Tuckernuck's styles for the new season

Friday, February 10, 2017

The Friday Files

Hello, dear friends.   I had my neighbor snap this pic of me so that you could see how much snow we got.  I know I look fat, but I don't care.

If  I didn't make my New Year's Resolution to stop complaining, I would tell you that worst part of having a blizzard is the non-stop storm coverage.  I actually got excited when I saw on Facebook that Sean Spicer was having a press conference.  But not on our local stations.  I guess snow "trumps" Sean.

Here are some things that have caught my eye this week.

My friend, Bobbie, dropped me a note to tell me about a great product called Lemi Shine.  She said that it has gotten rid of all the water spots on her flatware.  I ordered mine from Amazon, but I think it is also carried at Target.
Thanks for the tip, Bobbie.
Can it get rid of cellulite?


I can't remember if I told you that my #2 is a Raw Vegan.  In other words, she doesn't eat anything that tastes good.  She highly recommended two products from Trader Joe's to me.  She loves Trader Joe's the same way her sister is enamored with Sephora.  

I asked her to have her boyfriend taste both products to make sure they were really good and not just raw vegan good.  
I would think a chair leg would taste good to a raw vegan. 

High grades for this hummus.  
And it also comes in different flavors.

#2's BF said these crackers are good, too, but even better when they are dipped in the hummus.

Dude - these are right up your alley!


About a month ago, my #2 called Uber for a ride.  The car was a mess, the driver didn't have GPS, and he didn't speak English.  She felt uneasy about the situation and promptly got out of the car.  I'm glad that something sunk in after all those safety warnings and talks.

My #1 sent her an app called Safetrek that she uses.  For $30 a year you can notify the Police by placing your finger on the safe button.  It sounds like an invaluable tool for a single woman. 
You can read the details here

A couple of lovely home tours popped up on my radar.

A certain anchorman's estate in Connecticut just went on the market.

Nope, it's not him.

A certain Real Housewife just put her California luxury condo up for sale so that she can relocate to NYC and be close to her supermodel offspring.

Nope, not her.

Country Living has a very interesting article on the 7 Interior Design trends that will help to sell your home.


If you think that Jane Austen's Mr. Darcy looks like this, I've got news for you, and it's all bad. 

The Mister and I went to see Lion last weekend.  We both enjoyed it very much.  It's a beautiful story, and the acting is top notch.  Only one little criticism... it was about 15 minutes too long.
But what do we know??


Attention:  #1 & #2
In the future when you settle down and have a family of your own, please make sure that you have a large enough yard for your Dad and me


And while I have your attention, girls, I have one last request.

Just a suggestion...
Your Dad and I could each have a side.


One final note...

While I was battling the Mother of Storms yesterday and doing my best at keeping up the spirits of Chowdah and Chili, a little news item came across my feed.
Let's just say that I'm not surprised.  
Look how chunky and worn out she looks in this photo.

Have a great weekend.

Until next time...

Looks like I have one good pooch who is willing to wear his hat!

Linking up with:
Foodie Friday & Everything Else
Friday Favorites
Sincerely, Paula
Friday Frivolity
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. That's a beautiful estate - where's my checkbook?

  2. You kill me! Have a said that before? :)

  3. First of all, you can keep your 'real' Mr. Darcy. You've wrecked my mental image forever. LOL Actually, I liked the MI5 guy as Mr. Darcy better than Colin Firth anyway. I know, I know. And that bathroom. Really??? I hope it's the clawfoot tub they're promoting. I have one in the house and two sitting outdoors in a safe place. LOVE the idea of the Safetrek button. And about that first pic of you outdoors, it looks like you've put on weight. xo Have a great weekend!

  4. Well to me, Colin Firth will always be Mr Darcy, be still my heart. I have that mini series on DVD and when I am felling down, it can always perk me up. Jennifer Ehle is the perfect Elizabeth too in my opinion. I am so glad your daughter got out of that car!! I watch way too many crime shows on TV and I am leary of everyone.:) Have a good weekend!!

  5. I am laughing out loud! You are so hilarious! Thanks so much for each and every post!

  6. We have a grown vegan daughter too. How do you cook for her when she visits? Or does "raw vegan" mean you don't have to cook at all? I must look that up. Have a great weekend, Katie!

  7. You are too funny! Hope you have a wonderful weekend! Miss Mads is wishing for some of your snow, but we're having 60s today -- I kind of like that better! Happy TGIF!

  8. You always make me smile. I am my girls to move...since neither of their yards have room for a Granny Pod!

  9. Seriously, if I could have one ounce of your comedic genius, I would be thrilled. Thank you for making me spit out my coffee this morning (it was the comment about Amal that did it!). Hugs to you, my dear! xoxo

  10. Just got my chuckle in for the day!

  11. Hilarious!! I must admit, our winter here has been very mild and wet...something I am not use to...I miss the snowstorms and hearing the famous words..."Schools are closed today!" Have a great weekend!

  12. Had a note and photo from Phyllis this morning of their white wonderland.
    Guess Chili and Chow are happy to see the white stuff again.
    I've only used Uber once with a group of friends, and it was OK. Not my choice of transportation. It feels a bit like hitchhiking to me, and my father would not be happy.
    Hope the App really works and isn't just a gimmick to make one feel safe.
    Stay warm. We are off to walk over to the drag for Tex Mex. Jealous????

  13. IT's ABOUT TIME!!!!
    I bet they will BE GIRLS TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I am VERY Proud of your number TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    NUMBER ONE gets a FREE SHOPPING TOUR AT SEPHORA with her MAMA!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Changing Mr. Darcy to Mr. Dumpy...lol I saw that on the news about Georgie boy & Mrs. having twins....two little Georgie's running around? That can't be bad!
    The Housewive's house...I think Yolanda is no longer part of the show, is she? I am WAY behind on all their lives. I got one of my own to deal with, ya know?
    I started a little Friday Fun thing if you get a chance....lol
    Have a great weekend- xo Diana

  15. Such a fun post. Love your puppy photo.

  16. Your puppies are adorable and those flackers don't look too bad. 😊 Thanks for linking up with #fridayfrivolity!

  17. Oh my lord, Katie Clooney, you make me laugh. Lovely picture of you at the beginning of your post - careful with that shovelling- lift with your legs, don't twist as you throw the snow (Canadian advice). I must say I am extremely disappointed about the whole twin baby Clooneys. I suppose now there is no chance he is going to leave her and marry me. (Ya, I'm married too, but I think my husband would actually understand). You could get your ashes pressed into a record, but none of our children would know what to do with it!! -Jenn

  18. I get way too happy when I see a post from you show up in my feed. I know I'll smile! (Yeah, Mr. Darcy -- what's up with that! He looked more like Ichabod Crane. I'll take my Darcys Colinized any day!)

  19. Such a clever writer you are, thanks for the laugh. And your blog design is beautiful; I hadn't checked in for awhile and I was blown away!

    1. Thank you for your sweet words, Ethel! Have a great weekend.

  20. Wow. So glad those gym workouts are working out so well Katie. And kudos to your #2 for listening to that gut feeling and getting out of that car. She's smart like her Mama!

  21. "I would think a chair leg would taste good to a raw vegan" had me laughing out loud. I saved that Safetrek app, plan to show my girls - thanks! I just love those articles like what CL published....great for feeling every inadequacy out there when it comes to personal style in home and garden. You should take a day off from working out so hard like you've been doing....need to rest and recuperate those quads, you beast. ;-)

  22. I am married to and always went for the muscular blue collar workers even though I always read Jane. Makes sense what Darcy would've looked like. And your dog might be wearing his hat but he's looking tolerant not happy :)

  23. Love your humor and product tips.! The chips and salsa look good to me. Hope you aren't having to shovel that snow again today, I know you must be hot natured like I am if you do it dressed in a shorts :)
    Keep warm, I am enjoying mild temps and hope to do a little yard work today........

  24. Last year a group of us stayed at the Embassy Suites at Logan. We had dinner in town and 3 took and Uber back to hotel, 3 took a taxi and the other 3, well, not sure who brought them back, but anyway, the taxi was the cheapest out of all 3 services! Heard you had a few flakes....it's about time the storms passed by Syracuse! And you need to dress warmer when shoveling!

  25. I love reading your blog! You always brighten my day.

  26. You really don't lol that chubby! Speaking of chubby, OMG I made the bacon wrapped breadsticks for bookclub Weds...way delicious and made a lot...I've been finishing off the leftovers. Worth the extra pound. Real crowd pleaser.

  27. I don't think I've ever seen a (cooperative) dog look so cute in a hat!
    Shame on Amal for letting herself go after marrying George.
    Stay warm and dry today!

  28. Sunday morning coffee and Preppy Empty Nester...doesn't get any better than that!!

  29. As always lots of fun tidbits...I cannot wait to see Lion, we are going later today. I have to try the lemi shine product, thanks for the tip. And you look great shoveling the snow in your bikini top lol. Enjoy your Sunday!!

  30. Too funny!

    LemiShine is great! The local to us Walmart carries it.

    Hope you are dug out from all the snow.

    Have a great week.


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