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Friday, February 3, 2017

The Friday Files

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you had a great week.  The Mister took today off, so I am taking my own advice and going to see The Comedian.   I have high hopes for this one.  Robert DeNiro is one of my favorite actors.  I'll keep you posted.

Here are some things that caught my attention this week.

Need a few ideas for some game day snacks?  
You can find them here.


Popsugar is one of my go-to websites.  They recently did a post on their most pinned recipes of 2016.  

Speaking of Popsugar, it offers free workouts according to your specific needs.  Answer these seven questions, and they will suggest a series of exercise routines.

Between you and me, I'm not so sure the workouts do much good.  I've been tuning into them for a few weeks, and I look the same.  


I'm so sad about the passing of one of my favorite actresses, Mary Tyler Moore.  I found this article published about her show the year that it went off the air - 1977.  It was written by Nora Ephron for Esquire.  As with all of Nora Ephron's writing, it is priceless. 

I loved Mary Richards' singles pad.  This is what it looks like today.  By the way, it's for sale.

If you would like to tour MTM's former beautiful house in upstate New York, you can see it here.


One of my favorite shows on TV is CBS Sunday Morning.  It always has at least one heart-warming story that sets the tone for the day. 

Steve Hartman's stories are always the best.

This is one of my favorite stories about a no-nonsense math teacher and what he does with his spare time.


I ordered this book from Concord Free Press.  It was very entertaining, and I loved reading the amusing stories about the quirky old house outside of Boston.  Hmm. I wonder why.  It is cleverly written by a witty Father and Daughter.

 You can get a free copy here.  In exchange, I donated money to my favorite rescue group, Houston Shaggy Dog Rescue.  That's where I got Chili. 

By the way, while I was making the donation, I happened to come across darling Kirkwood, who could be Chili's twin. If you are on the East Coast and interested in adopting from Shaggy Dog Rescue, they have a wonderful transport company that works with them.  

If you missed it, you can read Chili's story here.


A whole new twist on a business idea.  
Maybe I could rent myself out as a cranky Mother of the Bride.


I was looking forward to watching The Young Pope.  I have watched four episodes.  Here are my thoughts.  The Director is a lot more concerned with its artistic value rather than telling a believable story.  This show gives a whole new meaning to the word melodrama.  The thing that bothers me the most about the screenplay is the fact that the main character, the Pope, does not have one redeeming quality.  Sounds like one of my old boyfriends.


Does anybody watch Suits?  I finally convinced my Sista and BIL to start watching it.  They have been on a binge watch detail of past seasons and are enjoying it tremendously.  

By the way... Prince Harry's new love, Meghan Markle stars in Suits.


If you don't know what this is all about, you need to get out more.  

Hope your team wins this weekend!

Until next time...

The games have already begun at our house.
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Katie, we do share a love of MTM. I adored her studio apartment and I was sad when she moved to a posher pad in the last years of the show. I tend to fall in love with houses on tv...Hope and Michael's house on 30 something was another fav of mine. And I love your go Pats from Ab Fab. It made me smile. But I have to cheer for my home state team on Sunday. ( Not that i am a big fan unless Atlanta does well) happy weekend.

  2. I wanted to get out of my small town and be MTM - I wanted her job, her apartment and to have dinner parties like see did. Do you remember the M she hung on her wall when she moved in her new apartment? I had a V just like it :-)

  3. Oh I loved MTM, and her fabulous apartment. So sad that her last years were bad from the complications of her diabetes.

    This book looks interesting, I have to get a copy. I have been curious about The Young Pope, thanks for the honest review.

    I hope that you enjoy your movie and you weekend. I have to check out your link for Super Bowl snacks, it is the only highlight of game day for ma as I am not much interested in football..

  4. I always enjoy your posts and your wonderful sense of humor! You always put a smile on my face and sometimes even make me laugh out loud. My sister turned me onto the CBS News Sunday Morning Show, and now it is one of my favorite shows as well. The math teacher story brought tears to my eyes! I'm also going to try some of the free workouts from Popsugar. Thanks for the link! Hope you have a great weekend, and let us know what you think of "The Comedian".

    1. Hi Connie! Thanks for stopping by and your kind words. Did you happen to catch last week's Sunday Morning? I was actually looking for the story that was done about a gentleman who was an equipment manager for an NHL team. For some reason it was taken off Youtube. Hopefully, it will be back on because it was another inspiring story. Good luck with the workouts. Somebody told me that I have to do more than just watch them - I actually have to DO them. Hmmm... Have a great SB Sunday and thanks for stopping by, Connie.

  5. Hello my dear Katie
    Can you hear me laughing all the way across the pond at your metaphor 'Go Pats' you are hilarious :)) I really do hope they win for you, and that the superbowl is a happy and joyful occasion for everyone in the U.S.
    I am a fellow devotee of 'suits' as you know, I cant think of anyone nicer to be Prince Harry's girlfriend than Megan, isn't she lovely. The series has just started here

    What a sweet picture of the little dog from the rescue centre, I can remember when you first went to rescue Chilli, it brought me to tears.She is very lucky to have you as her Mommy, they both are
    Have a happy weekend, and Ill be in touch soon
    Love to you xx

    1. Always wonderful to hear from you, sweet Sally! I haven't started the new season of Suits but I can't wait. We are watching "Offspring" from Australia. It has six seasons so we are finishing up soon. I am trying to talk the Mister into adopting that cute Chili lookalike. The Mister said we would need a zoo license. Have a wonderful weekend, dear Sally!

  6. I was single, working, and living alone when MTM first aired. She was a trailblazer for all single women. What an amazing individual! I never missed an episode.
    Will get a copy of About the House. What clever marketing.
    Just finished reading The Widow Clicquot. Not terribly exciting read, but it is interesting to read about this amazing lady and 19th century entrepreneur. Talk about breaking the "glass ceiling."
    Enjoy your movie date with the mister.

  7. So many great things in this post! I love the video with his squeek toy just too cute! I'm also interested in checking out that book and donating back to a good cause. :-) Will defintely be checking out the other links too. Have a wonderful weekend!!


  8. Thanks for all your tips. CBS Sunday Morning is one of our favorites too. I'm putting Suits on my to-watch list. Have a wonderful weekend!

  9. It's been a bad year already for saying farewell to people but Mary Tyler Moore really hurt. She will always be the shining light. And the other shining light is Sunday Morning. I've been watching that since the Kurault days in the 1980s. It's like church to me. So thoughtful and well done.

    OK, the third shining light is you and Concord Press. That's just wonderful. Happy weekend!

  10. I gave up on The Young Pope. Although some of the interiors were interesting. Thanks for the Concord Press tip! Have a wonderful weekend!

  11. Hello, 1st time follower, enjoyed your blog. Thank you. BTW, I am cheering on the Atlanta Falcons, it's their turn, lol..

    1. Welcome Shelley!! My #2 daughter is cheering on the Falcons because she is moving there for a job in June. She is very excited. Thanks for stopping by. I'm hoping that the SB brings great commercials and yummy food. Enjoy!

  12. Have tried the Young Pope for about the same number of episodes as you and slept through most of the them. I think I am done with it. Have requested a copy of About the House...hope I can get one. Have a wonderful weekend.

  13. Those bacon wrapped puff pastries...YES! I made bacon wrapped Stella Dora breadsticks for years and can't find the breadsticks in TN. This will be a nice twist, pun intended. Always love your blog and ideas and humor. Love your exercise pic, that one I could stick to!!

    1. Great hearing from you, Carol. I sent the Mister that pic of the twisted bacon with a note asking him if he knew how to make them. Hopefully, they will magically appear tomorrow while he's watching the game and I am staring at my iPad. Hope you have a great weekend. Thanks for taking the time to leave a note.

  14. Another fun post, Katie...but then I expect nothing less from you. You know I love a bit of humor in my day...obviously...living in this family I have to.
    Go Pats? WHAT happened to Go Pack Go...oh, yeah, we lost to the FALCONS so now I will HAVE to cheer on the PATS whether I want to or not.

    Why am I not surprised you started your post off on a TWISTED note? xo Diana

  15. I also love Steve Hartman's stories and he is one of the only, if not THE only television journalists I've sent a fan letter to. His storytelling ability is amazing. As for The Young Pope, I had a friend at lunch yesterday tell me how disappointed she was with it. Glad I won't put forth the effort to watch it now. Food at the top looks delicious. I'm clicking over to check out the recipes now! Happy Super Bowl to you!

  16. Also so sad about Mary Tyler Moore's passing. She was one of a kind and LOVED her show. CBS Sunday morning is the way to go -- love to listen and watch on Sunday morning while the hubs watches MORE political yakkety-yak. The Young Pope kind of creeped me out, but the hub is still watching. Will definitely look for Suits! Have a great weekend!

  17. I love the show Offspring. I have been watching it on Netflix but there are only five seasons. Where are you watching season six?

    1. I'm not. I thought there were six seasons. We are episode 5 of the 5th season. I LOVE that show. I don't anyone else who has been watching it. We should start a fan club. Enjoy your Sunday!

    2. I saw on the internet that they got the cast together and have done season 6 and might do season 7. I guess we have to wait until Netflix can get it. I have finished the series and I miss it. Thanks for recommending it.

  18. As I am reading this, it is Monday morning and I am in complete disbelief over last night's Super Bowl. Tom Brady - the myth, the legend! Never count him out! Have a great week!


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