Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

A Noisy Hodgepodge

Good morning, everybody.  This is your captains speaking.  We put Mom in time out.   If it's Wednesday, it's time for Hodgepodge.  We are giving you a warning... there are a lot of pictures of us in this post. 
Our Mom needs to get a life! 

1.  Can you believe it's the end of January?  What was the best day of January 2017 for you and why?

I had a few great days in January.  I enjoyed some lovely lunches and dinners with friends, and I also got to meet one of my fellow bloggers.   The dreary month of January was not so dismal after all.

January was also the month of great buys.

The moment that made my heart go pitter-patter is when I hit the jackpot in Homegoods snatching up these plates and placemats and napkins. I get emotional just looking at the pictures!

I also nabbed these two topiaries for half price at my nursery.  It's been two weeks, and they are still going strong!  That's a real record for me!  Maybe I'll ditch Preppy Empty Nester and start a gardening blog!

2.  What sounds make up the background noise in your life?






...and catching up with friends. 

3.  I read in the Power of Positivity website a list of ten things to drop from your life now.  They are:  anger outburst, people who put you down, regret, negative self talk, being a people pleaser, the notion you need to be perfect, the past (but keep the lessons learned!), gossip and judgment, comparing yourself to others, and the word hate (focus on what you love instead).

Which thing on this list do you most need to drop?  Are you trying or will you try?

It's a great list and I am guilty of a lot of them except for being a people pleaser.  Ask the Mister.

No, I don't plan on changing in the least.

4.  What is sacred to you?

Besides my family and Chowdah and Chili, it would have to be my Mother's charm bracelet. 

5.  January is National Oatmeal month.  Are you a fan, and if so, how do you like it?

My two least favorite words for 2017 are portion control.  This is how I manage breakfast.  The rest of the day is up for grabs.

6.  What feelings does twilight stir up in you?

Every time I hear the word twilight, it reminds me of a time when my 2 girls were practically mesmerized by the books and movies.

7.  Something you're looking forward to next month?

I look forward to hosting a luncheon for some friends at the end of February.  Hmmm... I wonder what plates I'll use?!

8.  Insert your own random thought.

Do you know what day it is tomorrow?  
Let me give you a hint.

Fingers crossed for an early Spring!

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I love your plates and placemats! Chili and Chowdah are adorable! We have had a very, very mild winter and I must admit I have missed the snow!

  2. Beautiful finds at Home Goods Katie! I actually went the other day and did not buy one thing! That is a record for me! Darling Chili and Chowdah....those paws!!!! Have a great February and I look forward to your new adventures!

  3. Home Goods. There should be a law. I can't go there without serious trouble. Which reminds me, I need to go there today and see if I can nab four Valentiney plates that won't look dreadful with the rest of my china for the next Cork Poppers.

    I like your positive list. I'm pretty good on most of those. I never even said I really hated a person until this weekend when I was watching the news and ... well, you can imagine.

    If you get tired of your dogs, send them my way! They're adorable!

  4. I agree with Jeanie - Home Goods, there should be a law. I cannot go in there just to browse, oh no, something always comes home with me! After reading all sorts of Hodgepodge comments about twilight, I had to laugh when I saw yours - we are on the same page there. Chowdah and Chili are hilarious - love the photos of the sounds associated with them.

  5. Love the topiaries!
    Soooo ready for spring!

  6. Those two characters just crack me up. How do you get anything done with all the laughing you must be doing? Yes, Homegoods is dangerous! I love your new purchases. Too bad I have a kid home with a fever today or I would probably be shopping there! Enjoy the rest of your week!

  7. I am definitely crossing my fingers real tight for an early spring...so ready for it! Love your dishes, Katie, and how you bring everything together so beautifully. You scored BIG on those topiaries! Your doggies are the cutest darn things...those faces!

  8. You could never show too many pics of those cute pups!! I'll have to say though, kitties, after years of dogs, are so much easier! But still... So nice that you have your mom's charm bracelet. Have a wonderful week, and I'm glad you're not a people pleaser. :-))

  9. Agree, Home Goods is very dangerous. Especially when you live within 15-20 mile of SEVERAL! As always love Chili and Chowdah's antics.

  10. I LOVE that blue willow plate on the dark green plate. So pretty!! And charm bracelets...I can hear the jingle in my head now. Happy February....I am always glad when January comes to an end and spring is only a month away here in Alabama.

  11. Favorite day in January was the day it hit 55 degrees and the sun was shining! Come on spring! Your dishes are beautiful! Hate the groundhog - the one in Nebraska always says 6 more weeks of winter!

  12. It's going to be close to 70 here today so feeling very spring like already. I have a minor obsession with pretty dishes. Well I call it a collection, hubs calls it an obsession. I love the green especially! So pretty! Enjoy setting a beautiful table for your guests!

  13. Love the topiaries. Your pups are the cutest ever, even with a dirty face...LOL I do love pretty dishes. My husband keeps says, I must have thousands. I hope your week is fabulous...P.S. I did buy a great walker for my dad. He loves it!

  14. Love your photos of the pups! My day is spent munch the same way, letting them in , letting them out, incessant barking, treats, breakfast whining, dinner whining, but they are cute.

    Love the new Home Goods finds, I try to stay away from there because I always find something!

  15. You're a delight.I was always a people pleaser but am getting away from that.I like to please the people who appreciate it.Homegoods is my go to place after grocery shopping.Last week they restocked with all new things.I could have easily refurnished an entire house in one trip!


    1. Debbie.. you are a delight for leaving such a sweet comment! "Restock" is one of my favorite words!!! Have a great weekend and I hope your team wins!

  16. Love it, Katie! Hey- I think we have the same old broad pictured on our posts today! LOL- Great minds...or bad googling...something like that!
    LOVE Homegoods---it is my GO TO place if I am having a boring day. lol
    Hope you have a great day- xo Diana

  17. Snowy here today with periods of partial sun. Pretty but I'm happy to stay in today. Love the plates, napkins and place mats you found. So pretty! You will have fun with those.

  18. Your dogs are adorable. And great finds in the store. Sounds the sort of place I'd get carried away in. Have fun when you host your lunch.

  19. Love those puppy faces and I am really looking forward to that gardening blog. LOL
    xo Laura

  20. Stopped in Home Goods this afternoon, but didn't come home with a single thing. Love your new tabletop finds. I think I did see some of those Blue Willow plates in a smaller size. Need them?
    It's been like spring here in Austin. Perfect gardening weather, but I keep putting it off. ;-)
    Hard to believe it is February.

  21. One day I'm going to go to HomeGoods with you so you can teach me the magic of shopping there. Left on my own, I become a deer in headlights as soon as I walk in the door. Happy February!

  22. Oh, the Twilight movies. My daughters were obsessed with them as well. We live just a couple hours from Forks, where the movie is supposed to take place and they visited there more than once!

  23. Great finds at HomeGoods!! And I love the topiaries. I plan on spending tomorrow afternoon shopping (for nothing special, just a shopping day for me!!)

  24. Great post Katie, love the sounds in the background of your life. So glad you're not a people pleaser it's so overrated (haha) and love the topiaries!

  25. I love your hodgepodge today! Charm bracelets were a big deal when I was a kid. I remember my sister-in-law having a silver one and I can still recall the jingly sound she made! Those topiaries are great! -Jenn

  26. I better step up my game when it comes to picking out dog bowls, my beast is jealous!

  27. I love your new purchases and they will be perfect for your luncheon this month! The background noise in your life makes me smile - adore these images! Happy Tuesday!

  28. Did I say Tuesday - it's Thursday!!

  29. I love oatmeal with fruit, skim milk and a little maple syrup on top. I make a big batch (with cinnamon and Truvia) and then microwave what I want during the week.
    Love your topiaries. I've never had good luck with them - bugs.

  30. WHAT DID THE GROUND HOG SEE????????????
    MY BACKGROUND NOISE is my noisy refrigerator!OTHERWISE...SILENCE most of the day!
    Most looking forward to my DAPHNE BLOOMING!!!!!!
    CANNOT recall the rest of the questions and I need to GET DRESSED!
    Maybe I will fly in for THE LUNCH!

  31. I love the blue paisley items you purchased from Home Goods. I have to stay away from there for awhile since my favorite part of January was getting a new kitchen. I have to constantly resist comparing myself to others. Thanks for the great Hodge Podge, Katie.

  32. It seems that whenever I drop being a people pleaser it leads to anger outbursts.

    Love that dog bowl!

  33. Hi Katie! I stumbled across your blog and I was looking through some of your posts and checked out your home tour. I LOVE your house! It is absolutely stunning, and your dogs are adorable! I am new to blogging and would love for you to check out my blog (It is a working progress right now) if you have a moment. I will follow you on bloglovin!

    Chasity @ bluecottagefarmhouse.com


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