Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Sunday, October 30, 2016

Halloween Past & Present

Hello, dear friends.  How is your weekend going?  All is well here.  The Mister and I went out to lunch and the movies today.  The flick of the day was Inferno.  The Mister loved it.

There is only one Halloween that sticks out in my mind from my childhood.  I was in 4th grade, and it was the year of firsts.  That year I experienced my maiden voyage of hitting the bricks with girlfriends and leaving my parents and Sista in the dust at home.  It was the first time that I could collect and carry my loot in an old pillow case like all the cool kids instead of some lame plastic pumpkin from the basement.  And lastly, I had a homemade costume for the first time, thanks to my babysitter, Alicia.  No more store-bought itchy get-up from the Five & Ten for moi.

I wanted to be The Flying Nun for a couple of reasons.  The first and most obvious reason was the fact that it was my favorite TV show.  I wanted to be Sister Bertrille more than anything else in the world.  The second and most important reason had to do with the fact that I went to a Catholic school and felt that since the Nuns were the judges of the costume contest, I would be a shoe-in for the winning spot.  In the end, I did not win but it still ended up being my most memorable Halloween.

While having the time of my life trick-or-treating and chatting it up with my gal pals, the lucky boy that I had a crush on snuck up on me, grabbed my  pillow case  filled with candy wrappers and took off at 90 miles an hour.  The girls and I squealed in delight.  Obviously, Joey liked me too!!  I walked home with empty arms and the world's biggest smile on my face.  Unfortunately, our relationship was a one-night run stand.  But that's his loss.

And now, without further ado, may I present our two little trick-or-treaters.

Ken Bone


Betty Draper

What was your most memorable Halloween?

Until next time...

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Need Some Costume Ideas?

Good Morning, dear friends.  This a post from Halloween past.  In the event that you have a costume party tonight and are out of ideas for a costume, never fear - creative inspiration is here.  You don't have to thank me - just send me your leftover candy.

You and the hubby will be the talk of the subdivision with this gruesome twosome get-up.

You know you're at a wild party if this guy meets you at the door.

You could be that clever couple.
A salt & battery

Another clever guy.
A spice rack 

Betcha 10 bucks that he's a single Dad.

Mad at the hubby?  
Make him wear this outfit to a party.  
Then stay within earshot and listen to all the wise cracks.

Yeah, I bet these two are fun at parties, too.

Best looking babe at her water aerobics class.

No words.

This poor kid.

A costume and a teaching moment wrapped into one!

Another poor kid.

A smorgasbord of outfits!

Bet their neighbors are happy that they're moving.

There is something so wrong about this photo.

And speaking of wrong...
poor Grandma.

I'm going to make the Mister wear this if he drags me to another war movie.  

And last but not least...

a glimmer of the Mister and me last Halloween.

Until next time...

Friday, October 28, 2016

A Perfect Day on Nantucket

Hello, dear friends.  TGIF.  It has been a good week in Preppy Emptynesterville.  We are one week closer to having the election in our rear view mirror, and our #2 received a job offer for June.  She will be relocating to HOTlanta.  So, if any of you dear readers live in the area and can give us the 4-1-1, it would be much appreciated.

A few weeks ago, the Mister and I spent a beautiful warm September day in Nantucket.  I went to a book signing at Mitchell's, and we got our share of shopping and lunching in for the day.  

I think that Nantucket is at its best in the Spring and the early Autumn.  The island is not crowded, and you can get into the better restaurants without the wait.

And there are great sales going on.

One of my favorite shops on the island is Nantucket Monogram.  

Brooke is an absolute doll.  Notice the store address.  Who wouldn't want to work on Easy Street? 

Good news for you lucky Connecticut friends - Brooke just opened a shop in New Canaan at 1 Morse Court.  

If you need shower or wedding gifts, this is the place to look.

Brooke made sure that I took pics of these two books that were written by her dear friends.

Both books are positively beautiful.

We stopped into a few antique stores.  

I took these pics for all of my friends who love blue and white.
Your welcome.

The Mister and I enjoyed a fabulous lunch at The Boarding House.

We enjoyed the entertainment, as well.

Both of our girls are Shark Week Freaks!

We did some more shopping.  
Love these bags!

And we stopped by a farmer's market.
Even the veggies are prettier on Nantucket!

And the Mister can never go anywhere without tasting the sweets.

Until next time...

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