Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Hodgepodge filled with Hyacinths

Hello, dear readers.  First of all, I want to take this opportunity to thank all the wonderful people who took the time to give me the 4-1-1 on Durham, as well as to all who sent warm wishes to my #2 as she begins a new chapter of her life at Duke. 

If you have read my blog for awhile, you know what happens here on Wednesdays...


1.  Tell us about a time you found yourself in the middle of nowhere.  Was this deliberate?

Unfortunately, my Sista and I inherited our poor sense of direction from our parents.  They could get lost in a driveway.   

Even though I have a GPS in my car, I manage to find myself in the middle of nowhere more times than I care to admit.

2.  What's something you're in the middle of today or this week?

Packing for #2's graduation.

Of Design.net

Preparing to have neighbors over for dinner.  I wish the person who set this table would come to my house and spread some magic.

And losing 20 lbs. before Susie B's Memorial Day wedding.

3.  At what age do you think "middle age" begins?  What does it mean to be middle aged?

I believe that middle age begins at age 70.
I'll let you know what it feels like when I get there.

4.  Ravioli, stuffed peppers, samosas, deviled eggs, steamed dumplings, pierogis, or a jelly donut... your favorite food (from the list) with something yummy in the middle.  Your favorite not on the list?

Nothing screams "favorite" to me, but if I had to choose, it would be a samosa.

Sweet Baking Co.

This is more my speed.

5.  Albert Einstein is quoted as saying "In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity."  Would you agree?  Have you found this to be true in your own life?  Feel free to elaborate.


Refer to Question 1.

6.  What's a song you remember loving from your middle school years?  Do you love it still?

I was so in love with Bobby Sherman that I wanted to change my name legally to "Julie."  To this day, I'm jealous of anyone I meet named Julie. 

7.  May 18th is National Visit Your Relatives Day.  Which relative would you visit if time, distance, and expense were not considered?

What, are you kidding?
I'm supposed to pick one relative?
Are you trying to start WW III?

8.  Insert your random thought here.

I hit the lottery on my Texas visit.  I got to meet one of my favorite bloggers, Sarah, from Hyacinths for the Soul.  My #1 and I had breakfast with this lovely Southern Belle in Austin. After only a few minutes, I felt like I had known Sarah for years.  When we got in the car after our meeting, my #1 referred to Sarah as "tres chic."  I've been waiting 40 years to get a compliment like that from one of my girls.

What was your favorite song from middle school?

Until next time...


Sarah's sweet girl, Sadie Mercedes, who is as chic as her Mama.
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Thanks for the smiles this morning! You always make me giggle a bit... and again, I am impressed with the perfect photos to go with your commentary!

  2. I needed to start my day with some good laughs- your blog NEVER disappoints! Have fun celebrating #2! So excited for her new adventure. Next time you come to Texas, let's connect! Love the photo of you and Sarah. I will have to check out her blog. Have an awesome week!

    1. You too, Melissa! Hope to meet you in person some day!

  3. I have the same directionall challenged genes. That table is gorgeous! Looking forward to hearing about your trip to Magnolia. Check out Outdaughtered...they live in Houston and they're so cute. The grandmom adds some fun to the show too : )

  4. Always love your hodgepodges. My favorite song in middle school would have been anything by Donny Osmond. I was slightly obsessed. Funny to think of that now!

  5. These are such fun, Katie! I love your humour and I always feel delighted when I leave! I'm rarely lost, just misinformed! And oh, that table is gorgeous. I'm looking forward to co-hosting a make-and-take tea this week. We'll make silk scarves and then feed our friends yummy things. Which reminds me -- time to prep the scones!

  6. And now you're jealous of anyone named Amal! My goodness, life is tough. :-) You keep me laughing all the way through the Hodgepodge. Laughed out loud at the birthday candles pic. Love it! I also love the look of the Little Debbie Snack Cake? (Is that what it is? or is it a cupcake? Anyway, it's a good thing one isn't sitting here in front of me right now!) There's always amputation if you're serious about losing 20 pounds by Memorial Day. LOL

  7. I love reading your posts, they make me laugh. When you meet someone for the first time in person and it feels like you've known them forever, that has to be one of the best feelings.

  8. I thought 'I'll read one more and then get ready for the office'...and I read this. Thanks for the laughs to start the day. Best of luck as you ready for the graduation - such a wonderful milestone!
    Meeting Sarah - well that just had to have been a lovely experience and I'm not surprised that your daughter deemed her 'tres chic'!

  9. "I Wear My Sunglasses at Night" by Corey Heart!! I did a post once on a mix tape of my life and this was the middle school fav. Your hodgepodge always makes me smile....you are so fun and a brilliant writer!!

  10. My favorite songs were Happy Together by The Turtles and Red Rubber Ball by The Cyrkle. Oh my, that was a long time ago. Congratulations on #2's graduation and DUKE! BTW, The Family was cancelled for next season. :( No one from ABC called to get my opinion about that!

  11. OMG! Bobby Sherman ~swoon~ Julie, Julie, are you thinking of me??

  12. Hi there again. Would you please check the email address on your sidebar and make sure it's the one that works. I've tried to use that email address a few times and every time it bounces back to me. Just wanted you to let me know. :-))

  13. Just enjoyed son #1 college graduation, lovely! And the 20 lb loss just got upped to 25 after that fun weekend!? Feeling Groovy (hello lamp post whatcha knowin) by Simon and Garfunkle

    1. Carol I used to sing "Feeling Groovy" to my girls when the were young. And then when they got older I threatened to sing it in carpool. I could get my kids to do anything for fear I would sing it to their friends. Have a great week!

  14. Too funny! David Cassidy owned my heart.

    1. Mine, too. Still have his albums, along with the Partridge Family!

  15. I was in grade school when that Bobby Sherman song was popular and I remember being so embarrassed by it. I would have happily traded names with you at that time. How funny our different reactions.

  16. You always crack me up! Can't think of a single song now, but I do remember belting out, "You Light Up My Life" at a slumber party!

  17. Always love reading your random thoughts posts. Anything by Andy Gibb!!!

  18. Check out Bobby Sherman's later career. He became an EMT and taught CPR!

    1. I know!!! And he's done a lot of things for charity!!! Not that I'm stalking him or anything. Much.

  19. I loved Bobby Sherman too. My sister was a Donny Osmond fan so in the room we shared there were posters of both! Here Come the Brides was my favorite :-)

  20. You flatter me! ;-) Thanks for the compliments. It was truly a treat to meet you and #1. Hope we can repeat next time you are in town. As far my favorites from middle school ~ do I have to pick just one? Remember I was a child of the 60s ~ so many greats from that era. I do remember dancing the Hully Gully and Twisting the night away. Oh, and I'll take a jelly donut if I have to pick from the list. Always something sweet for me. '-) Thanks for the shout out. Sadie honored to be the featured doggie at the end of your post ~ always a favorite signature. And, congratulations to #2 on her graduation and start of graduate work.

  21. Well, I oompletely forgot about Bobby Sherman. It's such fun to meet other bloggers and you two look like quite the pair. Your girls are just so cute! Happy mid-week!

  22. Thank you for my daily laugh...just what I needed today! Congratulations to your daughter on her graduation AND her acceptance at Duke!! Enjoy the rest of your week! xoxo

  23. Sweet Friend...you can bet that both of those two precious girls think you are waaaay more chic than you can ever imagine. You have been their mentor for all of their lives and you can bet they will aspire to be the type of mom that you have been to them. As well as their friend.
    The sentence that I over heard my boys say to their friends will forever be in my mind and my heart.....they told their friends that they wanted to raise their children exactly as they were raised!! It wasn't said TO me but it told me that all the pains and joys of parenting were worth it. That my job was done. You can bet that they may not SAY things but they are definitely thinking it!!!

  24. Have a great time at the graduation...hopefully it is not taking place in the middle of nowhere. No favorite song from middle school as disco was king and while I enjoyed dancing to the music, one song seemed to blend into the next.

  25. Well Donny Osmond was my obsession in MS and Puppy Love was probably the song I played over and over on my little record player! Times have really changed no? Have so much fun at graduation, we just did that with daughter last week and it was such a special time.

  26. Fun post as always. I was a big Andy Gibb fan, myself! I generally have a good sense of direction but one time I was driving alone to IKEA - the one by Newark airport. Let's just say, you don't want to take a wrong turn in that neighborhood. Well, I did and I must have run every red light to get out of there as fast as possible. One of the scariest times of my life...
    Enjoy the rest of your week!

  27. Great hodgepodge! I must be your twin with GPS -- cannot figure that out -- yikes!! Have fun at #2s graduation! Congrats to your girl!!

  28. Middle school/ junior high school music...Are you kidding, it was the Beatles on Ed Sullivan for me! I am THAT old! ha. Your daughters are such cuties! I do not have a GPS...maybe that is the answer in intself. ha. Sheila

  29. Your daughters are gorgeous just like there momma!! Haha Middle school would be Andy Gibb - Shadow dancing LOL

  30. I am so happy (and jealous) that you got to meet Sarah!
    Middle School? Must have been Beatles song!! Maybe "I wanna Hold your hand"???

  31. I loved BOBBY SHERMAN TOO..........He had MY BIRTHDAY as I RECALL.......JULY 22.
    WONDER WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM.........have you googled him?????

  32. I always love these posts! And, "tres chic" is exactly how I would describe you! I admire your class and charm!

  33. This is becoming routine - add another to the list of commonality. Bobby Sherman. The hours my pal Shelagh and I spent drooling over that boy ...

  34. This is becoming routine - add another to the list of commonality. Bobby Sherman. The hours my pal Shelagh and I spent drooling over that boy ...


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