Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Sunday, May 22, 2016

Hello Again, Dallas

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you are enjoying your Sunday.  We are expecting some rain today which is fine with me.  I get a day off from watering my flowers.

We had some neighbors over for dinner last night and this is the cheese board that the Mister prepared.

This post covers Part 2 detailing my trip to Texas.  If you missed Part 1 you can find it here.

On Saturday, my #1 and I drove back to Dallas after celebrating my Dad's 98th.  We enjoyed a scrumptious lunch at East Hampton Sandwich Shop.bsolutely delicious.  Adorable Jonathon told me that it was founded by a couple of SMU graduates.

My #1 was very excited to bring me to a shop that she knew I would adore.  My girl knows her Mama well... I fell in love!

Blue Print is owned by five interior designers who also happen to be great friends.   They renovated an antique house which is the  perfect backdrop to showcase their fabulous furniture and unique accessories.  The furniture is their own private label.

Blue Print had me at hello!

I met a lovely young lady by the name of Kate, who filled me in on the house, as well as the furnishings.  

I wanted to move into this gorgeous store!

This pair of chairs stole my heart!  Not only is the fabric a stunner, these chairs are smaller than most chairs.  I could sit in them, and my feet would actually touch the floor!  I could be a fancy lady like everyone else!

The wood work was positively breathtaking.

Blue Print's inventory is constantly being replenished because items are sold quickly.

If you live in or visit the Dallas area, stop by and feast your eyes on Blue Print's gorgeous decor. 

That evening, we went to St. Ann's Restaurant.  It was built as a school in 1927.  I wonder if I could have gotten a discount if I wore my CSH uniform?  

Now St. Ann's is the grooviest place in Big D and consistently wins "Best Patio in Dallas."  

The weather that evening was typical of Dallas in the Spring - magnificent!

We noshed on a meat and cheese board first.  I said it was too pretty to eat, but that only lasted about seven seconds. 

Before I left on Sunday, we celebrated Mothers Day at The Joule.  My coolness factor went up about 10 points by just walking into the hotel! 

I enjoyed every minute of being back in Texas and can't wait to go back for a visit again.  

Until next time...

Barney & Miss Beazley Bush

Proudly linking up with:

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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  1. I MUST go to Blue Print!!!! Did not know about it- it's closer than Magnolia. Looks like a great trip and you missed the crazy rains we have had. #1 looks so very happy. :) Let me know when you are coming back to Big D so we can connect! Have a super happy week!

  2. Gorgeous store, gorgeous kids, and I pinned the Mister's cheese board. A work of art!

  3. Fun post...can't wait to get to Texas, between you and a friend who just got back from there, I want to hop no a plane!! I love your daughter and "adorable Jonathan" together, they are so cute and hes like the son you never had plus you made him famous lol. Enjoy your day.....cool and sprinkly (made up the word) here but supposed to get nice!

  4. Ah, Sis. Of the two cheese plates? Your Mister's takes the cake (blobby icing kind, naturally). I can't help but wonder what kind of treats would await us at St. Ann's if we both turned up in our CSH uniforms ...?

  5. Your cheese board looks delicious! Can I be your roommate when you move into that house/store. I would need a van to get back home. Your daughter and her beau are so cute! as are you!

  6. Two beautiful cheese boards in one post! Yum! I think I could live off of cheese boards and be just fine! Hope you have a relaxing Sunday!

  7. Wow...you hit all the hot spots!! Blueprint looks like a place I could spend hours, but not as much time as I could spend eating cheese, etc!! Look like you had a wonderful trip!

  8. Katie, I'm furiously taking notes! Going to Dallas on Friday, and now thanks to you, my agenda is brimming with fun new spots. Thank you, sweet friend!
    Oh, my those bread boards full of goodies look fantastic. Sharing these shots with my own chef. We need to do this! Company or not!!!! ;-)
    More rain here too, but sun is out now. Went to Field to Vase Dinner last night - fabulous! Will post photos soon. Happy Week!

  9. Wow -- what a wonderful trip! That house/store looks fabulous! You and your daughter and her guy are absolutely adorable!!

  10. You are killing me with all those cheese boards! Hubby needs to do a post on how he put that gorgeous platter together.

  11. I'm quickly jotting down the places you visited while you were here! I've been to any of them....I must not be cool at all.

    Next time you come, we have to have a get together!

    1. I meant, I've not been to any of them. :)

  12. What a lovely place to visit, lots of goodies there to see. Your pictures are wonderful. I've been wanting to visit there one day, it's on my list :-) Have a great week!


  13. I've been following the blue print girls on Instagram for quite a while what a treat to see their beautiful shop!

  14. A great weekend of shopping and dining in Dallas!
    Another yummy cheese board from the Mister; I think that it looks even more delectable than the restaurant one.
    Have a great week!

  15. Late to comment because I've spent an entire day drooling first over the cheeseboard at your house, then Blue Print! Love all the artwork they have. It's been ages since I've been to Dallas. Maybe it's time for a return visit. Glad you had a good time.

  16. Oh Katie! To die for! Everything looks amazing. I think I need a Dallas visit -- and a good guide!

  17. I am swooning over both of the cheeseboards, but I think the Mister gets the gold medal. There was a segment on yesterday's CBS Sunday Morning on Magnolia, Chip and Joanna. Very Charming.

    annie g

    1. I saw it!! CBS Sunday Morning is one of my favorite shows! See you soon.

  18. So first let me say the Mister is a keeper--impressive cheese board. Dallas looks like a lot of fun, and how great to celebrate your dad's 98th birthday! Blue Print, yes! Just wrap it up and have it delivered. And you, your #1 and her beau are too cute. You look amazing! Great post!

  19. Our daughter lives in Dallas and it is one of my favorite cities. I will be sure and check out Blue Print the next time we're there. That meat and cheese board looks like it should be dinner tonight!

  20. Those chairs are everything! I love them! xx Rox-Anne, Celebratingthislife.ca

  21. love the blue print house thanks for sharing your lovely adventure have a great day

  22. Let's just talk about that cheese board for a second before we move on...seriously...do you KNOW how lucky you are to have a Mister who can do that? It looks like you had a blast in Dallas - hanging out with the cool kids at all the cool spots!!!

    I finally moved my blog to word press and it isn't updating in your blog roll...no I am not off someplace exotic and not posting, unfortunately. I hope you will come find me in my new blog home. xoxoxo

  23. What a fabulous trip! First can I say that I was so impressed with the Mister's cheese board when I saw it on Instagram! Wow! How wonderful to be with your daughter and your dad this past week. I hope that you are enjoying yourself!

  24. Your husband's cheese board??!! Wow. And I swear your beautiful daughter is Jenna Bush's little sister. I really enjoy your easy-breezy, conversational blog. :)

    1. Thanks, Sofia.. I will pass along your compliment to my #1. Enjoy your weekend.

  25. What a happy, fun time in Dallas with your beautiful #1 and her adorable beau! Would have loved to have been with you two at Blue Print - looks like a great place! Must also add, your hair looks fabulous...love the cut!!

  26. Katie,I swear,I want us to live in the same city as each other,because I just know we would be BEST friends!! I love all the same things as you do,and we would be the best shopping buddies!! Those chairs at Blue Print NEED ME in their lives!! Most of all,I have to say,since I have 2 grown sons (one is married),I NEED to be your BESTIE when your 2 gorgeous daughters get married(eventually) so that I can live vicariously through you!!! We would have the BEST time!!

    1. Mrs. K - your comments always make me smile!! I'm looking for a shopping buddy - so move to Mass!! We'll have a blast!

  27. I go to Blue Print EVERY time I'm in Big D!!!!!! have bought loads of stuff from there.
    and St Anns restaurant?? My daughter in law and son and I go there EVERY time I visit them!!
    How funny....we even get that cheese board every time too!!
    Small World!!

  28. The cheese board looks really yummy, Your hubby is awesome =) I've never been to Dallas but I need to make a trip looks like lots of fun!

  29. Katie,
    what fun spending time with your gorgeous #1 and the quite handsome Jonathan! The photos of you guys are lovely! The restaurants, shop, all look amazing!

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