J. Crew Factory for Fall

Tuckernuck's styles for the new season

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

A Humble Hodgepodge

Happy Hump Day, friends.  Have you finished your shopping yet?  I've been doing more decorating than shopping.  I'm sure my girls won't be happy to hear that.

If it's Wednesday, it's time for Hodgepodge.

1.  Did you watch The Charlie Brown Christmas special Monday night?  Who's your favorite Peanuts character and why?

I would have to say Lucy for obvious reasons.  
It's a first child thing.

"Most psychiatrists agree that sitting in a pumpkin patch is excellent therapy for a troubled mind." - Linus
Would you agree?

I don't think a pumpkin patch would do it for me.  However, visiting a nursery during the first days of Spring would have a profound effect one me.

2. Describe a sound from your childhood.  What does this sound bring to mind?

The first thing I thought of was the chiming of my Mother's charm bracelet.  Every Saturday night, she would get all dressed up in a pretty dress and high heels, and she and my father would go out to dinner or a party.  I couldn't wait to grow up and be just like her. 

3.  You've won a trip to a winter wonderland... would that excite you?  Which one of the following would you most want to experience (or which one would you dislike the least) - Aurora Borealis in Norway, stay in Sweden's Ice Hotel, go dog sledding in Lapland Finland, take a winter wildlife safari in Yellowstone or celebrate Winter Carnival in Quebec?

This is me.
in my dreams

I am not a cold weather person.  I think that I am suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome as a result of last year's snow totals. 

I'll take St. Bart's any day over all of those places.  The idea of Sweden's Ice Hotel gives me a brain freeze just thinking about it.

4.  Who or what keeps you humble?

My two girls do a pretty good job keeping their ol' Mama humble.

5.  What part of preparing for Christmas do you like the most? Explain.

Usually, I do all of the holiday decorating. Refer to 1st answer to Question #1.  But over the weekend, the Mister and my #1 offered to help me to deck the walls of the outside of the house, and it was a lot of fun.  At least, I thought so.  

6.  Gingerbread - yay or nay?  Is making a gingerbread house part of your family holiday tradition?

I love the taste of gingerbread.  It's been awhile since I decorated a gingerbread house with the girls.  The ones that we did do usually came out looking similar to this one.

7.  What's one thing you want to start, do, or complete before the calendar rolls into a new year?

Getting my Christmas cards written and in the mail is number one on my list of things to get done by the first of the year.  We haven't sent out cards for a few years because my girls said that they were too old to be in the picture.  I made a big stink, stomped my foot like Lucy, and finally got my way.  Now it's my turn to take it to the finish line.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.  

Blush Home

Blush Home

I am very excited to be going to my first Holiday Home Tour of the season this weekend.  I am going with one of my friends, Mary, who is a Sudbury Sweetheart.   Concord is one of my favorite towns in New England.  I wrote a post about it here  These photos were on line from last year's tour.  I'm counting the minutes.

Until next time...

Dog Pacer
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. A fun hodgepodge, Katie. Love your memory of your mom! Glad you got your Christmas card picture this year---ah--reminds me - I have cards to write, halls to deck and miles to go before I sleep. Have fun on your first Holiday outing!!!! xo Diana

  2. My granny had a charm bracelet like that. I love the memory of that sound! I am right with ya at the beach! Let's go! Good luck as you continue your decorating. So nice to have help from your Mister, and your home looks lovely. Happy Wednesday!

  3. I absolutely love that you remember your mother's charm bracelet! Do you have it now? My mother used to wear a bracelet that was her mother's... and after my mom passed I asked dad if I could have it. He could not find it. My mother had suffered from dementia so lord knows what happened to it. But it makes me sad. I need to decorate soon... I love your ornaments in the window boxes. I have one box and I try to fill it with greens and festive colors.

  4. It is true that a daughter keeps one humble and can tell us the truth like no other. P.S. Your house looks so pretty!

  5. I will go to St Bart's with you! No gingerbread houses here. I am a first child/daughter also. Ha! I still love my old 14k charm bracelet though it does not get worn much. I need to change that! I need to do my Christmas cards a sap! Your house exterior is beautiful whether you decorate it or not! Have a great day. Sheila

  6. I totally agree about the weather...hate the cold! But I would love to see the Northern Lights. That is about the amount of cold I can take. I think that is why I moved to Texas! I remember putting lights outside and it was warm and we cranked the AC way low just so we can put on the fireplace for that Christmas feel. Don't you miss that? LOL

  7. I LOVE your window boxes! Wish I lived close enough for the house tour. That sounds like fun. Your girls are so cute. I'm glad you got your way : )

  8. You and I think alike...Lucy all the way! What a neat childhood memory you shared...love that! I must say that you have two beautiful daughters...you must be so proud!

  9. My favorite is Charlie Brown's little sister, Sally! I have many sounds that remind me of my childhood, but the one that sticks out is of my Daddy's table saw in use. While I hate winter and everything that goes with it, I would like to see Switzerland covered in snow as long as I can stay in an expensive lodge, sitting by the fire, reading (entertainment magazines, books, etc.), and chatting with the employees, and folks who come in and out. I would also spend time shopping and eating my way through the Alps. My kids do a good job of keeping me humble. My favorite thing about decorating for Christmas is doing it with family and seeing it finished. I am not a gingerbread fan, and I do want to start doing annual family photos and Christmas cards. I have never had the extra moolah to spend, but it is a goal. Hope you are able to stay warm this winter. We have already had our first major ice storm (trees are down everywhere, and some folks are still without power). Not a good sign of things to come! Pray for me.

  10. I missed the Charlie Brown Christmas Special???? AAAAGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Your daughters are just beautiful! And as I have 3 of them I truly know how h=they keep one on their toes! xo Karolyn

  12. So fun!! Your house looks sooo pretty and festive and you are way ahead of me. have not even taken a pick of my boys even Teddy is being uncooperative and runs away every time he sees the Santa suit:) Oh well..one day at a time, guess its time to remove my pumpkins from my front door! I love the sound of a charm bracket, that is such a sweet memory. And what a great pic of your girls....pretty!!! Enjoy the season:)

  13. I too am Lucy..although I the youngest child of my family...I haven't decorated at all yet, but Saturday...look out, lights, camera, jingle bells...

  14. Are you coming toConcord for the house tours? You'll be just a few miles from me. I've been in the past. Great fun! Some homes are very traditional and others can be very contemporary. I can give you some good lunch recommendations if needed. Have fun!

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. I have been doing all (online) shopping and no decorating (yet).
    Peanuts' Lucy is my fave. Girls rule; boys drool.
    I miss making gingerbread houses with my kids.
    Everybody likes to receive photo Christmas cards; I'm glad that your girls cooperated this year.
    An Ice Hotel?? No, thank you very much.
    Have an enjoyable day in Concord!

  17. I love seeing your beautiful home decked out for the holidays! And the photos of your sweet girls is lovely...so happy they cooperated. Have a wonderful weekend, my dear! xoxo

  18. New England is just beautiful at Christmastime. But I agree with you re. an ice hotel in Sweden. They must be out of their minds. I wish someone would come into my home, bring down the boxes of decorations, and just do it all. Now that the kids are no longer at home, it's just not an exciting project.

  19. My favorite thing to do is wrap the gifts!!

  20. Katie, I am shopping online this year, I have had it with all of the sales, one day only, black friday. Macy's has a one day only sale every week!! I am definitely Lucy! Love Holiday Home Tours take lots of pics!! Adore charm bracelets and that is why I am crazy about the India HIcks LOve Tokens!
    I always feel like I am taking an exam......a fun one at that!

    The Arts by Karena
    Books for the Holidays!

  21. What fun! St. Barths is my absolute favorite! Have you been? I didn't look like like 'that' when I visited but I was profoundly happy. Something about that island....
    xx, Heather

  22. Oh my word -- your girls are so adorable!! I'm sure it is a blast to go shopping for and with those two! Woodstock is my favorite Peanuts character -- crazy I know! :) Hope you have a great weekend!

  23. What a sweet, sweet memory of your Mom. Your girlies are so cute and I'm so glad they posed for a picture this year. I am working feverishly on mine as I just got them ordered this past Thurs. night. Would love to go on the tour with you, looks like a whole lot of fun. Happy weekend!

  24. My mom always wore a gold bangle that was given to her as a bridesmaid's gift, when she was in her sister's wedding. It made a very distinctive clang against her watch. She gave it to me for my 50th, er, 39th birthday and now it clangs on me and makes me happy.


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