Talbots Spring Essentials

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Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Last Hodgepodge of 2015

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you are enjoying your week.  One of my little chickadees headed back to Texas on Monday, and my #2 leaves next week.  We took down all the indoor decorations which was bittersweet.  I'm glad the chore is done and yet the house looks so bare.  Oh well, I'll have to do some home dec shopping to put some life into it.  Every cloud has a silver lining.  Just don't tell the Mister.   

1.  Share a favorite memory/moment from the week of Christmas.

One of the moments that stick out in my mind was playing "Heads Up" during cocktail hour.  Poor Mister was not good at this game due to his lack of knowledge of pop culture and remembering names.  Needless to say, he ended up being my partner most of the time.  It's part of the wedding vows.

2.  If someone wrote a book about your life based on the past year, what genre would it fall under?  What would the title be?

It would be an autobiography entitled Diary of a Delusional Supermodel Trophy Wife and here is a sneak peek at the cover.

3.  What made you feel patriotic this year?

Every Fourth of July people in our little town meet in front of the General Store after the parade and walk down the street to our very old cemetery.  There is a small ceremony honoring all who have served in the military.  It is very touching and always makes me feel patriotic.

4.  What experience from the past year would you like to do all over again?

We are planning on going on another cruise this year because we had such a great time last year.

Another blog conference is planned with my buddy, Mo of Mocadeaux.

I hope to get together again with my friend, Kate the Great. 

I am also looking forward to spending more time with my Sista, sharing more adventures with my BFF, Anne, enjoying  more lunches with the Sudbury Sweethearts, and making another TV appearance with my partner-in-crime, Dude.

5.  What song lyric sums up or is a reflection of your 2015?

See next question for the reason for this choice.

6.  On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate 2015?  (10 = stellar)  Why?

Any year that my family is happy and healthy gets a stellar "10" from me. 

7.  What part of the upcoming year are you most excited about?

I am excited to see our #2 daughter graduate from college this year.  She has worked very hard and has a bright future ahead of her. 

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

We watched the Call the Midwife Holiday Special.  I laughed and shed some tears.  The show set some groundwork for this year's story line and introduced us to some new characters.   If you haven't hopped onto the Call the Midwife bandwagon, I highly recommend that you do.  

What are you excited about in 2016?

Until next time...

"Kevin" in a costume depicting Call the Midwife to raise money for the Stroke Association. 
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I totally forgot about the Call The Midwife Christmas special! Enjoy your New Year's celebrations Katie :-)

  2. Your daughters are just so dang cute!! You've already taken down the decorations? I just got mine up. Lol. I might like Midwife, but for all the moaning and groaning...or did I just happen upon the wrong episode? I'm looking forward to getting Downtown Abbey loose ends tied up. Have a wonderful 2016 and enjoy the friends and shopping! Lol

  3. Your daughters are just so dang cute!! You've already taken down the decorations? I just got mine up. Lol. I might like Midwife, but for all the moaning and groaning...or did I just happen upon the wrong episode? I'm looking forward to getting Downtown Abbey loose ends tied up. Have a wonderful 2016 and enjoy the friends and shopping! Lol

  4. I love Call the Midwife...I recommend it to everyone...you would think I have stock in the show...wish you a Happy New Year and early congrats to the graduate, it is a great feeling for her and as a parent, a great weight lifted off the wallet.

  5. What a fun year you've had! Adorable family and good friends! Here's wishing you more of it all in 2016!

  6. I had no idea there was a holiday Call the Midwife! (I must investigate!)
    Going on a cruise is definitely on my bucket list. :)
    Happy New Year!

  7. The song Happy is definitely a favorite!

    I feel like 2015 was a 10 in spite of ups and downs, ( life right!?) I ended the year on a new venture with India Hicks as a Style Ambassador that Everyone is being so supportive and encouraging of!

    As a widow, when I meet a guy as great as your husband I would love to go on a Mediterranean honeymoon cruise!

    My five month old grandson Samuel is a joy beyond belief!

    2016 is going to be full of Family and Friend time and MANY new adventures!!

    Katie thank you for the joy and friendship you give all year long!!

    The Arts by Karena
    Inspiration & Last Day India Hicks Sale!

  8. Whew! That is quite the "delusion" on that book cover. Thoroughly enjoyed visiting from the Hodgepodge. Your spirit is infectious!

  9. What a festive holiday season you have had, Katie! I loved seeing your beautiful decorations and cheery table. Your girls are true beauties--just like their mama.
    We have been doing lots of hosting this holiday and enjoying every minute. I am also looking forward to the relative calm of January. It's always a good time to get focused and do some planning for the year. We have a couple of trips to look forward to in 2016 and that always makes me smile. ;)
    Happy New Year my fabulous friend!
    xx, Heather

  10. Add to your 2016 list - come down to Connecticut for lunch with your "southern" blog buddies (or I may have to join you and Mo in Boston). Your daughters are adorable - I know you will miss them. My daughter left today, but my youngest son is home for another three weeks (yippee!) and the other one is in NYC so that is good. I hope you and your sweet husband have a happy and healthy 2016! Cheers! xoxoxo

  11. Sounds like an exciting 2016 for you! Now college graduation is really something to look forward to...how wonderful!!! Yes, Call the Midwife Christmas special was, as always, wonderful! Wishing you a very Happy New Year!!!

  12. So glad I found your blog! Best wishes for a fab 2016! Looking forward to your new adventures.

  13. Looking forward to reading your blog, of course! And hoping for a healthy year for my Mister! :) Happy New Year!!

  14. Looking forward to reading your blog, of course! And hoping for a healthy year for my Mister! :) Happy New Year!!

  15. Your daughters are so pretty :) It sounds like you have a great 2016 in store! Happy New Year!

  16. A college graduation is definitely something to get excited about! I'm not taking down my little decorations until after the first. I'm still really enjoying the tree. Happy new year to you and your family!

  17. :) We are counting down the days for college graduation also! Happy New Year to you and your family.

  18. Hi and happy new year from Palmetto Bluff !! I enjoyed reading this and love the picture of your girls :) hope you have a great New Year's eve and I want to wish you all the very best for 2016… May it be filled with much love happiness and laughter :)

  19. I am looking forward to my yard and flower beds. Planning for new plants and making plans for spring and summer is what gets me through this time of the year. As much as I decorate and enjoy church and family, nobody would ever know this is not my favorite time of the year. I hope you have a wonderful new year, and I look forward to corresponding with you and seeing what you do in the coming year.

    1. Happy New Year, Lori! The Spring and all the gardening that goes with it is definitely a huge thing that I look forward to! I hope this is your best year yet!

  20. Absolutely splendid. All of this. Loved it. And may I say that I am beyond excited about meeting you and Mo in the very near future! Pressing the fast forward button. The happiest and healthiest of new year's to you, your family and the sweet pups.

  21. for 2016? meet me in Texas or in your neck of the woods??!!!!!

  22. Happy New Year dear Katie! I can't believe your baby is graduating from collage! Wishing you & your family a wonderful & healthy New Year! xoxo, Dawn

  23. Yes its always a 10 year when your family is safe and healthy! I wish the same for you in the coming year too! xo Karolyn

  24. Can't wait to see you in SLC!! Happy New Year!


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