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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, December 16, 2015

A Festive Hodgepodge

Hello, dear friends.  How's your week going?  Mine is going great.  I shopped 'til I dropped yesterday.  Please don't ask if I got anything for anyone besides myself.  I will take the fifth.  Is it my fault that the stores are having unbelievable sales?  The bad news is I lost my prescription sunglasses.  The good news is they were found at JJill so I get to go back to the mall today!

1.  What is your biggest "first world" problem?

My biggest "first world" problem at this time is to lose 10 lbs. by Christmas.  I only have 10 to go.

2.  Each year Time Magazine names a "Person of the Year", someone who has for better or worse... done the most to influence the events of the year.  It was recently announced they've named Angela Merkel Person of the Year for 2015.  You can read more about this year's selection here.  Your thoughts?  If you were in charge, who would you declare Person of the year?

Pope Francis was named Time's Person of the Year in 2013.  If I had been in charge this year, I would have awarded it to him again for all of his efforts in re-branding the Catholic Church and spreading love and tolerance throughout the world in his signature humble way.

4.  Do you make an extra effort to  give back in some way during the holiday season?  How do you encourage those who need encouragement this time of year?

The Mister and I do make an extra effort to give back during the holiday season.  I do not encourage other people - I don't feel it is any of my business.  

5.  Who is your favorite person to shop for?  Why?

I have two favorites to shop for and I will tell you my reasoning.  Chowdah and Chili never complain about the choice of the gift, they don't care that it's not gift wrapped, and they never ask for the receipt so that they can return it for the money.

Chow and Chil are always delighted with whatever I give them and never forget to thank me with licks and kisses. 

6.  What's the last delicious thing you ate?

The last delicious thing that I ate was in NYC when I had steak tartare.  I've been dreaming of it ever since.

7. The best way to spread Christmas cheer is _____________.

The best way to to spread Christmas cheer is to be polite and respectful of others.  If that doesn't work, help yourself to a few extra helpings of some spiked egg nog.

8.  Insert your own random thought here. 

Remember the days when the Salvation Army bell ringers did their thing with a bored look on their faces?  No longer!  Not in NYC.  The new ones have a boom box and plenty of holiday spirit.  They're the best show in town!

What's your biggest "first world " problem?

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Of course you had me laughing at #1. And really isn't it odd that we struggle to lose weight when others around the globe struggle to find enough food to stay alive. It would help if stores weren't carrying that dark chocolate coated angel sponge candy! Hey, guess we like shopping for the same people. :-) Have a wonderful Christmas, Katie.

  2. Great post and hope you don'g get carried away at the mall again today. Good luck with the weight loss.

  3. Am with you on the Pope....what an incredible man! And love tuna tartare too...courtesy ah yes where has that gone? I try to practice it as much as possible...and come on, lose weight around the holidays? Just not happening over this way, but come 2016 time to start anew and shed a few! Hope your holidays are off to a merry start....

  4. Maybe the Salvation Army has done some re-training, because the ones I've come across here are pretty lively too. Have you tried the steak tartare at Sardis in NYC? Yum! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  5. Hi Katie, We just returned from NYC, and you are so right about the Salvation Army ringers! Boom box, dancing, and one group was singing acapella! BTW, I took one of your restaurant recommendations, and ate dinner at Thalia before seeing a play (American in Paris). It was great, better than most in the Times Square area. A hit with the family too. Thanks and Happy Holidays. Sherri

  6. You've added to much fun to my life this year, Katie -- so glad I found your blog. I appreciate you! Of course, I say this at the risk of encouraging you -- ha!

  7. The Pope is an incredible man! I have been struggling for a few months to lose weight and of course if I would leave the chips, cookies, pies, and cakes alone maybe I could! Merry Christmas to you.

  8. First world problem? I can't get the hang of the new gel nail polish. It goes on goopy and won't come off! I need to find a teenaged girl to help me! The problems of having only boys!
    Bah Humbug!

  9. I'd say Chowdah and Chili have it all figured out. Bless their hearts! I ran into a Salvation Army bell ringer the other day at Sam's. He was singing (off-key) and had the most Christmas spirit of anyone I've seen in awhile...loved it! Have a Merry Christmas, Katie!

  10. My biggest "first world" problem is not having enough time to do all the shopping, wrapping, cooking and decorating I want to do!!! Thanks for the pick me up during this busy week! xoxoxo

  11. 20 minutes went by until I realized I was still watching Salvation Army bell ringer videos. Ha ha! Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas.

  12. I have a similar first world problem...only 11 pounds to go. Great luck with the sunglasses.

  13. I'm right there with you on the first world problem - 10 (or so!) pounds would make a big difference!

  14. I agree about our Pope. He is such a humble servant for the church and a much needed change in the face of the Catholic faith. His visit here touched me greatly.

  15. The shopping! One for him, one for me - one for her, two for me! You are not alone. The best way to spread cheer? Be cheerful! And yes on the Pope.

  16. Busting out with a huge grin today. "I only have ten pounds to lose." Oh my sweet lord. With you on that point. We can do it! Apparently all we need to do is visualize. Uh huh. And the bell ringers? Sally Ann you've out done yourself. LOVE it.

    YOU ARE TOO FUNNY.................how nice the glasses WERE FOUND!HOW GREAT you get to GO BACK!Maybe today you will find a GIFT?MAYBE!
    I realized last night that I did not have a GIFT for BANKSY the GRAND PIGGY...............I think HE NEEDS A CHRISTMAS SWEATER!!!Do I have time to knit one.........NO!
    WHAT SHOULD I GIFT HIM WITH.................maybe your two can answer that question if they are being GOOD ELFS TODAY!XX

  18. 15 lbs. Good problem to have. Half tempted to say the heck with it at 53, I think curves are back in. Keep writing. I've enjoyed your blog all year. Merry Christmas!

  19. Katie,I LOOOOOOOVE you so much and have missed you these last few days!! I have been out of town and am now back in Alabama,and it is in the 70's here!! I should not be complaining,but it is hard to get in the Christmas spirit when it is so warm outside,but I am trying!! We have tornado warning right now,so please say prayers for our whole state!! Your entire house is so beautiful and inviting,as always!! Makes me want to just pop right over for a drink and a visit. I just know we would be great friend. I hope you,and your gorgeous family have the loveliest Christmas ever!! Hugs!! Elaine


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