Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, December 9, 2015


Happy Hodgepodge Day, dear friends. Hope that you are all caught up on your shopping.  I wish I were.

1.   Many families have a story they love to tell every year around a holiday.  Does your family have one?  Are you the star of the story, or does another family member take center stage?  Share your story if you want.

When my #1 was about two years old, we hosted a Christmas party.  I let her help me greet the guests.  One of the guests was about eight months pregnant and wore a bright red dress.  

Our little loose cannon.

The minute #1 laid eyes on our guest she yelled out at the top of her lungs "You a HO!"  The woman frowned, and I had to explain to her that anyone who wore red was referred to "Ho" because that was her name for Santa.  I didn't want her to think my kid was making slanderous remarks.

That was also the year that she would scream out MICHAEL JORDAN!! whenever she saw a person of color.  Never a dull moment when we went out in public.

2.  Are you afraid to speak your own opinion?

It depends on the time and place.  At home, I am not afraid to speak my mind.  Ask the Mister. And the girls.

3.  Pantone has announced the color of the year for 2016 ad for the first time have chosen two shades - rose quartz and serenity.  Hmmmm... did you know serenity was a color?  You can read the thought behind their selection here, but essentially it's blending the warmth of rose quartz with the tranquility of a very soft shade of blue.  So what do you think?  Are these colors I'd find in your home or wardrobe?  Will you add something in these shades to either place in the new year?

You would find a paint color close to Serenity but no rose quartz.

4. If you could be in a Christmas Carol, which one would you choose?  Why?

I'm not sure I understand this question.

5.  December 9th is National Pastry Day.  Will you celebrate?  When did you last purchase something from a bakery?  What's your favorite treat that falls under the heading of pastry?  Do you make it yourself or buy from the professionals?

Whenever I try to talk the Mister into going somewhere with me, I always promise that the place sells cookies.  It works wonders.  This is the photo I put on my last post of macaroons stuffed with gelato.  I highly recommend them.

6.  When it comes to holiday decorating _____________________.

When it comes to holiday decorating, I'm always glad when it's over. 

7.  When did you last laugh so much it hurt?  Explain.

The last time that I enjoyed a good ol' belly laugh was when my buddy, Kate the Great came for a visit. I came close to buying a box of Depends that weekend.

8.  Insert your own random thought.

An oldie but a goodie.

When was the last time that you laughed 'til you hurt?

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Morning, Katie! Let me just say that you could, literally, take a bucket of mud, paint it on your walls, and everything would look stunning! Your sense of style and home decor is TO.DIE.FOR! I'm going to say that your Christmas story is the absolute winner! Just the laugh I needed! :))

  2. I was confused by the color choices this year, and more confused that I paid attention and actually cared. It's getting to be a source of great anticipation for me! Love your blues. I'm more of a blue girl too, except for when I was a Phi Mu in college and our sorority house was doused with pepto-bismal pink! Loved it!

    1. I was a Phi Mu too...rose quartz appears to be another way of saying carnation pink : )

  3. I love macaroons and I love gelato so am sure I'd love them together. Your story is awesome!

  4. I hope that you are feeling much better.
    Your Christmas tree is lovely. Holiday red pops in your home.
    Fresh-from-the-oven cinnamon rolls are my favorite treat. Fun to make too. Have you tried the French macaroons at the Paul bakeries that have opened in and around Boston?

  5. Oh my goodness! That holiday story is hilarious. Your tree is absolutely beautiful.

  6. I forgot about macaroons! Now I am completely craving a macaroon!!! I am following from HodgePodge...you can follow me back if you choose at Annster's Domain Have a great week!

  7. Great holiday story-out of the mouth of babes! I like the serenity color.

  8. Katie that is a great Holiday Story!! Not sure I am thrilled with the Pantone colors, they are really stretching I think......I love macaroons and the last time I visited Andrea we actually made them!! Adorable video at the end!

    The Arts by Karena
    More Books for the Holidays!

  9. What a great holiday story, but, honestly, I love the Michael Jordan one even more!

    1. Thank you for taking the time to comment, Paula. Have a wonderful weekend!

  10. I laughed hysterically with ladies at a card party this Friday night...we played Michigan Rummy and funny quips were flying. We played Cards Against Humanities (very raunchy) and again were laughing and crying. Nothing better. Never had a macaroon, I pick my carbs very carefully!! Those Pantone colors were my color scheme for my first home in the late 80's...back again, but too bright for me.

    1. Carol.. nothing is better than getting together with old buddies playing games. Have a wonderful weekend. Sounds like I need to learn how to play Michigan Rummy!

  11. Kids and the things they say! LOL They keep us humble. Are those photos of your home?? If so, am I too old for you to adopt me? Please?

    Have a wonderful evening!

  12. Such a funny girl...Hubster has a sister who is 18 years younger than he...when she was 4 we were dating, Thriller was the album of the year...every time she saw a person who resembled a similar skin color to MJ she would announce..."you know I am going to marry Michael Jackson someday"...awkward!

  13. I have not started decorating our house yet. Your tree is lovely (do you remember the wall color in that room and would you share? Thanks). The cute dog looks like he got into your Mister's closet.

  14. Love your holiday story! And your tree. Thanks for the heads up on National Pastry Day. I think we should have one once a week!

  15. JUST LAST WEEKEND............in reference to the BABY BOOMERS and the MILLENNIUMS with FRIENDS Of a LIFE TIME AGO!!YOU WOULD HAVE TOO..............
    LOVE THE HO STORY!!!!!!!!!!
    YOU ARE AHEAD OF ME!I have been out galavanting about NOT GETTING A THING DONE!

  16. Thanks for the smiles!!!! I can always count on you for that, my dear! Hope you are savoring the season! xoxoxo

  17. Darling, and hilarious, Christmas stories. I agree w/Sandy above, you always make me smile (and sometimes guffaw!). I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your blog. It is my favorite -- and I subscribe to many. Why? It's beautiful and I love your sense of humor and your great stories. Speaking of great, lucky Katherine the Great for having you as a friend. Marilyn in Mt. Vernon, VA

    1. Marilyn... thank you so much for your sweet words! My #2 goes to college in VA. What a gorgeous state! I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Mine's already great thanks to your kind words.

  18. The last time I laughed till it hurt was when I read your answer to question #1! That is my absolute favorite video of all time. Hope you are done with all your decorating - mine is still in progress but close to finish line. Have a great weekend!

  19. I second Marsha on the belly laugh, #1 inherited your wit. annie_g.


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