Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Room Reveal Kitchen

Happy Hump Day, dear friends!  Its raining cats and dogs here in cold Massachusetts.  House training is not quite as much fun in this kind of weather.  Doesn't bother Chowdah though.

This is one of my final room reveals.  It took a lot of blood, sweat, and aggravation but it was worth it. 

As you will see, we decided to go with the marble.  I really appreciated all your helpful comments.   

This is the former owners kitchen featured on realtor.com.

I took some of these pics the morning before the renovation began.

And now... our new bright kitchen.

We took down part of the wall leading to the pantry to make the kitchen look bigger.

We spoiled Chowdah with thousands of toys, and yet his favorite is chewing on all my throw rugs.

We took this pantry out and added a counter and cabinets.

The middle wall encased a chimney which we removed and added a glass cabinet.  We also took out the bookcase to give us more counter room.  

All the lighting fixtures are from The Enchanted Home.

Our new table was delivered early.  I know you're all dying to know where I got that gorgeous TV table. 

I used to write all my posts from my office.  But now this table has been designated as blog central because I have been working on house training with Mr. Chowdah.

We took this pantry out and added cabinetry.

I love the roll out shelving in this group of cabinets.  

That's it for the tour.  
Stay safe and dry in this crazy weather.

Happy Hump Day!

 (as in Tom)
Katy with a "y"s furbaby

Monday, April 28, 2014

Weekend With Sista

Last weekend was my birthday weekend.  There are two bad things that happened and one wonderful thing that happened.

Let's start with the first bad thing.  For the past 11 and a half months I thought I knew how old I was.  I find that when you get into this particular decade, 50's 40's, you start to forget how old you are.  I thought I was going to be a certain age on my birthday but it wasn't until recently that it was brought to my attention that I am actually a year older than I thought I was.  So instead of being in my middle 50's 40's, I am now in my late  latent middle 50's 40's.  

Thanks for the wake up call, Mister.  It will be another decade before I speak to you again!

Second bad thing.  

Engaged?  Really George?  And on my actual birthday?  
Obviously, you never got over the fact that I am taken.

Enough said.  
On with the good stuff...

Sista came up and spent a couple
 of days celebrating my birthday with me.  The Mister took us to lunch at the Rustic Kitchen which was positively wonderful.  If you live or visit the South Sho-wah, check this place out.  Great food and fabulous ambiance - and that's not just because Sista and I were there. 

My new way of posing for the camera since I went to the Katie  show and listened to Nigel whats-his-name from America's Top Model give instructions on how to pose for the camera.

Eat your heart out, George.

Obviously, Sista must have been listening too!  She's been using her Vitamin C serum, too!!

The Mister slaving in the kitchen to please his supermodel trophy wife on her birthday.  Btw... you can catch some glimpses of our new kitchen before I post my room reveal.

Sista pretending to work but really cruising Facebook.

Healthy apps so Sista and I can maintain our girlish figures.

A little young to be smoking, but we are very liberal parents.

His Mommy and Auntie are too much fun for Mr. Chowdah.

Our delicious dinner.

The next day, we spent most of it here.  Great deals and a wonderful sales staff in every store.  

Meanwhile, the Mister was in charge of this guy.

And played a whole lot with these guys.

I don't want to tell tales out of school, but I caught sista red handed trying to sneak a certain somebody into her suitcase.

Hope your day is filled with great buys and lots of love!!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Almighty Text

Happy Sunday, dear friends!  We have had a cold, rainy weekend here but we have sunshine in our hearts because we have our little Chowdah to keep us smiling.  He's still not completely housebroken but that's okay - it just makes life more interesting.

Who could get mad at this sweet little face?

Now on to the subject of this post... texting.  The Mister and I are the worst texters in the world.  Ask our girls.  We get very frustrated that our fingers will not move as quickly or in the right direction as we would like.  It takes us about 10 minutes to type a couple of sentences. Auto correct is a pain in the neck.  And for having the word correct in its name - it rarely is.  

The Mister has a rule when it comes to the almighty text.  He will text back twice and then he goes dark.  So the girls have learned that they better get all their whining for money over with in the first text.

You probably have seen these funny texts on Facebook.  If you have, move on to the next blog and have a great day.  If you haven't - prepare yourself for a chuckle.

The Mister and I are not ashamed to admit that we have used these tactics in the past.

Been there, done that.

Has anyone seen the episode of Modern Family where Phil thought WTF meant "why the face?"

I would be very curious to know what expression my girls have used the most in their young lives - lol or hashtag.  Could be a tie.

Again, been there, done that.

Thanks Lifebuzz for the great material.

Enjoy your Sunday!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


A couple of weeks ago, the Mister and I hopped into our preppy empty nester mobile and headed to Falmouth.  For those of you who are not from the East Coast, I am including a geography lesson in this post.  OK ... don't yawn yet.

We stopped in town and had lunch at an inn.  Falmouth is a quintessential charming New England town.  Not only does it have great shopping, you can also catch a ferry to Martha's Vineyard.  If you're a little more adventurous, whale watching is also available.  I would love to do that.  The season begins in the beginning of May.  Hopefully, it will be above 60 by then...

The town reminds me of a setting of  a romance novel.

We strolled into the Osborn & Rugh Gallery.   

It is owned by this lovely lady, Hillary Osborn and her husband, who is also an artist, Doug Rugh.

Hillary was so sweet.  She and her husband are so talented.  I loved everything in there.

Hillary's concentration is on landscapes and her husband's is on portraiture.

That painting of those beautiful little girls was done by Doug and is of their daughters a few years ago. 

Hillary was positively lovely.  If you ever go to Falmouth, stop in and meet her.  The paintings in her gallery are breathtaking.

We then took a stroll down the street and stopped into some cute shops.

The Mister eyed his next stop right away. 

Nobody loves cookies more than my Mister.

I wonder how many carbs this shop houses...

What town in Massachusetts doesn't have an Irish pub?

It would be kind of hard to eat in a Mexican restaurant anywhere else after living in Texas.  

And by the way, another fabulous Homegoods in Falmouth.

Happy Hump Day!

Mister Chowdah recharging.

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