Talbots Sweater Weather

Tuckernuck's Fall Fashions

Monday, March 31, 2014

Dining Al Fresco II

My view this AM.

Good morning, dear friends!! Here I go again - bitchin' complaining about the weather.  It has been cold, raw, and raining for the past 48 hours.  

The Mister and I did manage a trip to the Wrentham Outlets.  Guess who's idea that was.  What a great place!  They have Kate, Tory, and even RH.  Didn't do much damage though, it was too darn cold to try on Spring clothes. That made the Mister happy.

I talked to Sista and my #1 this morning.  Poor Sista called me from her car on her way to Bradley airport to catch a flight to sunny California for business.  She was stuck in traffic due to snow and a traffic accident.  There was no way we thought she would make it, but she did.  Go Sista!  Bring some sunshine back, Sista!

My #1 was on her way to a job interview (HALLELUJAH!!!) this morning, and she reported that it is 80 degrees and sunny in the great state of Texas.  Boy, do I miss that place! 

On with my Pinterest hopping.  I really enjoyed doing these posts.  Hmmm... I wonder why?! 

What I wouldn't do to be sitting at this table at this very minute...


I am in l-o-v-e with this photo.

Have I mentioned to you that I go into carb overload on miserable, cold days?  My wardrobe consists of over sized fleece tops sprinkled with cookie crumbs.  I also have been known to feature oreo creme on my upper lip.  
And I wonder why I haven't made any friends yet. 

Reminds me of Texas!

I could fit a full roll of Paper towels in my mom jean  pockets!

Great idea!  And then if you get mad at your table mate you can pick up a rock and throw it at them.  I think I'll email the Real Housewives producers on this one.

Don't know what I love more... the candles in the basket or the hydrangeas in the watering can.  Oh never mind.  The bottle of wine is my favorite.

If I lived here, I wouldn't want to be woken up either!

Who would think of using pine cones at any other time than the winter?  Love this.

Cute little preppy table.

Traditional Home

Tory Burch.com
Wish I could jump into this picture right now!!

Happy Monday!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Keeping Up With The Kennedys

A couple of Saturdays ago, the Mister and I woke up to a beautiful, crisp winter day.  We had a surprisingly small to-do list and no plans for the day.  

I then thought of my buddy, Susie B, and her post on Hyannis and the Kennedys.  Since the Cape was only 40 minutes away, we could take in some sightseeing and have a nice lunch, and if we happened to make a Kennedy sighting, all the better.  The Mister is always game for a road trip so we hopped into our empty nester mobile, turned on some cool tunes, and off we went!

There was some construction so it took us a little while to get there.  But what did we care?!?  We were crazy, carefree, preppy empty nesters!

The world is our oyster!!

We made some friends on the road while we were waiting to cross the bridge.  I asked him if he knows the Kennedys.  He told me he never heard of them. 

When the Mister asked me where I wanted to go on the Cape I told him Kennedy Country. So off to Hyannis we went.

There it is!!  The Compound!!  OK, maybe not the the Kennedy Compound, but close enough...

We enjoyed a fabulous lunch at this place.  It was buzzing with activity... but no Kennedys in the mix.

So off to the beach we went.  I saw some people down near the water.   Couldn't tell whether or not they were part of the Kennedy clan though.  I yelled "Ethel!!" but no one turned around.

The Mister is thinking... "the things I do for this #@%$$ blog!!"

The Massholes have a language of their own.  They also like their chowdah.

We drove around for awhile to see if we could find the real compound.  In our search, we saw some gorgeous homes along the way.

Unfortunately, the club was closed.  I know they would have let me in if I explained that I was in search of the Kennedy's. The Mister, however, said instead of admitting me to the club, they would call and have me committed to the loony bin.  See if I introduce him to my new Kennedy friends when I meet them!

Love this cute little gate.

At last, the Kennedy gallery!  No relation to the Kennedys, though.  We stopped in and browsed all the colorful prints of Robert E. Kennedy.  I fell in love with his work. And not just because of his last name, either. 

In an effort to get me in the car so we could get home so he could lay on the couch, the Mister bought me a print for my office.

Not so fast, Mister!  We have one more stop to make!  And boy, was it worth it.  If you are ever in Hyannis, make sure you stop by this little pebble in the sand.  It has great stuff!!!

So, I may not have had any Kennedy sightings, but I sure had a great time on the search!

Hope your day is warm and sunny!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Room Reveal - The Boudoir

This is one of my last Room Reveals.  I guess I'll have to tell the Mister that we have to move again.  Just kidding -- I would rather sit through a Keeping up with the Kardashians marathon than move again.  Excuse my strong words, but I want you to understand how serious I am.

  It took awhile for the bedroom to get finished but for us, it was worth the wait.  We love the paint color and very happy that we chose to go with shutters.  It makes a world of difference to the room.  

This is a picture of the bedroom when the former owners lived here.  During the 20 odd years that they lived in the house, they made many wonderful improvements.  The one that I appreciate the most is in the master bedroom. They knocked down a wall to a smaller bedroom to enlarge the master bedroom.

And now... drum roll please...

Our Preppy Little Love Nest!

Now, I can hear you out there in blogland. You're saying... hmmmmm... that color blue looks awfully familiar!  Isn't that the color that she used in her dining room?  Right, you are, blog buddies!!  It is the same blue because I can't get enough of it! and I'm not that creative.

I love my ginger jar prints. I bought them for my Texas house from The Pink Pagoda.   

I use the desk for applying my bucket load of "miracle age-defying" make up and my 10-gallon vat of wrinkle beauty cream. 
Also, I write some posts from there when I am too darn lazy to carry my big fat rear end up the stairs to Blog Central. 
It doesn't usually look that neat - just trying to make a good impression.

We got a great deal on this mirror from Wisteria.

The stove came with the house.  We've yet to use it.  What can I say... when you're hot - you're hot.

This is where I retire and read my book after a long, stressful, nail- biting day of blogging.

That's it, dear friends.
  Thank you for stopping by and taking a peek into our nest. 

Have a great weekend.

Yes, for anyone wondering, this is the Mister, moi, and Gypsy in our dreams...   

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