Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Saturday, February 15, 2014

Some More Potty Talk

Just like many of you, I am sitting here snowbound in my house.  The wea-thah people say that we on the "South Sho-ahh" will get hit the haah-dest.  We lucked out a few days ago, during the 38th storm of 2014 with only freezing rain.  The rest of the Boston area was plummeted with that nasty white stuff.  
Never thought that freezing rain would ever be considered a good thing.

The worst part of this storm for me is that I have been counting the minutes to this day.  The Mister and I were supposed to be leaving just about this time to pick up my #2 at Logan.  She has a week off for Winter Break.  But unfortunately, we got a call from our girl telling us that they cancelled her flight and re-scheduled it for Sunday.  
So, if I have to hijack a sleigh to Virginia, I will be with this girl tomorrow, God willing.

Can't wait to hug this little one.

Awkward segue...

This post will be all about pottys.  Lucky you.  I know I have bitched and moaned about how old the facilities are in this house.  I admit to the fact that I have been accused of exaggerating a little.  But as you will learn, I did not stretch the truth in this case.

Exhibit A:  I present one of the aforementioned commodes.

Not sure exactly what was used in "repairing" this throne.  My guess is Plaster of Paris or Crest.  I know y'all are green with envy over this gorgeous tile in #2's bathroom. 

When we moved in, the former owner's left a plunger next to each potty.  hmmm......

So anyway, last week I had to run out to get my nails done do errands and left my adopted kids, the painters, in charge.  I told them that I was expecting a VIP, the plumber, and some very special cargo.  I told them to let him in and DON'T LET HIM LEAVE under any circumstance.

An hour later, I drove into my driveway and I saw the most precious sight.  
My heart skipped a beat.  
No amount of Valentine's Day jewelry could match this excitement.

I bet our new neighbors were tickled pink that a classy couple like the Mister and me moved into their 'hood.

The plumber couldn't wait to tell me how old the equipment was.  He said that they were stamped with dates of installation.  The toilets were installed in 1920 and the sinks in 1922!!  
Holy Guacamole that's a lot of flushes!
So I guess I didn't exaggerate after all...

Stay dry and 
never take a flush for granted.


Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Katie, this is hilarious! I hope you and daughter-poo have connected by now. I went to school in Virginia and well know how the snow can be. Also, I've been in DC when the Potomac froze. Wow, what a tragedy that was. Gridlock X10. You home is going to be beautiful, so everything is worth the agony you're going through now. Sending love....

  2. Oh my word! Might as well be an outhouse in my book! LOL Praying you were able to connect with #2. We will be heading to Texas to see our #2 in a couple weeks, and then she will be home for Spring Break in March...praying the lovely weather we have been having lately will be long gone by then!!!

  3. Katie- What a wonderful bathroom....'HAHAHAHAHA- Sorry I lied! It will nice to have it done and just look at that wonderful EXTERIOR to that house. Gotta love the repairs the previous owners made. Imagine what their underwear looked like-no-nevermind-forget that!

    Hope your sweet girl makes it home tomorrow- xo Diana

    ps. Just wanted to tell you that I appreciate your comments and don't respond because you are a No Reply commenter...but hey- I love ya anyway~

  4. Okay....what I would like to know is why on earth are those toilets still there? I suppose they should have had a proper burial being almost a hundred years old and all.......
    Sweet #2 will get the Inaugural flush or two.....how fun running through the house flushing toilets...who would have thought. Have a wonderful week with your lovely girl. Have one for me.

  5. Oh wow! Holy toilets batman!!! This too shall pass, as mother would say to all the ups and downs. Hang in there and give that beautiful daughter a huge hug and the plumbing won't even matter then! Wishing you some sunshine!

  6. Hi Katie, where do you live? Of course you would be invited to the Valentine's party. I love to entertain. come on over....That is pretty amazing about how old the toilets are...I am sure you will make everything fabulous. Love the exterior of the home....

  7. Katie, I hope your daughter makes it home..darn weather! This was so funny and I can relate as we begin our journey doing the same thing. We are taking a smaller home to its knees ;) and then rebuilding .. taking it up a notch. When we walked through the empty, dark house with the builder yesterday, I felt my blood pressure go up.. so much to do and I always worry that it won't look right.. confidence (and $$$$) is what I need! Anyway, your place is coming along nicely and it will be fun to venture outside when the weather finally clears!

  8. Oh my god, you crack me up! I give you and the Mister a lot of credit being able to look beyond the Crest covered toilets and hospital green tiles to see the possibilities of your grand home. When your adopted kids - and their cousins, the plumbers - are done the finished project will be the perfect combination of old home charm and new fangled fixtures. Bliss!


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