Talbots Spring Essentials

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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

A Guest Post by Dude

Dude & Katie
about 5 years ago

I have had an annoying cough that had been hanging on for weeks. I saw a doctor who said it was a virus which has to run it's course. 

While on the phone with Katie the other day she noticed the cough ...At which point she said, " hey Dude, I can tell you how to get rid of that cough....before you go to bed, rub some Vick's Vaporub on the bottom of your feet , then sleep with your socks on." 

not my real feet

....SILENCE on my  end of the phone....I didn't want to say anything right away because I knew  the joke was on me....then I finally responded, " Am I on candid camera??? Am I about to be Punked??" Katie Clooney MD, said, "no, trust me it works....Google  it...." So I Googled it....there was internet buzz (pro and con) for this remedy. 

I decided to follow Katie's advice and I'm happy to report that it worked!!! No more cough!! 

Thanks for the endorsement, Dude.  My bill is in the mail.  By the way, I have since changed my profile picture on Facebook to this.

Dr. Katie at work.

Stay healthy everybody!


Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. My, Dr. Katie, how you have changed. No coughs for me yet this winter, but I will remember this little trick if I get one. Silly me, I always rubbed it on my chest :)


  2. I read that on someone's blog before the holidays. My youngest had the worst cough/ cold...so we gave it a try. Worked like a charm!!!

  3. Dr. Katie,
    You can now say you have a branch office in the Rio Grande Valley in South Texas.
    I rub Vicks everywhere while putting Mentholatum in my nose.
    That's too much information, isn't it?

    Glad you're better,

  4. I heard of that old wives tale.. wow, it works!! She is so funny!! Glad you are well!

  5. I have heard that myself - so it really works. I will try it! sandie

  6. Crazy how some old wives tales work. I have heard this before but never tried it. I definetly will next time. Glad you are better!

  7. That made me smile! My grandmother believed in Vicks as a fix-it-all!

  8. I've heard about this feet and sock thing but never knew anyone who had tried it. My mom and grandmother were big believers in Vicks. I hate the gooey stickiness of it but it does the trick! Glad that Dude is feeling better!


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