Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Thursday, February 6, 2014

Room Reveal brought to you by Gypsy

Hi everybody!  It's me again reporting in from the never-ending renovation.  I'm beginning to wonder if Mom has adopted the two guys who have been doing all the painting around here.  They are here every day.  I think the reason they've been hanging around is she bakes cookies for them.  I can tell they are starting to get on her nerves though.  They keep screwing up the Internet and security system.  Not to mention the fact that I have to live behind a gate in the laundry room because the painters say I "help" too much.

Before I do the Room Reveal, look who I spied out my window the other day.  Not sure what it is, but Mom oohed and aahed when she saw it.  Don't remember seeing any of these in my fenced yard in Texas.  Whatever it is, it seems to feel the same way about those stupid red flags as I do.

This is a picture of me on moving day.  At last!  windows I can actually see out of!!

On with the Room Reveal.  Mom told Dad that the sun room is her favorite room.  Dad likes to hear Mom say nice things about the house because it was all his idea to buy it.  Mom wanted a brand new house with shiny new potties and so every time something goes wrong with the house, Mom shakes her head and gives Dad a dirty look.  Poor Dad, I've gotten a few of those looks...

Mom has been dreaming about new potties for weeks. They're finally here.  It's so darn cold, I may learn how to use one!

The next two pics were taken when the last owners lived here.   


and here it is after Mom got her hands on it.  To tell the truth though, Dad picked out the furniture and Mom OKed it.  A good day for Dad.

Those are real apples, by the way.  I know this because I got in BIG trouble when I tried to grab one.  

I can't wait to curl up on this nice comfy chair.  I haven't had a chance though because Mom has been watching me very closely since I tried to swipe the apple.

Mom says she loves the ceiling.  Who cares about a silly ceiling?

Mom reads in here at night and drinks a glass or two of Mommy juice.

This is what it looks like today in the snow storm.  Mom says it looks pretty but "enough is enough."  She is ready for Spring and so am I! 

That's all for now, folks.  
Time for my nap.  
This blogging thing is exhausting!!
Checking out from home behind the gate.

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. What a pretty room - in my next house I will have a sunroom! Cute post :-)

  2. Absolutely love the side chairs!! Please share the manufacturer & details.

  3. Love Gypsy's point of view! You probably wrote exactly what she was thinking! Thanks for writing it all down for her. I also, love those chairs!!

  4. Ha...Gypsy is a riot!! Okay...so in love with that room AND the furnishings!!! I would sit in there for hours.

  5. LOVE your sunroom!!!! Now if you can just have some sun instead of snow! I absolutely love the red gingham side chairs...so classy looking but cozy too. I am sure you will spend many hours in your sunroom enjoying your beautiful view. I love your taste!

    Stay warm!!!

  6. Your sunroom is so pretty! Love the red and white checks, so cheery and fresh, and the red piping on the couch is fabulous! A great space! Elle

  7. Too cute, and that sunroom is amazing!! I love the windows, the lighting, the red and white is so crisp and cheery..you have done good Kate!! Just gorgeous:)

  8. That would be my favorite room too, Katie. Your husband did a great job of picking out the furniture. xo Laura

  9. Gypsy, tell your Mom that if the sun room looks this fabulous in the snow it's going to be a real knockout when the sun really does shine!

  10. Great Job! Love everything you picked out! Off to a great start! I too love new houses with everything shiny and clean, but they just don't compare with old houses that have so much character. From what you've shared, it looks as if your new home will be absolutely gorgeous when you're done with it. Barbara P from MA

  11. Katie,
    your snow er I mean sun room is gorgeous! Your hubby did a great job picking out the furniture, very cozy and comfy looking. I love red, (one of the colors I use a lot), it really warms up your room. the light those fabulous windows let in is amazing! Looks like you've got a great start on the renovations! Can't wait to see more!

  12. What a beautiful room! Gypsy will love sunning herself in there when the sun actually comes out again! Have a great weekend, my dear! xoxo

  13. Great job Gypsy! The sun-room looks lovely and I love the ceiling too.

  14. Beautiful! Love everything about this room!

  15. I love the red checks in the pretty sunroom and hope you get out from behind the gate very soon Gypsy!

  16. Gypsy is so cute Katie and I can tell she's full of personality. Your new home is coming along nicely, potties and all! The sun room is crisp and bright. I love the windows and the lighting and I too would enjoy spending time there:) As we prepare to make a move ourselves (ugh) I'm reading your recent blog posts and realizing I'll be dealing with a lot of this too. We will be taking a existing home down to the base and building up. It's going to be horrible.. but hopefully worth it when it's done.

  17. This is so darling Gypsy (I mean aka Katie!). Loved this post as told by a short little member of the family. You have done a fantastic job with the sun room. It's so light and airy. The snow is gorgeous but I'm sure you are getting sick of it. I lived in Michigan for 2 years and was over it for life.
    Happy weekend!

  18. Dear Gypsy,
    Just think of the fun stories you will be able to share once those two new friends (who carry paint brushes) leave you and your mom alone to enjoy the sun room.
    I can hardly wait to read your next post.
    Until then, have a great weekend and stay warm little buddy.

  19. Loving that bold preppy red check!! It looks fantastic! Gypsy takes the cake though!! Stay warm and drink wine!!!

  20. Poor Gypsy behind the gate. Won't it be nice when everything is done?

  21. That is a room I could live in forever! Such incredible light. And those ceilings!! Architectural Digest will be ringing your doorbell any minute! Excellent report, Gypsy! Your mom has a very talented staff of blog contributors!

  22. Hi from your newest follower! I love everything about your sunroom. I think the chairs and sofa are amazing!


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