Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Monday, February 17, 2014

An Itsy Bitsy Room Reveal

 I think everyone has a favorite room and not-so-favorite room in their house.  A couple of weeks ago, I did a Room Reveal on my favorite room in my house.  Today's post is on my least favorite room.  

We made an offer on this house before I even saw it in real life.  The Mister fell in love with this house on line the first day that we found out we were being transferred.  I was not quite as smitten, to say the least.  The house was pretty but it was really old and needed a lot of work and denero.

When the Mister arrived in Boston, our realtor showed him the house the first weekend in town.  He called and told me he was more in love than ever.  I asked him to look at some other houses -preferably ones that were built in the past 50 years.  He took my advice but his heart still belonged to this house.

I flew out from Texas a couple of weeks after our offer was accepted.  It was finally time to see my new home.

We met the seller's realtor, Betsy, at the house.  As we pulled up to the house, I, too, fell in love.  I could finally understand the Mister's passion.

We walked in the front door and Betsy closed it.  She began her tour opening the door to the left of the front door in the vestibule.  I assumed it was the coat closet.  Silly me.  To my surprise, it was the powder room.  I think Betsy saw my shock and said that in the old days it was customary for the powder room to be located right next to the front door, so the ladies could make a stop in there to check their make up and hair before entering a party.  Not so sure I believe this one, but I smiled, nodded, and proceeded to give the Mister my customary dirty look.

Not only does the location of the room bother me, the size is a challenge as well.  I subconsciously find I hold my stomach in when I'm in there so I can close the door.    

Front hall

In the vestibule.
  Love my light fixture from The Enchanted Home.

There it is.  5 steps away from being an out-house.

Before pics... torn wallpaper and icky tile.

The bane of my existence.

On to the Room Reveal...

I had this Thibaut wallpaper installed in my powder room in Texas six months before we were transferred.  I loved it so much I used it again.  We replaced the tile with beadboard. 

One of my favorite things.  Another beautiful light fixture from The Enchanted Home.

New potty and ...

new sink!.

I am still waiting for shutters that I ordered for the window. The floor is eventually going to be replaced.  The Mister just doesn't know it yet.  

The powder room may not be my favorite room in the house, but it's getting there. 

No more potty posts for awhile.  I promise.

Hope your week is filled with sunshine!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Oh my...if it weren't for the charm of the outside driving up the first time, I think I would have high-tailed it out of there if that had been the first thing I saw! LOL It is gorgeous however now!! Love the wallpaper. And, I am kinda glad you kept the floors (at least for now ;-)

  2. Beautiful house Cuz. May have to visit in warmer times, not leaving the warmth of Florida , lol.

  3. Beautiful! Does the Mister know how lucky he is to have you decorate for him?

  4. It looks grand, Katie. We had two old houses and the bathroom was right by the front door in one of them and right by the side door on the other one. My neighbors (historical neighborhood) the two houses next to me on either side-both had bathrooms right by the front door, too. When those houses were built there was no indoor plumbing so when that became popular they usually took a closet and turned it into a bathroom. They were ALL very small bathrooms...but convenient!;>) xo Diana

  5. Your home is just GORGEOUS! The entry hall is beautiful and I love what you have done with your "favorite least favorite" room. Thibaut is one of my favorite wallpaper and fabric designers, and your Thibaut wallpaper looks great with the bead board! Also love the light fixtures from Enchanted Home!

  6. Your home is quintessential New England and beautiful! I'm terrible at any kind of renovation (too many choices!!!) but am in awe of someone like you who can take a grand home of a certain age, keep all of her character and charm while updating as necessary. Your home will be a showplace when you are done! And hopefully will be a place you can settle in to for a long, long time!

  7. LOVE it! That historic charm and that red paper is just perfect for that space!! Love all the lighting from Tina too!

  8. love your new powder room. it is so dramatic! love, love, love.

  9. It looks gorgeous. Definitely not an outhouse. xo Laura

  10. It's beautiful! I absolutely love the bell jar lighting you chose! Did you go with the small or medium bell jar for the powder room? I have a similar area that I've been debating on which size to order.

  11. Your house is absolutely gorgeous; I can't wait to see what you do with it! In my opinion, the powder room is exactly where it should be - who wants it in the middle of the house? - and you've done a great job with yours. Congrats, Beth

  12. It looks great Katie and I like the bell jar from Tina! So funny about the floor .. and the Mr. doesn't know yet;) We all have our priorities right? Love seeing what you're doing!

  13. It looks great. Just keep plenty of pug inns in there:)

  14. I have seen guest baths off the foyer in newer homes too, so it's not that strange :-)
    It looks so pretty and fresh - I am going to add beadboard to my half bath update very soon.

  15. Fabulous job, but I still wouldn't use it until those shutters arrive! So shy!
    Can't wait to see more!

  16. Love that picture of your home and love what you've done in your powder room! Can understand why the Mr. fell in love with it! I'm sure it will be quite the showplace when you're done! Barbara P from MA

  17. Your house is stunning and quintessentially New England! The powder room looks fantastic!

  18. Love the wallpaper with the white beadboard...perfect combo! Elle


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