Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

An Uplifting Video for a Great Cause

Mom & Me
Mom did a lot of things well but dealing with little girl's hair was not one of them.  
I had a pixie til I was 12.  She told me pixies were cool. 

Twelve years ago, Sista and I lost our mother, Mary, to Breast Cancer.  Like many victims of cancer, she was the picture of health - maintained a healthy diet and and exercised every day.  It was a shock to all of us when she was diagnosed on a cold, grey day in January.  She fought hard but lost her battle twenty months later on October 8th.  

My #1 called me yesterday and mentioned her beau, Adorable Jonathon, worked very hard putting this video together to celebrate the courage of breast cancer survivors.  It was produced by TCU Frogs for the Cure with 2500 people and a song by Green River Ordinance.     

Enjoy your day.

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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  1. Oh my goodness, this is AMAZING and so empowering and super cretively done!!!! I think hes a keeper...what a great video for a most important cause. I am so sorry to hear of your mother, but happy that you are honoring her legacy about raising awareness, it is such an important subject to talk about. Well done to your number #1's beau!!!!

  2. Thinking of you as you remember your mom today and pay tribute to her through a video as well-done as this one!

  3. What an amazing video! Think on you as well today. What a wonderful way to honor the memory of your mother.

  4. I think MOM knew exactly what she was doing.....that pixie showed off your gorgeous eyes and beautiful face. Mom wanted everyone to see beautiful you. Your Mom was a TRUE beauty. So happy you had her so sad you lost her too soon. What an amazing video those kids produced. Wow the next generation is awesome.

  5. My best friend just went through a total double mastectomy in the last year, I am so sorry for your loss! I am due for my mammo on monday and I must say its always nerve wracking until you get the all clear, fingers crossed and thank you for such a wonderful video!

  6. I have tears in my eyes. This is so beautiful and moving. The line at the end that says "for ever person who is diagnosed with cancer, there is a mom, daughter, husband, brother, etc. whose life is changed forever" really got me. Painful but true. Thanks for sharing this with us. I'm heading to iTunes to download the song.


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