Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Monday, December 2, 2013

The Liebster Award

My friend, Mo, from the extraordinary blog, Mocadeaux, was kind enough to nominate me for the Liebster award. As the logo says, The Liebster Award is geared toward shining a light on new blogs. I guess this can be recently started blogs or even blogs that are new to you.  Mo composed the clever questions for the nominees.    

If you were being treated to a night out would you choose to go to a movie or to the theater?
    Definitely the theater!!!  I was a theater and dance major in college and loved every minute of it.

    I was ten years old when I attended my first Broadway show - Mame - with the incomparable Angela Lansbury and it is a memory that is indelible in my mind.


    A couple of years ago, we took our girls to NYC for a few days and were fortunate enough to see some great broadway shows -  A Chorus Line and The Phantom of the Opera.  But the biggest thrill of my life was seeing the great Patty LuPone in Gypsy.  I knew every song in each musical by heart and I had to bite my tongue not to sing along in the theater.  My family always gets a little annoyed when I get kicked out of places....  

    Wish my girls shared my passion for the theater - they were just so-so and very embarrassed when I was sobbing during Patti LuPone's standing ovations.

    Would you rather visit Alaska or Hawaii?

    Hawaii.  Not a moment's hesitation on this one - especially after spending a couple of weeks in Boston's frigid climate.  

    The Mister and I should look this good....

    What 3 words would your best friend use to describe you?

    My guess would be funny, loyal, and awkward.

    Ok... this isn't me - but it could have been.  My hair was not nearly as well behaved.  

    What was your favorite food as a child?

    Chocolate.  Still is and if you throw a little peanut butter in with it - I would be in heaven.

    What is your favorite genre of music?

    I still love James Taylor and Carly Simon.  I also have scores of Broadway shows on my iPod.  shocker! 

    Were you named after someone?

    My first name came straight out of the Baby Name book.

    My middle name is after my mother. This is a picture of my mother, Mary, during her modeling days.  Sista superimposed the martini in her hand.  
    If you're looking down from heaven, Mom - I DIDN'T DO IT!!!

    What is your very favorite dish at Thanksgiving dinner?

    I now have a new favorite.  Over the weekend I had the best dessert I have ever had.  And believe you me, I've had my share of desserts in my life.
    My new favorite dessert is a gingerbread cake served warm with gooey warm caramel sauce and homemade vanilla ice cream.  I get teary-eyed just thinking about it.  I found a recipe for it here.

    What one piece of advice would you give to a friend who wants to start blogging?

    *Never write a post if you don't feel like writing.

    *Use your own voice and your own style.  The best compliment I receive is when  friends tell me that when they read my blog, they  can actually hear my voice.  

    What is your favorite quote?

    My #2 has this as her screen saver.  

    What is the best book you read this year?

    Not only is this a beautifully written book, but it is very thought provoking.  I couldn't get the ending out of my head for days after I finished it.


    Thank you, Mo, for my nomination.  I will put together my own set of nominees and questions within the next few weeks.

    In the meantime...
    Stay Warm!

    Thank you, Ruth, for all your kind words and sweet photos.
    Preppy Empty Nester
    Preppy Empty Nester

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


    1. Too funny! I cannot think of a more deserving person who gives me a guaranteed daily laugh! We like so many of the same things from music to my beloved chocolate!! Fun Kate!

    2. YOU SAW PATTY LUPONE!! Oh my stars! When she did the show "Life goes on" and played Libby… and I got to see her on tv- even that was awesome to watch. Now I will have to go check out the book- sounds good if the ending stays with you like that!

    3. I am right there with you...ADORE BROADWAY and could sing show tunes all day long to the chagrin of my family!! I actually scored the lead in Mame for my high school, but unfortunately had to turn it down due to work obligations :-( That desert looks and sounds amazing. I love gingerbread this time of year. I will have to add that book to my Christmas List.

    4. My pleasure.........you would have been amazing on stage. You have this "STAGE" and I'm so happy to have found it!

    5. Katie dear~Congrats on the Liebster award. It's such fun to learn more about you, including leanings towards the stage and big hair. Super fun post! Stay warm!
      xx, Heather

    6. Great post, Katie. Congratulations on the Liebster award--your blog is a blast. Love your comments on show tunes, and I was wondering if you were a fan of 'Aspects of Love' because, well, it's MY favorite. Although I've never seen it, I'm in love with the music...

    7. This is fantastic! I love your humor - the pictures along with your answers made me laugh out loud (as your posts often do!). And, the quote is perfect - I need to write that down (or make it my screen saver!) xoxo

    8. Great job, Katie! Where in the world do you come up with the hilarious images that grace every one of your posts?!?! I love your advice for a new (or not so new) blogger. You absolutely live by that advice and the results are always warm and entertaining. Stay warm!


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