Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, November 29, 2013

Black Friday

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving, filled with delicious food and scintillating conversation.

We spent a very quiet holiday.  We went to see The Book Thief and then enjoyed a very quiet dinner at the hotel.  We were supposed to travel to Sista's in Connecticut, but unfortunately something came up so we stayed here.

I positively adored The Book Thief.  Usually, when I fall in love with a book, the movie is never as good.  Not in this case.  The screenplay was written beautifully and the casting was genius. 

Tomorrow, we are planning a "drive by" at the new very old house so #1 can see it in real life.  We close on the 16th - a mere week before Christmas.  This will be the second year that I will not be decorating because last year we were on a cruise. I do admit that I always loved the decorating part - it was the taking all of it down on a gloomy day in January that will not be missed.

Here are some pics from Thanksgiving.

Another pretty planter in Beantown.

I have spent most of my free time scrolling through every category of Christmas on Pinterest.  I am very thankful for many things this year, but I have to admit in my own shallow way, Pinterest is definitely one of them.

One of my favorite pins! 

Hope your Black Friday is full of great buys!

Gypsy in her new sweater, compliments of Sista.  
She enjoys the chilly weather about as much as me.


Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Enjoy your day in Boston! I start my decorating tomorrow - I do love doing it, but would rather be doing what you are doing this weekend - it sounds perfect for the holiday weekend :-)

  2. Glad you all had a wonderful day together as a family, that's what counts, right?!!! We put up our vintage white tree yesterday, it is always the first thing up. We will decorate today, or at least start. The girls are taking their Christmas pictures as well. Might be the last year I can get them together to get it done :-(

  3. Katie, you look fabulous! And, so does your doggie. I love Pinterest too, but love TUMBLR more. I've got a series going on over there tumblr/splenderosa. It's addictive. It's relaxing. It's beautiful. It's what every woman wants!

  4. Beautiful photos!! I read The Book Thief a few years ago and although I loved it, it was so tragic! I am not sure I could handle the movie but I may have to see it anyway! Have a wonderful weekend, Karolyn

  5. What beautiful photos, Katie. So glad your girls were with you. Have never heard of the Book Thief. Will have to look for it. xo Laura

  6. Wow, y'all already look like Easterners. How'd you shake the Texas dust off so quickly? It just struck me when you said Bean town that you will be able to shop at Maison Decor's shop ( http://maisondecor8.blogspot.com } Lucky you!

  7. Gorgeous Family......loved the How to Cook a Turkey.....also saw the BAR in the background of the photo. Coincidence I think not!

  8. Katie,
    sounds like you had a very enjoyable and relaxing holiday! You need to relax all you can, the madness will start on the 16th

    looks like you had a fun and relaxing holiday with your family, lovely photos of you all! Enjoy your time now, the madness will start on the 16th!

  9. Every year my daughter and I would spend Black Friday setting up our Christmas tree and decorating the house. The last couple of years we have not been together for Thanksgiving. The lack of a helper, along with the fact that we were not going to be home for Christmas, meant that I did not drag out the decorations at all. I'm looking forward to next year when we will hopefully rekindle the tradition. But you are right, there is no getting around the dreary and depressing task of taking down all the decorations! Can't wait to see all of your decorations next year! I just know you are gathering lots of beautiful inspiration on Pinterest!

  10. I loved the Book Thief book and have got to find out where the movie is running here! Gorgeous photos of your family, per usual! I am glad you all enjoyed your first holiday as official ambassadors of Texas.

  11. You know that I simply loved the book so now I will have to check out the movie!


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