Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Moving Days

Our bittersweet move is finally over.  

I'm really going to miss this room.  In my new home, the master bath is really, really old charming.

We were so fortunate to have such a team of professionals that packed and moved us.  They made sure that there were no nicks or marks on the walls and floors.

The gentleman from the moving company suggested I label every room with where it was going in the new house.  Sounds like a good idea... I'll let you know how it goes on the other end.

The first day that the movers were there we ran around doing last
minute errands.  

When we arrived home, the truck was missing with not a gentleman mover in sight. 

When we pulled into the garage we found this in our ceiling and a note attached to the door saying one of the guys stepped onto the unfinished part of the attic.  The team took their buddy to the Doctor.  Thank God, he was not hurt and reported to our house bright and early the next day.

Meanwhile, we had the new owner walk-thru in two days.  The relocation people were great about having it repaired and painted all in the nick of time! 

The last two evenings we spent in a beautiful hotel that remains close to our hearts in the Big D.

Our #1 and Adorable Jonathon joined us for dinner on our last night in Texas. 

The next morning, we reported to the airport a few hours before our flight.  Our 14 year old sweet doggie, Gypsy, was going to experience her first flight. I was very nervous because she was too big to be in the cabin with us.  I obtained a health certificate from the Vet and was confident that we had all we needed to fly with a pet.

And then we met American Airlines ticket agent, Holly.  Although the health certificate stated that Gypsy was healthy enough to fly with limited exposure to extreme temperatures, Holly said we needed additional paperwork stating that she could tolerate temperatures in the twenties.  This is only for loading and unloading purposes.  The area that Gypsy would be fly in and spend the majority of her time in is temperature controlled.  Holly told us we needed to have a letter from the Vet faxed within the next hour in order for her to board the plane.

Disclaimer:  Holly was not this cute.

We were in deep doo-doo, no pun intended.  Our vet's office did not open for 45 minutes.  After numerous calls and countless amounts of begging, the letter came through and Gypsy boarded the flight.  I worried myself sick that the poor thing would be nervous during this new experience.

Three and a half hours later, my Gypsy walked right out of the crate as cool as a cucumber. Meanwhile, I excused myself for the ladies room to apply a second coat of deodorant.

We spent our first weekend in our new chilly home state.  Sista and Sista's Mista came for a quick visit.

I have a feeling I'm going to like it here!

Hope you are all having a wonderful week!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. A big congrats to you..you did it. I know it must be bittersweet to leave "home" and set up shop in a brand new place..but something tells me its going to be a wonderful move. Plus your closer to your sis...a big plus! Crazy about Gypsy's story and the airlines..but glad it all worked out. What we do for our pooches...congrats and look forward to hearing all about your new digs!

  2. So glad you have that part of it behind you, and I think you and sista are going to get into a lot of trouble. Oops, I mean have a great time together. xo Laura

  3. So happy to hear that things went as well as they could have. Moving is always such a big deal but from TX to MA - that's huge!!!

  4. Good luck and best wishes an d you have a great attitude - if you think you will like it you will. sandie

  5. OMG! I cannot even imagine. And girlfriend, so glad Gypsy boarded the flight. I would not have left my pooch for nothing!!! Hope settling in goes a bit smoother!!

  6. You must be so excited to be close to sista...I am sure it was hard to leave Texas and your beautiful home that was full of so many wonderful memories. Looking forward to hearing about your new home!

  7. nothing like a little last minute trauma to keep you on your toes! When we moved into the house before last it had sailed thru the home inspection (new home) and we'd close one day and movers truck came and unpacked us next day. That night we went to take a much needed shower and found the plumbers forgot to run a hot water pipe from the water heater to the house. If we hadn't already started moving in, we would've rescinded the sale. So good luck and hope your move in goes smoothly.

  8. Hooray for you!!! An excellent team of movers can make all the difference, especially if they are packing all of your things. In general moves go more smoothly when a relo company is on the job. Isn't it wonderful how they just take care of everything?
    Funny story from our last move: when we arrived at our destination and the truck was being unloaded, one box came off the truck labeled "model oil derrick". Hmmmm... I was stumped. Opened the box - it was my 3 foot tall Eiffel Tower. We had a good laugh over that one!

  9. Oh my gosh - little gypsy! I can tell you are gone already. :o( I cannot wait to see pictures of the new place!

  10. Congratulations on a semi-uneventful move. I remember when we moved from Houston to Ohio.....I missed the master bath and the pool/spa the most. And the kitchen...and the shopping and our favorite places to eat. Le sigh. Boston is wonderful, so I know you'll 'bloom where you grow'. Looking forward to your new home photos. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving at the Homestead...you'll love it, if you haven't been.

    Warmly, Kathleen

  11. How nice you already were able to see your sister - you must feel like you are home :-)

  12. love the new title on the blog! Massachusetts is fantastic, I went to grad school there and my parents have a place on the cape.

    1. CT cupcake... Where have you been??? I love your blog but can't find it anymore:(

    2. I slacked off for awhile (ok I still sorta am) but I'm trying to update once or twice a week. BTW super jealous of your proximity to Cape Cod. It's a wicked far drive from VA.

  13. So great Gypsy arrived safely!! Whew- I may need to go check my deodorant too :) Hope you are acclimating and enjoying this new adventure!

  14. Welcome home to the East Coast! Hope your getting reacquainted and settling in to your new surroundings.


  15. As a former Texan now living in New Hampshire and Maine, I think you will love New England and its quality of life. Welcome.

  16. I would have been so worried about my doggies. So glad it worked out.

  17. The last minute of moving day is always the most critical one. Good thing everything went well. It’s a great move for you to hire professionals to help you in packing, by the way. The stress of packing and moving was somehow lessened, I assume.

    Clay @ WorldPackagingCo.com

  18. I wanted to thank you for this excellent read!! I definitely loved every little bit of it.


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