Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Some Catching Up

The past few days have been kind of crazy - getting ready for the move and some other things going on in my life.  I feel like I have not been the best blogger in the world because I have been so distracted.

The packers will be doing their thing on Friday and Monday,  loading on Tuesday, and the cleaners will be here on Wednesday.  Thursday morning we will be flying to our new home state, MA (I still cannot get the full spelling right).  We will stay a month in a hotel. We close on our new very old house a week before Christmas.  

Dear Santa,
Forget the gifts.  Just bring a box cutter and some elbow grease.


P.S.  The girls said this doesn't go for them. They are still expecting gifts.

If you want to believe that this is a pic of Santa and me, I won't deny it.

So I just sat down at my computer and couldn't think of anything to write so I checked my e-mail.  Lo and behold, my friend Ruth sent this to me and I got the biggest kick out of it.  I can always depend upon sweet Ruth to send me a cute note or a funny article.

So, thanks for saving the day, Ruth.  Now I can get back to packing and purging!  

If Dogs Worked in Offices...
















 Hope you're having a great day!

dogs sniffing
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Wow ! Mrs Claus!! Good luck with this move, I too have a very old home so if you need a shoulder when the charm wears off, I am here!! Only kidding, I love my old home and you will love yours!!

  2. Santa looks pretty happy. And your other pics didn't show up for me.

  3. Holy cow! I would be a total basket case in your shoes. Praying all goes well this weekend with the packing and then the move next week. I am headed your way on Friday for Mom's weekend. Can't wait to see the new homestead!!

  4. Wishing you well on your adventure..Sounds exciting! We hope to purchase a little ol' house when this one sells.. Take care!

  5. Good luck with the move....can't wait to se pictures of your new home! :O)

  6. For some reason your photos aren't showing up. Son't worry about blogging. You have your hands full, sweet friend. xo Laura

  7. Good luck with everything! Can't wait to see your new digs!!

  8. Good luck with the packers and movers. What a crazy time! Please be good to yourself and don't worry about the blog. We will be here when you have time (and internet service!) to share your stories. The good news is that I'm guessing your move will provide LOTS of stories! ;-)

  9. Somehow the pics are not coming up for me..but still enjoyed hearing whats new. So many good things! You sound very busy but is all very exciting too. Good luck and pace yourself....I was SO exhausted when we were moving, I thought I was going to collapse on some days, but the euphoria of finally moving saw me through it and kept me going. Best of luck!

  10. Thanks for the shout out, but no pictures. A month in a Hotel.......Ritz Carlton, Four Seasons ????? Do not worry about being AOL. We will have so many funny stories to read in the future. Moving making lemonade out of lemons.

  11. Good luck with everything...I will be thinking of you!!! The month in the hotel sounds about perfect to me!

    Have a lovely day! xoxo

  12. So exciting but I am sure it is overwhelming, too! I cannot wait to see pictures of the new house and hear about the first Christmas in it!


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