Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Some Shoppin' and A Little Beachin'

Last weekend, we spent some time and $$ investing in some retail therapy on my new home away from home, Newbury Street.  Since we are moving into the new house a week before Christmas, we decided to let our girls pick out a few things that they wanted under our imaginary tree.  Don't worry - we gave them a budget - this ain't our first rodeo.

There is so much charm to this city.

Popped into this little preppy store, In the Pink.

These darling ladies took great care of us. 

Kate Spade has a great shop, as well.

My favorite shop was definitely this one.

We then took a ride out to our new hometown to check out the beaches.

Can hardly wait to don my new mom-kini this summer.

Hope you're having a sunny week!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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  1. Looks very "New Englandy" Katie!! - Hope you are getting excited for that "new old home". Beach reminds me very much of Madison - you will love it in all four season :) Enjoy your new adventure.......

  2. I love an empty winter beach - you have so much to look forward to :-)

  3. As much as I am envying your living in a hotel (a dream of mine!), your new "hood" looks pretty amazing! The shopping in Boston is wonderful - I love how all the stores are in quaint buildings. I am thinking we should do a blogger meet-up in Beantown! Sorry I have been so MIA lately - I have been reading and enjoying all of your wonderful posts but I haven't had any time to comment. xoxo

  4. Meet you on Route 3.

  5. Wow looks like you are having fun! I love the beach shots during the winter, its dreamy! We had such fun being at the beach for Thanksgiving...its so serene and relaxing. I LOVE Newbury St! Boston is amazing...I think you are going to grow to love it in no time flat. Enjoy yourself Kate!!

  6. Boston is such a great place! The shopping is top notch on Newbury Street and I love that gallery too!

  7. Shopping on Newbury and moving to a sea-side New England town...I am so jealous!!!

  8. Fun! And, you are making me miss New England big time!!

  9. Looks like you have adjusted quite nicely. have a wonderful holiday season!!

  10. Looks like Duxbury!! :)

  11. oh the in the pink branch in chatham is my fave!


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