Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Monday, December 9, 2013

12 Days & My First Giveaway!!

Happy Monday!!  Below is a video of one of my favorite a cappella groups singing a collection of Christmas songs.

And now for the big news....

One of the first things I do when I find out that we are moving is have a 45 minute meltdown.  After I compose myself, the second thing that I do is look for a new return address stamp.

So, some weeks ago I sat down at my computer and found a shop on Etsy called Bella Snail Mail that sells the cutest stamps in the whole world!


I found that the hardest part of the project was actually choosing which stamp to order - they are all so darn cute!!

Well, anywho, my new friend Dee has offered to do a giveaway right here.  I am so excited - it is my first one!

All you have to do is "like" the Facebook pages of Bella Snail Mail and Preppy Empty Nester.  This one is mandatory.

Then, if you would like additional chances to enter just visit Bella Snail Mail and/or comment on my blog which stamp would be your choice.  You also can receive additional chances to win if you tweet about the giveaway.  And... you can receive one more entry if you follow BellaSnailMail on Twitter.

As a final note - these stamps were my "go to" Christmas gift for my friends and Maw-in-law a couple of years ago.  They were a big hit!

Good Luck!!!

Better hurry... 
giveaway ends Friday at midnight! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Katie, I love love love Straight No Chaser. I try to see them once a year. Now that you're in Massachusetts, you should have several opportunities too.

  2. I love these! I followed Bella Snail Mail on FB...already follow you! Thanks for this!!

    Have a lovely day and stay warm!! xoxo

  3. Love the monogram stamp 3200

  4. Goodness, these do look cute! Will have to go check them out :) Am always looking for cute ideas for gifts!

  5. I LOVE THESE SO MUCH! I love the "Katie James" one and the "Katherine Baxter" one on Facebook.

  6. Katie- I love those stamps AND I love Straight No Chaser, too. xo Diana

  7. So much fun listening to the singers. I don't do FB, but good luck to someone out there. You are so groovy with the clock and all. My little Katie is growing up.....so proud of you girl.

  8. I mean our little Katie....I was being overly possessive. LOL

  9. Hi Katie! All the styles are great, but I think my favorite is the Katherine Baxter 1100.

    Thanks for the giveaway.

  10. Hi Katie - my favorites are "mongram" #1040, and "hand calligraphy" #3200. Can't wait for the drawing !

  11. I can't believe I wasn't already following you on Facebook! Sorry about that but I'm on board now! The stamp I like is model 1100 but of course they are all very cool.
    Yet another thing we have in common is our love of a cappella groups. Thanks for sharing the video!

  12. I'm loving the "Monogram Stamp - 3200" It's so classy!

  13. I like the Multi-Color Custom stamp with the two colors and three initial monogram in the center. Very classic! I "liked" you both on FB.

  14. I love the Multi Color Custom Return Address Stamp - 2 Color Self Inking Custom Return Address Stamp – Monogram Stamp - 3200! :-) too cute, great giveaway!

  15. Heres my shameless comment...PICK ME!! I am a monogram freak:) That said i love the 3200 apparently like everyone else, very classic looking. Fingers crossed...hope your "moving in" is going swell!

  16. I love the calligraphy with the tulips. Please tell me that Spring is right around the corner.........

  17. Love the #3200 - will order these when we buy new house- empty nesters too, here on Long Island, NY

  18. OMGoodness... these are all so fabulous!! I loev the multicolored monogrammed stamp #3200!! Thank you bunches for the sweet chance!

  19. I love #3100 with the anchor!!! Its beautiful!


  20. It was hard to choose just one...but my fav today is Multi Color Custom Return Address Stamp - 2 Color Self Inking Custom Return Address Stamp – Monogram Stamp - 3200.....and I would probably give it to my newly engaged daughter and purchase one just like it for myself!

  21. I love these stamps! My favorite is a toss-up between these two:


  22. My favorite is the monogram with the anchor! All of them are adorable!


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