Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

A Senseless Tragedy

Every few years, you hear of a tragedy like this.  This morning, my #2 told me that there was a death on her college campus during the night.  No details, just an email from the Dean of Students breaking the news that the college had lost one of its most treasured students.

Later this morning, details began to appear slowly.  First, a condolence on Facebook, later another note from the Dean announcing the student's name and an abstract sketch of the dismal circumstances.   Little by little details emerged and the words appeared on the computer screen like cracks of lightning.  Automobile wreck - 10 students in one car - 3 hospitals - several injuries, and then, the final words - one death.  The words not mentioned because they are automatically assumed are every parent's nightmare.

I'm sure every one of those students have caring parents that have told them time and time again never to pile into a car.  I'm sure those students heard countless stories from their parents about people who met their death because they didn't fasten their seat belt.  I'm sure that the parents went hoarse from telling their children to always make sure their driver is sober. 

From the moment I heard about this devastating tragedy, I could not get it out of my thoughts.  I never had the pleasure of meeting any of the 10 students and yet my heart is heavy with sadness for them as well as their families.

If you have a minute today, say a prayer for a beautiful girl named Kelsey from Connecticut and nine other students and their families whose lives were changed forever on a dark road in Virginia in the early hours of December 3rd. 

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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  1. This breaks my heart. I can't imagine getting a call like that. Prayers for the families involved.

  2. Kate, this is heartbreaking. I will keep her and the family in my prayers, I really just cannot imagine the unspeakable grief they must be feeling. These tragedies are always so devastating but somehow when they happen around the holidays if possible I think it makes it even harder. I spend a lot of time preaching to me kids about loud music, driving slow, don't even look at that cell phone, make sure the seatbelt is on,etc...and I can only hope that my constant and unrelenting nagging will somehow some way get to them if for no other reason than to shut me up. I am so sorry to hear this horrible news.

    1. So sad! We can only pray for our own children as well as all the others that they stay safe and make good decisions.

  3. It difficult to read this ,because anyone will know the heartache their parents and friend will carry for a long long time. Prayers for the young woman will be sent. And for a short time all that knew these students will be more careful.

  4. A parents worst nightmare is the death of their child no matter what the age. The grief never goes away and life goes on, differently.

  5. This makes me so sad...It truly is a parent's worst nightmare. I am so sorry to hear this happened at your daughter's school and will be praying for the poor girl's family. And, hugs to you, because I know how hard it is when these things hit so close to home. xoxo

  6. I have tears in my eyes right now. Such a tragedy. And yes, they have all been told (more than a 100 times) by parent's what not to do. Mom and dad can't be with them always, always protecting them. It is SCARY!! My heart goes out to all involved. While 10 were in the car, 100s or more will be affected by what took place. Praying!!

  7. oh I saw this on the local news. In my former career, 2 of my students died while in college. So sad and so unexpected.

  8. My daughter drives down from Saratoga and I cross my fingers every time she leaves and hope that she makes good decisions when driving others.. its so sad and senseless and my heart goes out to those parents!

  9. I saw this on the news as well...can't even begin to imagine the pain and sorrow her family must be feeling. Will keep her family and all those involved in the accident in my prayers.

  10. Oh dear Lord. What a heartbreaking story. Every parent's nightmare. I will say a prayer for Kelsey and her family and for all the families involved. I just know you are wishing you could give your #2 a big hug today. Sending virtual hugs to you and to her.

  11. Katie I can tell how hard this has hit you. But remember that God has his hand in everything and we will never know why these tragedies happen. Just devastating for the families and loved ones especially now during Christmas. Hold tight Dear One.

  12. This is so hard. I will wear my knuckles off praying my children are not as stupid as I was growing up. I am glad you shared this so we can lift these families in prayer!

  13. May she rest in peace and I am praying for all involved. What a sad and totally unfortunate accident.


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